Saturday, October 31, 2020

Sawm -/ Fasting A pillar of Islam

 Sawm -/ Fasting  A pillar  of Islam.

 Sawm / fasting  A pillar of Islam .

 Sawm- the fasting  during  the month of Ramadan - is  the fourth  Pillar  of Islam . It was  in Madinah , in  the second  year of Hijrah , that fasting  was made  obligatory . Until  then the Muslims  were  commanded  by the prophet  peace be upon him  to keep  the fast of Ashura , on the tenth  of Muharram . When the fast  of  Ramadan  was instituted , that  of  Ashura , ceased  to be compulsory .

 The Arabic Word  Sawm:

 Sawm is an Arabic word .  It means  to keep away  from something . One who  fasts  keeps away  from eating  and drinking  throughout  the hours  of daylight .
 Above  all he keeps  away  from things shameful  and he turns  his back  on laying .

 Ramadan Passes  through all the seasons :

 Ramadan  does not  always  fall at same  time  of the year . In fact , it passes  through all the seasons . fasting may be  a little  difficult  if the month  falls  in summertime , when the days  are hotter  and longer . But true  Muslim fasts  in any season , obeying  the command  of Allah  . There  are Muslims  who  love  summertime fasting most .

 A few  virtues  and  benefits  of Fasting:

 The Quran commands  that during  the twenty  nine  or thirty  days  of Ramadan , the ninth  month  of the Islamic Calendar , Muslims must  fast so  that  they might  become  conscious  of Allah .
 Fasting  provides  and  exacting  exercise  in self- discipline  and it  strengthens  and deepens  our faith  . It honours  the memory  of the sending  down  of the Quran  which  took  place  in the holy month  of Ramadan .
 It makes  the faster  realize  through  his own experience , how  it feels  like to be  hungry  and thirsty , and thus  makes him appreciate  the needs of the poor.

 Our body  is composed  of bones , muscles  and blood , But  Allah  has given  us  a soul . We can think , feel  and decide  what is good and  what is bad / or evil .Man therefore,  is higher  than  animals  and the angles  as well . Heaven  is our  homeland , this earth  is a  place  of  trial  for us . Fasting  raises  us  above  our  self  and  provides  a spiritual  lift  up . It  liberates us from desires  and temptations.

 It is the rein  of the God -fearing ; that it is restrains  or controls  him as a rein  controls  a horse .
 Whoever  fasts  in the month of  Ramadan  out of Faith  and seeking  reward  of Allah will have  his past  sins forgiven ; and he who  passes  the laylatul - Qadr in prayer  out of  Faith  and seeking  His pleasure , will have his past  sins  forgiven .
 Fasting  is a  shield  against  sins , so the  faster should not  indulge  in shameful  talking ... and  surely  the breath  of  a faster  is pleasanter  to Allah  than the smell  of  Musk.

  When  to commence fasting :  

  Fasting  commences  with  the new moon  of Ramadan  and   ends  on the appearance  of the new moon  of Shawwal . The Holy Prophet  has said , Do not  fast  until  you see  the new moon  and do not  end fasting  until you see  it again , and if it is  cloudy , then complete  thirty days  of  Shaban . Another Hadith  gas  it , none of you  should  fast  one day or two days  just before Ramadan , except  in the case  of a man  who has been  in the habit  of observing  a particular  fast , for he may  fast on that day . This is  in order  not to mix  Fard  with Naafilah.

 Who is bound  to fast: 

 Only such people  are  bound  to fast  as are  full - grown and are  sane  and  Physically fit .
 Children , who have  not  come of age , are exempted  from  the  obligation  of fasting  but it is 
strongly  recommended  that you should  fast  quite  often to  habituate  yourselves  to fasting .

 Persons who may not  fast :

 The  following  may  relax  their  fast :
1.  Children , who have not yet  come  of  age .
2. The  insane .
3.  The  sick .
4. The travelling .
5.  Men  and women  who are   too old  or  feeble .
6.   Women  in the period  of menses , delivery  or feeding  a daby.
 But   It should be ,  however , remembered  that the  sick , travelling  , and the  women  who have been  delivered , are not  absolutely  exempted  from fasting ; they are required  to make  up  the lost days later  on , when the  sickness  is gone  or  when the journey ends.

 What  nullifies  the fast?

 The  word  for breaking  the fast  is  Iftar  , and the  thing  that break  a fast   are  called  Muftir { Sing - muftirah}
 The thing which  one must  abstain  from in  fasting  are  eating  and drinking  which if resorted  to intentionally , between  daybreak , and sunset , would break  the fast . If however , they are done  forgetfully , the fast  would  remain  and must  be  completed . But remember  well , breaking  a fast intentionally  before its time  is a serious sin.

 Rinsing  the  mouth  with water , using  a  miswak ; sniffing  water  into the  nostrils  taking  a bath or  pouring  water on the head  to relieve  the severity  of heat  and  thirst , using  perfumes , or  swallowing  one's  own saliva   do not break  the fast .

 A Guide  To fasting :

 1.Always  have a light  meal  before  coming  of the dawn , known as  ,,,suhur ,,, 
2. Break the fast  on time preferably with dates , ZamZam  or  with simple  water saying,
 3.  Do not eat  or drink  too much  after breaking  the fast  or at the time  of  suhur[ Dawn].
 4.  Recite  the Holy  Quran  during  day  and  night  as much as you can .
 5.  Offer Taravih  Perfectly .
6.  Seek inly  Allah's pleasure  out of fasting . 
7.  Keep yourselves  ritually  clean . 
8.  Observe  respect   of the month of Ramadan . If you are  not fasting  for some reason  do not eat or drink openly .
9. Ask Allah's blessing  particularly  at the time of the Iftat. ,, for it is   the time  when Allah accepts  Du'as.
 10. Do not ply  too much  during  the hours  of fasting . This will  tire  you . 
 11.  Do not indulge  in shameful  talking  A  Hadith  has it ,, Whoever does not  give up  lying and  acting  shamefully , Allah does not  stand  in need of his  giving up  food and  drink .
12.  Fasting  is a  shield , so  let the man  who fasts  no indulge  in any  foul  speech  or  do any  evil deed and if  anyone  fights  or picks  a quarrel  with him  or abuse  hi , let  him say : I am fasting ,,,,.
 13.  Above  all keep  it clearly  in mind  that the fast  loses  its value  not merely  by taking food  or drink  but also  by telling  lies , using  foul  speech , acting  shamefully  or doing  an evil  deed.

 Health Benefits  of fasting :

1.  fasting  helps  Weight loss :

Fasting can be a safe way to lose weight as many studies have shown that intermittent fasting – fasting that is controlled within a set number of hours – allows the body to burn through fat cells more effectively than just regular dieting.
Intermittent fasting allows the body to use fat as it’s primary source of energy instead of sugar. Many athletes now use fasting as means to hitting low body fat percentages for competitions.

2. Fasting  Improve s  Insulin  Sensitivity:

Fasting has shown to have a positive effect on insulin sensitivity, allowing you to tolerate carbohydrates (sugar) better than if you didn’t fast. A study showed that after periods of fasting, insulin becomes more effective in telling cells to take up glucose from blood.

3. Fasting  Speeds Up The  Metabolism.

Intermittent fasting gives your digestive system a rest, and this can energise your metabolism to burn through calories more efficiently. If your digestion is poor, this can effect your ability to metabolise food and burn fat. Intermittent fasts can regulate your digestion and promote healthy bowel function, thus improving your metabolic function.

 4. Fasting  Promotes Longevity.

Believe it or not, the less you eat the longer you will live. Studies have shown how the lifespan of people in certain cultures increased due to their diets.

However, we don’t need to live amongst a foreign community to reap the benefits of fasting. One of the primary effects of ageing is a slower metabolism, the younger your body is, the faster and more efficient your metabolism. The less you eat, the less toll it takes on your digestive system.

 5. Fasting Improves  Hunger .

Just think about this, can you actually experience real hunger if you eat a meal every 3-4 hours? Of course you can’t. In fact, to experience the true nature of hunger, this would take anything from 12 to even 24 hours.

Fasting helps to regulate the hormones in your body so that you experience what true hunger is. We know that obese individuals do not receive the correct signals to let them know they are full due excessive eating patterns.[6]

Think of fasting as a reset button: the longer you fast, the more your body can regulate itself to release the correct hormones, so that you can experience what real hunger is. Not to mention, when your hormones are working correctly, you get full quicker.

 6. Fasting  Improves Your Eating  Patterns .

Fasting can be a helpful practice for those who suffer with binge eating disorders, and for those who find it difficult to establish a correct eating pattern due to work and other priorities.

With intermittent fasting going all afternoon without a meal is okay and it can allow you to eat at a set time that fits your lifestyle. Also, for anyone who wants to prevent binge eating, you can establish a set time in where you allow yourself to eat your daily amount of calories in one sitting, and then not eat till the following day.

7. Fasting  Improves  Your Immune System.

Intermittent fasting improves the immune system because it reduces free radical damage, regulates inflammatory conditions in the body and starves off cancer cell formation.

In nature, when animals get sick they stop eating and instead focus on resting. This is a primal instinct to reduce stress on their internal system so their body can fight off infection. We humans are the only species who look for food when we are ill, even when we do not need it.

 8. Fasting  Contributes  To Self- Enlightenment .

Fasting has helped many people feel more connected to life during the practices reading, meditation, yoga and martial arts etc. With no food in the digestive system, this makes room for more energy in the body – the digestive is one of the most energy absorbing systems in the body.

Fasting for self-enlightenment allows us to feel better both consciously and physically. With a lighter body and a clearer mind we become more aware and grateful for the things around us.

9. Fasting  Helps Clear The Skin And Prevent  Acne .

Fasting can help clear the skin because with the body temporarily freed from digestion, it’s able to focus its regenerative energies on other systems.

Not eating anything for just one day has shown to help the body clean up the toxins and regulate the functioning of other organs of the body like liver, kidneys and other parts.

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 May  Allah protects us from all kinds of  evil  and bad deeds and  problems .


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Sadaqah And Zakah

 Sadaqah And Zakah.

 All the  favours we enjoy  in this world  are from  Allah :

 The Holy Quran  has mentioned  the story  of a  righteous man . Allah  dah given  a gift  of a vast  fruit  garden  to him . At the time of  Harvest , he used  to give  fruits  to the poor  and the needy  quite  generously . And he  continued  to enjoy  the blessing  of Allah . But  after the death of his  man , the garden  passed  into the hands of his  sons . Unlike  their father , they were greedy  and thought  that  it was foolish  to give  away  in  alms  a huge  measure  of fruits  to the beggars .

 When the  time  of the Harvest  arrived , they made  a secret plan . They decided  to pluck  all the fruits , leaving nothing  behinds at all, in the small  hours  of the night , before  the poor could  arrive  to ask  for their share . That night  they went to bed early  so that they  could  get up early . But while they  were still  asleep , a terrible disaster overlook the garden  by Allah 's  leave . It swept  away  the trees  and the fruits  and turned  the place into  a dark barren  piece  of land . Well before  the  coming of  dawn , the master of the garden  got up , and hastened  towards  the garden , warning  each  other  not to allow  a single  beggar  to enter . Allah  was watching  and hearing  them  talk . When they arrived  at their  orchard , they thought  they  had  probably  lost their  way  in the darkness . But the matter  was quite different . They had resolved to deprive  the poor  of their share  and Allah  had deprive  them  of their garden . A deep sorrow  seized  them  and they stood  wringing  their  hands . Finally  they said :  It may be  that  our sustainer  will grant  us  something  better instead . Truly  we  turn  to  our Lord { Wishing  for Good }
 All  the favours  we enjoy  in this world  are from  Allah. Allah has  made  this world  for us  but  nothing  belongs  to us . Allah  has  placed  all of us  In charge  of it .

 Every  act of kindness  is a  ' Sadaqah:

  The  Holy Prophet   peace be upon Him   has said  that for  every joint  of a person's  body  it is  obligatory  to often  a Sadaqah  {  the Charity } To  settle  a quarrel  between  two persons  justly  is a Sdaqah , to remove  a harmful  thing  is a Sadaqah , to comfort   the sorrowful  is a  Sadaqah , to giver  drink  to the charity  is a Sadaqah , In  fact , the word  Sadaqah  has a wealth  of meaning , it has many  and varied  interpretations . Zakah  is  usually  one fortieth  of a man's  riches , while Sadaqah  has no limits . Every act  of kindness  is a Sadaqah . Sadaqah could   be just  smiling  cheerfully  into someone's  face  counseling  the ignorant , building  a hospital , or  assisting  anyone .

  Allah wants us  to help  one  another : 

 A Hadith  of the prophet  has it :
 Allah will say  to someone  on the Day of Judgement ' O Son of Adam ,  I fell  ill  but  you did not  pay  a visit to me "
  The man will reply : How could  I have paid  a visit to you ? You are Lard of   the worlds "
 But  Allah will say : Did you not know  that  one my slaves  was ill ? Had you  gone  to see him , you would have , found me  by his side "
 Then Allah will say  again : O  son of Adam ,,  I asked you     to feed Me ,  but you refused  that to Me ; 
 The man will answer : How could  I  fed you ? You are  the sustainer  of the Worlds :
 But the reply  of Allah  to this  will  be : Did you not know  that one  of servants  had asked  for food  from you ? Did you not know  that if  you had  given  him food , you would   have found  it with Me ?

 Allah will again ask : O son Of Adam , I asked you for water  to drink  but  you did not give it to Me ;
 O lard  how  could I  have given  You water ? You  are the Lord of the Worlds . 
 But  Allah's  reply will be :   one of  my slaves  asked  for water  from you , but you  refused  it . had you given  him water , you would  have found it with Me "

 Sadaqah is  optional : while Zakah  is  obligatory :

 It should , however , be  remembered  that Sadaqah  is not  Obligatory  as zakah  is .
 Zakah is Obligatory , while Sadaqah  is optional . The Arabic word  zakah  contains  a wealth  of meaning . It is hard  to  interpret  it fully in English . It could , however , be translated  to mean ' purifying dues ' or legal  purifying alms ;  Unlike Sadaqah , the zakah  is binding  upon Riches  Muslims  only . It is one of  the five Pillars of  Islam . 
 It is obligatory  o every  rich  Muslim to pay Zakah  . It is important  duty . The Quran  commands  that he must  give  part of his wealth  kinsman , orphans , the needy , traveler , to those who  ask and  to set  the captives  free ; A rich  Muslim cannot be a true  Muslim  if he does not pay  Zakah .

 Zakah Purifies  the heart :

 Paying of Zakah  Purifies  the wealth ; paying  of Zakah  purifies  the heart . The  poor have a  right  in our  wealth  , which is given  to us  by Allah . Those who deny  them  this right  should  remember  the story  of the people  of the garden ; To deny  them  their right  is a sin.
  The amount  that  a rich Muslim  must give in  Zakah  is usually  2.5 percent  of his possessions  after he has paid  or set   a sum of money  aside  for  all his  necessary  debts  and obligations .

 Zakah  and Sadaqah are  companion :

 We have noted that  Sadaqah  is not  obligatory  but keep it clearly  in mind  that  a Muslim who forms  a habit  of offering  Sadaqah  finds  it easier  to pay  Zakah . A person  denies  small  kindness  progressively  comes  to deny  the share  of the poor  in his wealth . Refusing  small  kindness  is a disease  that rapidly  grows . Zakah and Sadakah  are , therefore , companions .

 Prophet  Muhammad  peace be upon Him  was the generous  of all . He never denied  anyone  anything . At the beginning  of his illness , before his death , the prophet had  in his house  seven dinars ; he  feared  he might die  while some money  still  lay  with him .
  He, therefore , commanded  hid relatives  ti give away  that money to  the poor .
 The most outstanding  quality  of Ayesha {R} , the wife of Prophet , was her generosity . Once she received  a sum of one hundred  thousand  dirhams . She  was  fasting  on that  day . She  gave away  every fils  of it  in alms .  Her mind  servants  wished  she had kept  something  for  herself  for breaking  the fast .  
 Ayasha  replied ;  you could have  told me then .
  Shaykh  Abdul   Qadir  Jilani   used to say  of himself . There  is a hoe  in my palm . Nothing  stays  in it . had I even  a  thousand  dirhams , they would be  spent  before the sun sets. 
 It is said  of Jalaluddin Rumi  that he  was  so generous  that he  never  buttoned  up  his cloak , so that  he might  find  it easier  to take it  off  if anyone  in need  asked him  for it .
 we come  across  examples  such as these  today also . 
 It will be sufficient  to tale only  one example  out of many , of  Shaykh  Abdul  Hasan  Ali  Nadwi .

 Abdul Hasan Ali Nadwi  was born  in the year  1914 { Muharram  6th  1333} at  RaiBereli {INDIA}. 
 He  was Rector  of Darul Uloom Nadwatul  Ulema , Lucknow , India , and  President of the  Academy    of islamic  Research  and Publications {India] and  a member of  Muslim World  League. he was a  scholar of International  repute  whose  works  have been  translated  into several  languages  of the world.
 In January  1980  Shaykh  Abdul  Hasan  was told that   he had won  the Faisal  Award . Shaykh  Abul  Hasan Ali  sent his  representative  to Riyadh  to receive  the award  . Do you know  what is the  Faisal  award ?  To it is to attached  to grant  value  in Islamic  World  as  is generally   given to the Npble Prize . The  Faisal  award is  a cash  sum of  SR 200,000/  A Gold  Medal  and merit  certificate . But  Shaykh  Abdul Hasan Ali   did not keep  the prize  for himself  . He gave it  away  to several  organisations  , Which  are  working  for Islam . He declared  that  a sum   of  SR 100,000/ be given  to the Afghan  refugees , SR 50,0000/ to  to the organisation   of the Memorisation  for the Holy Quran  started by  Yousuf Sethi . and  SR  50,000/ To Madrasah   Salwlatiyyah  at Makkah .

What types of wealth are included in Zakat?

 Assets that are included in the Zakat calculation are cash, shares, pensions, gold and silver, business goods and income from investment property. Personal items such as home, furniture, cars, food and clothing (unless used for business purposes) are not included.

When your wealth reaches the Nisaab amount in one lunar year you will be eligible to pay Zakat. Nisab is the cut-off amount. When the valuation of your personal wealth exceeds the Nisaab amount you will have to pay Zakat
To be eligible to receive zakat, the recipient must be poor and/or needy. A poor person is someone whose property, in excess of his basic requirements, does not reach the nisab threshold. The recipient must not belong to your immediate family; your spouse, children, parents and grandparents cannot receive your zakat.

In this way the system of Zakat increases the employment opportunities for the people and helps in poverty alleviation. This system provides economic security to the poor, the destitute and the needy. Maududi (1984) describes Zakat as: “It is a cooperative society, an insurance company, a provident fund of the Muslims.

It purifies your wealth as Allah says in the Qur'an: It keeps one away from sin and saves the giver from the moral ill arising from the love and greed of wealth. ThrougZakat, the poor are cared for; these include widows, orphans, the disabled, the needy and the destitute.

Zakat is a compulsory charity that every Muslim must pay and to help the poor people. ... The Zakat system helps to make sure the society's wealth circulation is in a fair and clean condition. Due to the wealth people must pay Zakat to the poor, the wealth will not become too rich whereas the poor will not become poorer.

  • Obeying God.
  • Helping a person acknowledge that everything comes from God on loan and that we do not really own anything ourselves. ...
  • Acknowledging that whether we are rich or poor is God's choice. ...
  • Learning self-discipline.
  • Zakah donations help Muslims to purify their souls by not being greedy. It is said that the giver of the money will receive a 'hundred-fold' back in the afterlife. This means that the giver of the money will receive back a hundred times what they gave as Zakah during their life.

Your generosity in giving Sadaqah has even enabled our teams to help unsponsored children and their families by mending their homes, ensuring communities have access to necessary medical services including sight-restoration surgeries to enable independent living.

Abu Kabshah al Anmari reported that the Prophet (saws) said: "I swear upon three (things) and ask you to memorize my words: 'Sadaqah (charity) given from a property never decreases it; a man who suffers injustice and is patient with it, Allah will grant him strength; a man who starts begging, Allah will cause him to be ..

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Health Benefits of Honey

 Health Benefits of  Honey.


  Honey is a  sweet  and  sticky  fluid  produced  by honey bees  from  the nectar  of flowers and  plants . Its  color , flavour  ,  thickness  and  aroma  vary  depending  on the flower or plant  from  which the bees  gather  the nectar. Bees ingest  the nectar  they collect  into their ' honey  stomach ; the nectar  is  regurgitated  and  dehydrated   repeatedly  until  it reaches  the  desired  quality  at which  stage  it is placed  by the honey bee into  a honeycomb  cell  where it  gradually  converts  into honey.




 Honey is  composed  of 95% sugars ,  fructose , glucose, sucrose and  maltose . It contains the  minerals  potassium , Sulphur,  calcium, chlorine , magnesium, iron , phosphorus , sodium, manganese  and silicon . It also contains  the vitamins ; Riboflavine  {B2}, Pyridoxine  {B6}, ascorbic  acid {c} Thiamine  {B1} ,niacin {B complex}, pantothenic acid  {B complex }


 Honey  contains  natural  acidity , the main one  being  gluconic   acid  and the others being  acetic , malic,  lactic ,maleic , citric, formic, butyric, pyroglutamic , succinic  and  oxalic  acid . It contains  small amounts  of proteins   which  depend  upon the amount  of pollen that  is  present . Amazingly  honey  also  contains  the  carbohydrates  dextrose ,  pollen, glycine , Calvenlase ,, mucilage , levcine and  tyrosine .

 So out of the five  main  nutritional  elements  that the  body needs  honey contains , vitamins , minerals , proteins  and  carbohydrates , { the fifth  element which it does not  contain is fat } . so it is  no surprise  that honey is  considered  a food .


 Medical Uses. 

 Honey has been  used  throughout  centuries  by many  nations .. The  ancient  Egyptians ,  Greeks ,  Chinese ,  Assyrians  and  Romans  used  it in  healing  and  as food . It is a  natural  antiseptic  which  prevents  infection  and  is an anti-bacterial  and  anti-fungal  agent . its properties  make  it far  superior  than  most  of the  antibiotics  prescribed  today . Ibn al  Qayyim  mentioned  that honey  is  a  food , a drink , a sweet , a remedy  a type  of  refreshment  and  an ointment  and  that there  is no  substance  that is more  beneficial . Since  the  medical  uses  of honey  are  many  for the  purpose  of brevity  we  will only  mention  some  of the  maladies  it is  most  commonly  used  for .

 * Colitis

 Polyphenols  contained  in honey act as an  antioxidant , these antioxidants  cab help reduce  the  damage  done  to the  colon in colitis .

* Burns , cuts and  wounds.

 The  antiseptic  and  antibacterial  properties  in honey  are  good  in treating  burns , skin ulcers , and  other  wounds .  It is  prevents  the growth of  bacteria  and  is  soothing  to the skin . It speeds  up the  healing  process  and  by regulation  the collagen  production it  minimise scars.

*Enuresis {Bed-wetting }

 Due  to its water holding  and sedative  properties  honey is  able to absorb large  amounts  of water and retain  it for  long  periods  of time . Hence making  it an excellent remedy  for  in voluntary  bed  wetting  especially  for children  since  it has  no side effects .

 * Skin care . 

 Honey  is an  essential  ingredient in  skincare  products . It can be  mixed  with other   ingredients 
 to treat  acne ,abscesses , and  other skin  conditions . It can also  be mixed  with  other  ingredients to make  facial masks , facial toners , facial creams  and  moisturizers . It is known to delay  the  appearance  of wrinkles when utilised  daily  in one of the above  mentioned forms .

 Studies  suggest  that honey  may  increase  the population  of probiotic  bacteria  in the gut  which can help  strenghthen  the immune  system, lower  cholesterol , prevent colon  cancer  and improve  digestion. 
 *Gastroenteritis :  A clinical  study  where  patients  were  given a bland  diet  and ml  of honey  three times  a day  proved  to be an  effective remedy  for 66% of the patients , it relieved  a further  17% and  correction  anaemia  in  50%.
 *Gastric Ulcers : Studies prove  that  honey  reduces  the secretion  of gastric  acids . Furthermore  honey as a dietary  supplement has  treated  gastric  ulcers  with an 80% recovery  rate  on tests  carried  out on 600 gastric  ulcer  patients  in 1987. 
 Additionally ,radiological  examination  indicated  that the  ulcers  had disappeared  in 59% of the patients.
 *Diabetes : Studies carried out  in 1985  and 1988  suggest  that honey  can be used  as a  sweetener  in type  2 diabetes  since  honey has no acute  hyperglycaemic  effect.
 *Oral health :  Due to its antibacterial  properties  honey can aid in  treating  mouth  ulcers , gum disease  and other  areas  of oral health . The honey  Research  Unit  in the university  of waikato , Hamilton , New  Zealand  has written  about  the potential  of honey for  therapeutic  usage  in dentistry .

 Treatments using  Honey.

 The  most effective  way to take  honey is by oral consumption ;however  it is applied  topically  depending  on the  malady  that is  used  for. I  will  mention  a few  of the ways  honey can be applied .

General health: Take one teaspoons 2-3 times  a day .
Burns, cuts, wounds , bruises and lacerations : - apply  topically  or directly  on the place  effected .
 To bring  lustre  to thr face :- mix equal  parts  of olive  oil , honey  and  almond oil[this can  be stored 
 in a jar].
 Apply the mixture  to the face  and leave  for 15 to 20  minutes  before  washing  off.
To prevent  Bed  wetting .  The child[or patient ] should  empty  their bladder and then take  one spoon of honey  before going  to sleep.
* To rejuvenate hair.-  Mix  1/2 cup of honey  and 1/4 of a cup  of olive oil. massage  into  the  scalp . this  will  get the nutrients  into the roots of the  hair, leave for 30 minutes  to an hour  and then wash off.
 *Cough- 4 table  spoons of honey , one table  spoon dry singer  powder, and one  table  spoon lemon juice  are  uniformly  mixed and use  one table spoon of this  mixture  for 2-4 times a day . for small  coughs use one tea  spoon  of equivalent  mixture of honey and  onion  extracts  3-4 times a day .
 *Constipation :- Consume  a spoon  of honey  with  a cup cold milk  at night . Medication  can be  continued  if   constipation persists  Strengthening   of heart : Boil 2 spoon  honey and   one spoon  of  pomegranate bark paste in half cup of water  and consume  3 times a day  after  cooling  it down . Care should be taken  ton to consume  anything  which  may weaken  the heart  nerves  or  cholesterol  increasing  oils  and  not  to smoke .
*Urinary bladder  Diseases .- Boil  2 table  spoon  of kalonji  oil  in one cup of water  till it is  reduced  to half  cup. Add  this  mixture  to half glass  boiled  water  and half  cup honey  and  consume  it two times  a day  for two weeks . If problem persists , continue  use.
* Premature  Ejaculation :- Add  one spoon of  singer  power  in half  cup of honey  and consume  about  quarter  of cup of this  mixture  2 hours  before sleep . Effective  when used  continuously for  4 weeks or more .
 * Nervous  Disorder :-  Add 3  teaspoons of apple  surkha [ made from  apple juice } to one  cup of honey  and  consume  2 table  spoon of the mixture  before  sleep .If the subject  does not  sleep in an hour  consume  the  mixture  at same  quantity  again . Natural sleep can be  attained  after  some  days  of medication .
 *Fever :- Mix  powdered  Spanish cherry[ elengi , Mimusops elengi} bark  to half cup honey  and  consume  one  spoon of mixture  with  boiled  water for  4-5 times  a day .
* Diabetes :- Consume  one teaspoon  of honey  empty  stomach  and at night  before  sleep  daily . Care  should  be taken not  to  eat sweets  and  rice  foods . Note  the sugar  level  before  taking  honey  and after three days  of medication , if the sugar level  reduces , then  only  continue  the medication  till sugar level drops to normal. 
 * Fire  burns  :- Apply  a paste  of honey  mixed  with white  of a chicken  egg . In case  of  higher  degrees of burns  dip the  affected  part  in the  paste  or keep  pouring   continuously .
* Sleeplessness :-  Consume  tow  spoons  of honey  with cold  milk   an hour before sleep  and  bath in  cold water  in morning . Sleeplessness  will cure  in one or two weeks .
* Obesity :-  Drink  one  glass of black  tea after  consuming  one table  spoon of honey  in empty  stomach .

* Cautions: 

 Sometimes  honey  can be  contaminated  with the  spores  of  bacteria  that can  cause  infant  Botulism { a very rare  but  fatal infection where  the spores  produce  toxins  in the  intestines , after  the age  of one , children develop a  defence  against  the spores }. For this reason  as a  warning  and to reduce  the risk ,  it is  advised  that children  under the  age of 12 months  should not be  given honey .  Other than this,  honey has  no  known  side  effects  ......


 Polyphenols  contained  in honey  act  as an  antioxidant , these  antioxidants  

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Who are Muslims?

  Who are Muslims?

 Who Are Muslims?

 The  Arabic  word " Muslim " literally  means  " someone  who is in  a state  of Islam  { submission to the will  and law  of Allah}. The  message  of Islam is meant  for the entire  world , and  anyone  who accepts  this Message  becomes  a Muslim . there a over  a billion  Muslims worldwide . Muslim represent  the  majority  population  in fifty six  countries . Many people  are  surprised  to  know  that  the  majority  of  Muslims are not  Arab. Even though  most Arab are Muslims , there are  Arabs  who are  Christians , Jews,  and  atheists. Only 20 percent  of the World's  1.2 billion  Muslims come from  Arab  countries . There significant  Muslim populations in India , china , Central  Asian  Republics , Russian , Europe,  and America . Is one  just  takes a look  at the various  people who live  in the Muslim world - from Nigeria  to  Bosnia  and  from Morocco to Indonesia - it is easy  enough  to see that Muslim  some from all different races ,  ethnic  groups, cultures  and  nationalities . Islam has always  been  a universal  message for all people. Islam is the second  largest  religion in the world  and  will soon  be  the second  largest  religion in America . Yet ,  few  people know  what Islam is .

 The  Beginning  :

 Islam came  to reform  human society . It came  to  encourage  the  good  from  form the other  revealed  books  and  to  discourage  and  modify  the  bad  that people  were  doing .

 Why  we  need  Islam :

* To  secure  consistency  and  rationality  in  logical  thought .
* Through  worshiping  Allah ,  life  becomes  meaningful  and most Important  of all , purposeful.
* To equalize  all humans  and  races .
* To further our knowledge  and  scientific  progress . Islam encourages  and even  urges  its  followers  to learn , read , write  and  do research . 
* To emphasize  all  aspects  of good manners  such  as  honesty , telling the truth , charity , co-operation  and  modesty . 
* To emphasize  contentment , being  satisfied  with yourself . The prophet  Muhammad  Peace be upon him  said  the  real richness  is the  richness of the soul ; hard work , the  prophet  peace be upon him  urges  the  believer to work  and  not depend  on others. The prophet  Muhammad  peace be upon him  said , if you go up  the mountain  to  collect  some  wood , this  is better  than begging . Security is  a basic  need  of human beings  and Islam  provides  this .  When you know  that Allah  is merciful  and guides  and  protects  those  who believe in Him , you feel secure . 
* Islam gives  us  a real  piece  of  mind  because  it guides  us in every day life .  In Islam the right  is clear  and there   is no  compromise . Islam does  not  include  contradictions . Each order  in  Islam serves  others  orders  in superb  harmony .
* family  protection ; Islam gives  priority  to the  safety  of the family  because  Islam takes  the family  to be  the best  social  unit  that secures  the physical  and  psychological  needs  of parents  and  children .
* Prayer  and  Psychological  health ; prayer  in Islam  serves  as a symbol of  submission  to Allah  and  food  for our souls . Prayer  kills  anxiety , excessive  worrying , hypocrisy,  reinforces  belief , strengthens  and  waters  faith.

 The  purpose  of Islam;

 Islam is  a complete way  of life  that governs  all facets of life, moral , spiritual , political , economical , intellectual  Etc.
 It establishes  peace  and  order  and  creates  a very strong  ethical  and  spiritual  society  on  earth .
 The , religion" and way  of life " is to brings  the human beings  back to the natural  state  that is  originally  created in ; that of humanity , piety  peace  and  submission.
 Islam's  purpose  is to save  mankind  from the  anguish  of this world  and  the here - after. 
 Islam calls  people away from the  worship of ' creation ' and  the  concept  of monotheism  uniting  us  all  under  one Allah .

 The Benefits .

 Islam provides  many benefits  for the  individual  and the society  these  four  benefits  are the  main one gained  through Islam .

 *1. The  door  to eternal  paradise . 

 The holy Quran has said ' And give good news { O Muhammad  peace be upon Him  to those  who  believe  and do good deeds  that they will have  gardens [ Paradise ]  in which  rivers flow.

 the prophet    Muhammad  peace be upon Him  has said  that  the lowest  in rank among  the  dwellers  of  paradise  will have  ten times the like  of this  world , and  he or she  will have  whatever  he or she  desires  and ten times like it .

 If you enter paradise , you will live  a very  happy life  without  any  sickness , pain , sadness  or  death .
 Allah  will be pleased  with you and  you will live  there  forever .

 *2. Salvation  from Hellfire .

 This life is  the only  chance  to win  paradise  and  to escape  from Hellfire , because  if someone  dies  in disbelief  he will not have  a chance  to come back  to this world  to believe .

 *3. Real Happiness and  inner peace.

 real happiness and  peace can be found  in submitting  to the command  and will of Allah, the  Creator  
 and the sustainer  of this world . 
 On the  other hand , the one  who turns  away  from the Quran  will have a life  of hardship  in this  world .
 This is  an explanation  of why many  people  commit  suicide  as they  turn  to  materials  and  money for comfort .
 Money  is  something  that cannot  buy happiness  or inner  peace . it is only  gained  through Islam.
 Look at  Cat Stevens { Yusuf Islam } He used  to  earn $150,000 in one night  performing , after  turning  to Islam, he  found true  happiness  and  peace , which he  had  not found  in material  success.

  *4. Forgiveness  for all  previous  sins .

 When reverting  to Islam , Allah  forgives  all of  your previous  sins and evil  deeds . 
 After converting  to Islam , the person  will be  rewarded  for his or her  good and bad deeds. 
 It is said  by the prophet  Muhammad peace be  upon him .
 Allah  who  is blessed  and exalted , is most  Merciful . if someone  intends  tom do a good  deed but  does not  do it , a good deed is recorded  for  him , and  if he does do it [ a reward  of ] ten to seven  hundred  or many  more times [ the reward  of the good deed], will be recorded  for him , and if someone  intends  to do a bad deed but  does not to do it, a good deed will be recorded  for him and  if he does do it , a bad deed will be  recorded  against  him or Allah may will wipe it out .

 The Results;

 The results  are  pretty  obvious . You get self satisfaction  and  your life  changes for the better .
  You  gain  inner  peace  and  happiness  that on  other  thing  on earth can give you.
 A ticket  to Paradise  is there for you  and  not to mention keeping  you away from Hellfire .

  Through wudu [ Ablution ] and prayer you are  continuously  clean and  your health  and physical  being  are pretty much always  well .
 You  are constantly  in touch  with Allah and  your soul  is fed .
 You are  at peace  with yourself....

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Essential Beliefs of Islam.

 The Essential Beliefs of Islam. And Islamic Worship.

  There are  many  aspects  of  belief  in which one  who adheres  to Islam must have  firm  conviction . From those  aspects , the  most  important  are  six,  know  as the  " Six Articles  of  Belief ".

 1} Belief in God.

  Islam  upholds  strict  monotheism  and  belief  in  God  forms  the  heart  of their  faith. Islam teaches  belief  in one  God  who  neither  gives  birth nor  was born  Himself , and has no  share in  His caretaking  of the world . he alone  gives  life , causes death,  brings good , causes affliction, and  provides  sustenance  for  His creation  . God in Islam is  the sole  creator , Lord , Sustainer , Ruler , Judge , and  savior  of the universe . He has no equal in His  Qualities  and  abilities , such as  knowledge  and power   all worship , veneration  and homage  is to be  directed  to God  and  none else . Any breach  of these  concepts  negates  the basis of Islam .

2} Belief  In  the Angles .

 Adherents to  Islam  must believe  in the unseen  world  as mentioned  in the Quran . From  this  world  are  the angles ,  emissaries  of God , each assigned  with  a specific task . They  have  no free  will  or ability  to disobey , it is  their  very nature  to be God's  faithful  servants . Angles  are not  to be  taken as demigods  or  objects of praise  or  veneration , they are  mere  servants  of God  obeying  His  every command .

 3} Belief in the Prophets  and  Messengers .

 Islam is  a universal  and inclusive  religion .  Muslims believe in the prophets, not Just  the  prophets  Muhammad may the mercy and blessings of God  be upon Him , but the Hebrew  prophets , including  Abraham , and  Moses , as well as  the prophets  of the  New Treatment , Jesus  and John  the   Baptist . Islam teaches  God did not  send  prophets  Jews and  Christians  alone  rather  He sent prophets  to all nations  in the world  one central  message : worship  God  alone . Muslim must believe  in  all prophets  sent by God  mentioned in the Quran , without making  any distinction between  them . Muhammad  peace be upon Him  was sent  with the final message , and  there  is no prophet to come  after Him . His message  is final and  eternal , and  through him God completed  His message  to Humanity.

4} Belief  in the  Sacred Texts.

 Muslims believe  in all books  that God  has sent  down  to humanity  through  His Prophets . These books  include  the books  of Abraham , the Torah  of Moses , The  Psalms  of David , and the  Gospel  of Jesus  Christ . These books  all had  the same  source  {GOD}, the same message , and all were  revealed  in truth. This does not mean  that they have been preserved  in truth. Muslims  {and many other Jewish and  Christian  scholars  and  historian } find that the books in existence today are not  the original  scripture , which in fact  have been lost , changed , and or  translated over and over  again , losing  the original Message .

 As Christians view  the New Testament  to fulfill  and complete  the Old Testament , Muslims believe  that the  Prophet Muhammad Peace  be upon Him  received revelation  from God  through  the angel Gabriel  to correct human  error  that had  entered into the  scripture  and  doctrine  of Judaism ,Christianity  and all other  religions .  This  revelations  is the  Quran , revealed  in the   Arabic language , and  found  today  in its pristine  from . It seeks  to guide mankind  in  all walks  of  life  ,spiritual , temporal , individual  and collective . It  contains  directions  for the  conduct of life ,relates  stories  and  parables  , describes  the  attributes  of God , and speaks of  the  best  rules  to  govern social  life . It has  directions   for  everybody , every place , for all time . Millions of people  today  have memorized   the Quran, and all  copies of the Quran  found today  and in the past  are identical  . God has promised  that He will guard  the Quran  from change  until  the end  of times , so that Guidance  be clear  to humanity  and the message  of all the prophets  be available  for those  who seek it 

 5} Belief in  life after  Death.

 Muslims believe  that a day  will came  when all of  creation  will  perish  and  resurrected  in order  to  be  judged  for  their deeds .  The day  of Judgement . On this day, all will gather  in the  presence  of  God   and each  individual  will be questioned   about their life  in the world  and how  they lived  it . Those who held  correct  belief with  righteous  deeds  will enter Paradise , even though  they may  pay for some  of their  sins  in  Hell  if God out  of His  Infinite  Justice  chooses  not to forgive  them . As  for those  who fell  into  polytheism , never  to  leave  therefrom .

 6} Belief  in the  Divine  Decree.

 Islam asserts  that  God  has  full  power  and  knowledge  of all things, and  that nothing happens  except by  His will  and  with His full knowledge . What is known as Divine  decree , fate , or  destiny " is known in Arabic  as a -Qadr . The destiny  of every creature  is already  known to God .
 This belief  however  does not  contradict  with   the idea  of man's  free will to choose  his course  of action . God  does  not  force  us to do anything , we  can  choose  whether  to obey  or disobey  Him. Our  choice  is known to  God  before  we even do it . We do not  know  what our destiny is , but  God  knows   the  fate  of all things .
 Therefore , we should  have  firm faith that  whatever  befalls us , it is  according  to God's  will and  with His  full knowledge . there  may be  things  that happen in this world  that we do not  understand , but  we  should  trust  that God  has  wisdom  in all things .

 Islamic Worship.

 There are five  simple  but  essential  observances  that  all  practicing  Muslims  accept  and  follow . These pillars  of  Islam " represent  the  core  that unites  all Muslims.

 1} The  Declaration  of Faith.

  A  Muslim  is one  who testifies  that " none  deserves  worship but  Allah, and Muhammad peace  be upon Him  is final  messenger of Allah  . This declaration  is  known  as the  Sahadah { witness , testimony }.
 Allah is the Arabic name  for God , just as  Yahweh  is  the  Hebrew name  for  God . By  making  this simple  proclamation  one becomes  a Muslim  . The proclamation  affirms   Islam's  absolute  belief  in the oneness  of God , His exclusive  right to be  worshipped , as well as  the  doctrine  that  associating  anything  else  with God  is the  one  unforgivable  sin as we   read in the Quran.
 God does not forgive anyone  associating  something  with Him , while  He does  forgive  whomever  He  wishes  to for anything  else . Anyone  who gives  God  partners has  invented  as awful Sin .

 The second part   of testimony  of  faith states  that  Muhammad , may  the mercy and blessing  of  Allah  be upon Him , is a prophet  of God  like  Abraham, Moses and Jesus  before Him . Muhammad Brought  the last  and final   revelation . In accepting  Muhammad  peace be upon him  as the seal of the  prophets " Muslims believe  that his  prophecy  confirms  and fulfills  all of the  revealed  messages  , beginning  with  Adam's . In addition  Muhammad peace be upon him  serves  as the role  model  through  his exemplary  life .  A believer's effort to follow  Muhammad's  peace be upon Him  example  reflects  the  emphasis of Islam  on practice  and  action .

 2] The prayer  { Salah}

 Muslims  worship  five time a  day : at  daybreak, moon -mid  afternoon , sunset , and evening , It helps  keep believers  mindful  of God  in the stress  of work  and family . It resets  the spiritual  focus , reaffirms  total dependence  on God ,  and puts  worldly  concerns  within  the  perspective  of the last judgment  and the afterlife . The prayers   consist  of standing , bowing , kneeling  putting  the  forehead  on the ground , and sitting . The prayer is  a means  in which  a relationship  between  God  and His creations  is maintained . It includes  recitation  from the holy Quran , Praises  of  God , prayers  for forgiveness  and other various  supplications . The prayer is  an  expression  of submission , humanity , and adoration  of God . Prayer  can be  offered  in any  clean  place , alone  or together , in mosque  or at home , at work  or   on the road , indoors or out . It is  preferable  to pray with others as one body united in the worship  of God , demonstrating  discipline ,brotherhood , equality , and  solidarity, As they pray  Muslims face Mecca, the  holy  city  centered  around the  kaaba - the house  of   God  built by  Abraham and  his son  Ishmael.

 3} The  Compulsory  Charity  { Zakat}        

  In Islam,  the  true   owner  of  everything  is God , not  man . People  are  given wealth  as a trust  from God . Zakah is  worship  and thanksgiving  to God  by supporting  the poor , and through it one's wealth  is   purified .. It requires an annual  contribution  of  2.5 percent  of an individual's wealth and  assets . Therefore , zakah   is not mere "charity "it is  an obligation  on those  who have  received  their  wealth from God  to meet  the  needs  of less fortunate  members  of the community . Zakah is used  to support  the poor  and  the  needy , help those  in  debt , and  in olden  times , to free slave .

 4]  The Fast of  Ramadan  {Sawm} 

 Ramadan is  the  ninth  month of  the Islamic  Lunar  calendar  which is spent  in fasting . Healthy  Muslims abstain  from dawn  to sunset  from  food ,  drink, and sexual activity   fasting  develops  spirituality , dependence  upon  God , and  brings  identification  with the  less fortunate . A special  evening prayer  is also held  mosque  in which recitations of the Quran  are heard . Families  rise  before dawn  to take  their first  meal  of the day  to sustain  them till sunset .  The major  Islamic  celebrations  , the feast  of the braking  of the   fast , Called  the Eid  Al -  Fitr , which is  marked  by  joyfulness , family  visits , and  exchanging  of gifts .

 5} The fifth pillar is  the  Pilgrimage  or Hajj to Mecca .

  At least  once in  a lifetime , every  adult  Muslim who is  physically  and  financially  able  is required  to  sacrifice  time , wealth , status, and  ordinary  comforts  of life  to make  the Hajj  pilgrimage  putting himself  totally at God's  service .  Every year  over two million  believers  from a  diversity  of cultures  and languages  travel  from all over the  world  to the sacred  city of Mecca  to respond  to God's call .

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