Sunday, November 1, 2020

Black { Kalonji} Seed

 Black { Kalonji} Seed.

 Description .

 Nigella  Sativa  commonly  known  as  the  blackseed  or  black  cumin  originates  from  the  western  Asia . It is also known  as Habbatul  Sawdha { blackseed} or  Habbatul  barakah { Blessed  seed } in the  Arabic  language . The blackseed  is a natural  herb  from the  Ranunculacea [ buttercup ] family  which comes  from  Western  Asia  and  has  also been  cultivated  in Africa , Middle  East , Far east, Mediterranean  basin and  parts  of  Europe.
 The plant can  grow  between  16-24 inches  in height  and  presents  white  flowers  wherein  the  nigella  sativa can be  found . These blackseeds  grow between  3mm  in  length  and are  a rectangular shape . When  rubbed  together  they release  a strong aromatic  scent  which resembles  that of oregano  and the  crunchy  textured seeds  have  a strong  spicy /peppery  flavour  with a  slight bitterness.

 Islamic  Evidence :

 The one who  is  fully  aware of the  affairs  of  His creation decreed  that trials and  tribulations would  affect us , and from these  trials  are some  which  may affect  our  health  and  wellbeing . Therefore  from his  bounty  He made  for every      ailment  a cure  and from these cures  He made  the blackseed .  This is  supported  by the prophetic  narration on the  authority  of  Abu Hurairah  that  the prophet  peace be upon him  said "  Use the blackseed , because  it contains  a cure  for every type of  ailment  except  Death . 


 Blackseed  contains  over  100  valuable  nutrients  and  chemical  components . From its  most  affective  ingredients  is the nigella  and melatin  which are  active  ingredients  that provide  digestive  benefits , promote cleansing  and  assist  with overall  eliminating  action . It also  contains Nillegone   and  Thymoquinone  which are  two  of the most volatile oils  found  in the  seeds . Nigellone  offers  anti-spasmodic  and  bronchodilating  properties  and also  acts  as an antihistamine  which helps  to reduce negative  symptoms  of  allergy  sufferers  and  Thymoquinone contains  anti-inflammatory ,analgesic properties  and  acts  as an  anti  oxidant  which helps  clean the body  from toxins . Together  they  enhance  the black  seeds  affect against  respiratory  ailments .
 The seeds have  a rich  supply  of  polyunsaturated  fatty  acids , a source  of 21% protein , 38% carbohydrates  and  35%  plant  fats  and  Oils . And  from the Vitamins  and  minerals , it contains  vitamin  A, B, B2,C. Niacin , Calcium , potassium ,  Iron,  Zinc, Magnesium . and selenium . 
 Other significant  ingredients  include :  alanine ,  arginine ,  ascorbic - acid ,  asparagine , campesterol , carvone , cymene , cystine , dehydroascorbic - acid , eicosadienoic - acid , glucose , glutamic ,- acid , glycine , iron, isoleucine ,  linolenic  acid ,  lipase , lysine , myristic -acid , nigellin , nigellone , palmitic - acid , phenylalanine , potassium , beta-sitosterol, stearic  acid ,  stigmasterol ,  tannin , thymohydroquinone ,  and  tryptophan.

 Medical  Uses Of  Kalonji[ Blackseed]:

 Blackseed  has been  for over 1400 years , and in recent  centuries  increasing  numbers  of  research  have been undertaken  to investigate  its properties . Since  1959 more than 200 studies  were undertaken  at verious  international  universities  and many articles  published  in support  of the vast  healing  properties  and superb  affects  of blackseed  on the immune  system  as well as  its  assistance  in helping  the bodies own healing  process.

*** Research  carried out  by the  Cancer  Immune -Biology  Laboratory  of south  Carolina  stated  that black  Cumin  Oil[ black seed]  generally  helps  stimulate  the  production of bone  narrow  and  cells  of the immune  system . It  increases  the production  of  interferon  protects  normal  cells  from from the damaging  effects  of viral  disease , destroys tumour  cells  and  increase  the numbers  of  antibody  producing  B cells.

***  Due  to  its  constituent  Nigellone which  offers both  anti - spasmodic  and bronchodilating  properties , blackseed  is  strong  against respiratory  ailments.

*** Studies  carried out  o rats by the  department  of biochemistry  at the  Goziosmanpasa  University  Medical facility  in Tokat, Turkey  concluded  that N  sativa  [ nigella sativa]  may protect brain and medulla  spinalis tissues  against  oxidative  stress  induced  by  EAE[ experimental  autoimmune  encephalomyelitis ]

*** Blackseed  is an  anti-oxidant thus  helps  cleanse  the body  of toxins . It  contains  immense  benefits  for the body  and is  used  as a  remedy  to treat  wide range  of  ailments  such as  skin  disorder ,allergies , illnesses , infections , conditions  related  to respiratory  health  digestive  system kidney  and liver  function , circulatory  and immune  system  as well as  support  and  assist the general being . It has  been effective  in stimulating  the body and  its energy  through  treating  sexual  impotency , stimulating ,women's menstrual cycle  and flow  of breast  milk  and  calming  the  nervous  system . Its properties  have made  it a successful remedy  for treating  common problems  such as  fatigue , asthma  and  bronchial  problems , black pains ,eczema ,  arthritis , diabetes  disorders flu , and muscular pains   congestion, hair  loss, headaches , dry coughs , colic pains , skin  allergies  toothaches  and  ulcer.

***  The rich  supply  of polyunsaturated  fatty  acid  found  in the blackseed   plays  a key  role  in daily  health  and  wellbeing . It helps  regulate  the metabolism  and the  cholesterol , eliminates  toxins  from the body , improves the  blood circulation , balances  insulin  level  and  increases  healthier  liver function .

**** Through vast  research  and recent  studies  it has been  discovered  that blackseed  acts  as  an  anti- biotic , anti- bacteria ,  antifungal ,  anti- parasitic , anti inflammatory , anti- viral , anti cancer , anti -asthmatic,  antitumor,  anti- histaminic,  anti-hypertensive ,  hypoglycaemic , and anti- bronchial , and immune boosting  agent.

 These  medical  studies  attest to the  truthfulness of the statement  of the  Messenger  of Allah , Muhammad  peace be upon him  that  within  the blackseed  is a cure  for  every  disease.

 Treatments  using  Kalonji  oil, and related  Products :

 The black seed  can be used  in various  medical formulas  to cure numerous  aliments . from its usage is a list  below of simple  remedies  for  common  nuisances  and illnesses , bear in mind  that an  alternative  formula  can be used  to achieves similar  results  [ as are  found  in various  books  on the blackseed ]

*** Curing  dandruff-

 Crush  blackseed m with  vinegar  and apply  to the  sculp  this  should  relieve  the aliment[ for acne  mix  the blackseed  with  a little  vinegar  to form a paste  and  apply  to the  affected  region .

 *** Improve memory -

 Take a teaspoon  of blacked  oil  with  a glass  of pure  orange  juice  every morning  for a period  of  ten days .

 Backache  and  muscular pains-

 Mildly  heat a  little  black  seed  oil  and then  massage  into the affected  area  alternatively  powder  equal  quantities  of  asparagus  seeds , black cumin ,  fenugreek and  caraway. Take  1/4 teaspoon  of powder  every morning  with a glass  of water .


*** Sleeping  disorder.

 Mix a teaspoon  of black seed  with some honey  and water  and drink  before  retiring  to bed .

***   Asthma and  bronchial  and  respiratory problems:-

 Mix  a teaspoon  of blackseed  oil in coffee , and  take  twice  a day .  Also  rub the  chest  with blackseed  every night  and  inhale  the  vapour  of blackseed  in hot water.

 *** Hair loss-

 Massage  lemon  juice  into  the  hair  and  leave  for  15-20 minutes , wash out  thoroughly  with  shampoo , then apply  black seed  oil  into  the  sculp  and  continue  for  a  period  of 20 days .

 Eye Infection, pain and  weak  sight :-

 Apply  the oil  around  the eyes   and  on the  eyelids  before  retiring  to bed , and take 1/2 a teaspoon  of  blackseed  oil mixed  with carrot  juice , for  weak  sight  continue  this  treatment  until there is improvement .

**** Flu and  basal congestion -

 Insert  four drops  of black seed into each  nostrils  to  relieve  from nasal  congestion  and  head  cold  distress.


 Toothache and gum:-

 Cook some black seeds  in  vinegar then  add black oil . Rinse  the  mouth  with  this  combination  to ease  toothache  and help gums [ or  even  simpler  mix  a half  a teaspoon of a black seed  oil  with warm water  and  gargle  in the  mouth , apply  oil  on the affected  tooth for  quick relief.

 Healthy  complexion:

 Mix  black seed  oil  with an equal  amount  of olive  oil , massage  into the face  and leave  for  an hour , then  wash out  with soap  and water.

 Grind  together  equal  amounts of  blackseed  and watercress [ or  mustard  seed  as an  alternative ] with  its  amount  of  pomegranate  peal and  fumitory . Take 1/2 a  teaspoon  of the mixture  together  with a teaspoon  of black seed  oil daily  before  breakfast , continue  treatment  for a period  of  one  month .

 Increase  in  flow  of  breast  milk-

 Mix together  250 grams of blackseed  with 250 grams  of pure honey , stir  and  take  one tablespoon  with  blackseed  oil  twice  a day .

 Vomiting :-

 Take  half  a teaspoon  of fresh ginger  juice  mixed  with equal  amount  of blackseed  oil ,  twice  a day . 

 Brain Fever:-

 Allow the vapors  of Kalonji Oil  to enter  the  body through  breath. Take  one  lemon juice  and  half  teaspoon  kalonji  oil  and use  for 3 days . From fourth day, half teaspoon  kalonji oil  in one  cup of Decoction  twice  a day .

 Blood Pressure :-

 In any hot drink  Tea / Coffee and  half teaspoon  Kalonji  oil  and  use  this mixture  twice  a day . Also  eat two cloves  of garlic daily .

 Bleeding  related  Diseases  of Woman:-

 White discharge  etc. Put  half  bunch of mint  pudina  in two cups  of water  and  reduce  it to one cup by heating  it . Add  two spoon  powder  of  misree  +1/2 spoon  Kalonji  oil yakes  this  mixture  before breakfast .  Treatment  may  continue for 40 days .
 Take one glass grape   juice  add  half  teaspoon  Kalonji  oil and use  thrice  a day  once  in the morning  before  the breakfast . after  the lunch , and  dinner  Take  one KG . Wheat  flour, mix together , make bread [Roti} or Daliya  of  Harira  and give to the  patient . Treatment  may continue  for forty  days , Avoid  Potato, Arvee, Brinjal  and  Ambaba  vegetable.


 Take  one cup  warm  water , add two spoon  of honey  mix  with half  tea  spoon Kalonji  oil and  use this  mixture  twice day once in the evening  after  dinner . Treatment  may continue  for two  weeks . Avoid  cold  stuff  items .

Ear Diseases:-

Heat  one  teaspoon  kalonji  Oil with one spoonful  of Olive  Oil  and let  it cool. Put two drops of mixture  at  bed time , you will get immediate relief.

 Heart Attack:-

 In a cup  of goat milk  add half  teaspoon  of Kalonji  Oil  and  use this  mixture  twice  a day . Avoid  all fatty food items . Continue  Treatment  foe ten days . after ten days  use daily once.


 Headache :-

 Rub the Kalonji  Oil  on the  forehead  and near ears , and also  drink  half  teaspoon  Kalonji  Oil twice  a day .

 Joint Pains :-

 Swelling  on ankle  and another  pains  in the joints. Take  one spoon  vinegar  and  two spoon  of honey  and add  half  teaspoon of kalonji  Oil . Use  this  mixture  twice  a day  and also message  with the same Oil .  avoid  gas producing  elements  for 21 days.

 Male related  Diseases :-

 Night discharge , Take  one cup  apple  juice  and  half  teaspoon  of Kalonji  Oil and use  this mixture twice a day in the morning  before  breakfast  and  in the night  after  dinner . daily four drops  of kalonji  Oil should be  rubbed  on the head . Treatment  may continue  for 21 days . Avoid  Hot/ spicy  eatable  items .

 Skin Diseases of all types :-

 Take one cup  of  vinegar add half  teaspoon Kalonji  Oil  and  apply this  mixture  on the affected  areas before going  to sleep  and  take bath  in the morning . Treatment  may continue  until you get relief.

 Severe Cold :-

 Take  half cup  water and  half  spoon of kalonji  Oil and  quarter  spoon  olive  Oil and mix  together  and  filter . Put two drops of filtered  mixture  into the  nose . this  method  is the best for old col . Use this  process  twice a day .


 Although  there are not many  sources  that  speak about  the side  affects  of the black seeds  it is  advised  that one does not  exceed  more than 25g as  excessive  dosage  may be harmful [ healing  with  the medicine  of the  prophet ]Pregnant women are  not advised  to take the black seed  and patients  with major  illnesses  such as liver  and kidney  disease  should consult  a doctor  as it can cause  a drop in blood pressure  Diabetic  patience  are  advised consult  a physician  before using  the blackseed . With all medications  one must  have faith in its means of cure ,but in essence  the cure is from Allah. Allah knows best.



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