Thursday, October 22, 2020

Who are Muslims?

  Who are Muslims?

 Who Are Muslims?

 The  Arabic  word " Muslim " literally  means  " someone  who is in  a state  of Islam  { submission to the will  and law  of Allah}. The  message  of Islam is meant  for the entire  world , and  anyone  who accepts  this Message  becomes  a Muslim . there a over  a billion  Muslims worldwide . Muslim represent  the  majority  population  in fifty six  countries . Many people  are  surprised  to  know  that  the  majority  of  Muslims are not  Arab. Even though  most Arab are Muslims , there are  Arabs  who are  Christians , Jews,  and  atheists. Only 20 percent  of the World's  1.2 billion  Muslims come from  Arab  countries . There significant  Muslim populations in India , china , Central  Asian  Republics , Russian , Europe,  and America . Is one  just  takes a look  at the various  people who live  in the Muslim world - from Nigeria  to  Bosnia  and  from Morocco to Indonesia - it is easy  enough  to see that Muslim  some from all different races ,  ethnic  groups, cultures  and  nationalities . Islam has always  been  a universal  message for all people. Islam is the second  largest  religion in the world  and  will soon  be  the second  largest  religion in America . Yet ,  few  people know  what Islam is .

 The  Beginning  :

 Islam came  to reform  human society . It came  to  encourage  the  good  from  form the other  revealed  books  and  to  discourage  and  modify  the  bad  that people  were  doing .

 Why  we  need  Islam :

* To  secure  consistency  and  rationality  in  logical  thought .
* Through  worshiping  Allah ,  life  becomes  meaningful  and most Important  of all , purposeful.
* To equalize  all humans  and  races .
* To further our knowledge  and  scientific  progress . Islam encourages  and even  urges  its  followers  to learn , read , write  and  do research . 
* To emphasize  all  aspects  of good manners  such  as  honesty , telling the truth , charity , co-operation  and  modesty . 
* To emphasize  contentment , being  satisfied  with yourself . The prophet  Muhammad  Peace be upon him  said  the  real richness  is the  richness of the soul ; hard work , the  prophet  peace be upon him  urges  the  believer to work  and  not depend  on others. The prophet  Muhammad  peace be upon him  said , if you go up  the mountain  to  collect  some  wood , this  is better  than begging . Security is  a basic  need  of human beings  and Islam  provides  this .  When you know  that Allah  is merciful  and guides  and  protects  those  who believe in Him , you feel secure . 
* Islam gives  us  a real  piece  of  mind  because  it guides  us in every day life .  In Islam the right  is clear  and there   is no  compromise . Islam does  not  include  contradictions . Each order  in  Islam serves  others  orders  in superb  harmony .
* family  protection ; Islam gives  priority  to the  safety  of the family  because  Islam takes  the family  to be  the best  social  unit  that secures  the physical  and  psychological  needs  of parents  and  children .
* Prayer  and  Psychological  health ; prayer  in Islam  serves  as a symbol of  submission  to Allah  and  food  for our souls . Prayer  kills  anxiety , excessive  worrying , hypocrisy,  reinforces  belief , strengthens  and  waters  faith.

 The  purpose  of Islam;

 Islam is  a complete way  of life  that governs  all facets of life, moral , spiritual , political , economical , intellectual  Etc.
 It establishes  peace  and  order  and  creates  a very strong  ethical  and  spiritual  society  on  earth .
 The , religion" and way  of life " is to brings  the human beings  back to the natural  state  that is  originally  created in ; that of humanity , piety  peace  and  submission.
 Islam's  purpose  is to save  mankind  from the  anguish  of this world  and  the here - after. 
 Islam calls  people away from the  worship of ' creation ' and  the  concept  of monotheism  uniting  us  all  under  one Allah .

 The Benefits .

 Islam provides  many benefits  for the  individual  and the society  these  four  benefits  are the  main one gained  through Islam .

 *1. The  door  to eternal  paradise . 

 The holy Quran has said ' And give good news { O Muhammad  peace be upon Him  to those  who  believe  and do good deeds  that they will have  gardens [ Paradise ]  in which  rivers flow.

 the prophet    Muhammad  peace be upon Him  has said  that  the lowest  in rank among  the  dwellers  of  paradise  will have  ten times the like  of this  world , and  he or she  will have  whatever  he or she  desires  and ten times like it .

 If you enter paradise , you will live  a very  happy life  without  any  sickness , pain , sadness  or  death .
 Allah  will be pleased  with you and  you will live  there  forever .

 *2. Salvation  from Hellfire .

 This life is  the only  chance  to win  paradise  and  to escape  from Hellfire , because  if someone  dies  in disbelief  he will not have  a chance  to come back  to this world  to believe .

 *3. Real Happiness and  inner peace.

 real happiness and  peace can be found  in submitting  to the command  and will of Allah, the  Creator  
 and the sustainer  of this world . 
 On the  other hand , the one  who turns  away  from the Quran  will have a life  of hardship  in this  world .
 This is  an explanation  of why many  people  commit  suicide  as they  turn  to  materials  and  money for comfort .
 Money  is  something  that cannot  buy happiness  or inner  peace . it is only  gained  through Islam.
 Look at  Cat Stevens { Yusuf Islam } He used  to  earn $150,000 in one night  performing , after  turning  to Islam, he  found true  happiness  and  peace , which he  had  not found  in material  success.

  *4. Forgiveness  for all  previous  sins .

 When reverting  to Islam , Allah  forgives  all of  your previous  sins and evil  deeds . 
 After converting  to Islam , the person  will be  rewarded  for his or her  good and bad deeds. 
 It is said  by the prophet  Muhammad peace be  upon him .
 Allah  who  is blessed  and exalted , is most  Merciful . if someone  intends  tom do a good  deed but  does not  do it , a good deed is recorded  for  him , and  if he does do it [ a reward  of ] ten to seven  hundred  or many  more times [ the reward  of the good deed], will be recorded  for him , and if someone  intends  to do a bad deed but  does not to do it, a good deed will be recorded  for him and  if he does do it , a bad deed will be  recorded  against  him or Allah may will wipe it out .

 The Results;

 The results  are  pretty  obvious . You get self satisfaction  and  your life  changes for the better .
  You  gain  inner  peace  and  happiness  that on  other  thing  on earth can give you.
 A ticket  to Paradise  is there for you  and  not to mention keeping  you away from Hellfire .

  Through wudu [ Ablution ] and prayer you are  continuously  clean and  your health  and physical  being  are pretty much always  well .
 You  are constantly  in touch  with Allah and  your soul  is fed .
 You are  at peace  with yourself....

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