Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Coolness of my Eyes lies in Salah/ Prayer

  The Coolness of my Eyes lies in Salah/Prayer.

 The Distinguishing  mark of a Muslim:

 Besides  beliefs ,  among  the  four  basic  duties  recognized   by  Islam , Salah  undoubtedly  occupies  the most important  position . The  importance  Salah may be  conceived  from the  facts  that the first duty  enjoined upon  the  Prophet  peace be upon Him , was  to offer  Salah . And further , the Holy Quran  frequently  uses  the phrase  observing  Salah  perfectly , which clearly  suggest  that Salah is the  most important   distinguishing  ark of a Muslim .

 Actions  Are  but  by  Intention :

 Earlier  in Grade  Five  we have  seen  that Deen Is  something  interpreted  to mean  religion , it does not  give its fullest  meaning . In fact the Deen embraces n all the aspects  of life  related  to the  beliefs  and  actions  of man ; both public  and private . Briefly  speaking  Deen  in Its  broadest sense  is the life  of a Muslim , Likewise , Ibadah - the worship - too has  a wider  meaning in Islam .
 A Hadith  Has it:  Actions Are  but  by Intention  and very man shall  have   but  that  which  he intended , It is true  that  a right  intentions  turns  pour work  into Ibadah. All duties  from the  highest  to the humblest   become  highly  rewarding  in the sight of  Allah  if they are  carried  out with  the right  intention  to seek  his Pleasure . It is true  that  right  intention sanctifies  work , rest ,  our joys  our sorrows  and the whole of  our life's  activities  but it should be  remembered  that  none of the whole  of the other duties  can ever replace  any of the basic  duties  prescribed  by Islam namely , Salah ,  the Zakah , feasting , in  the month  of Ramadan  and  the Hajj. During  the recent years some  so- called  scholars  are heard  arguing  that since  it is the intention  that counts ; it is alike  whether  you perform  Salah  or do you  office   duty honestly . This is not the  place  to go into  details . It will be , however , sufficient  to point  out  that  such interpretation  Of Islam   as the one  hinted  above  is very sorrowful  and extremely  dangerous .
 The Messenger  of Allah  peace  be upon him , is recorded  to have said : Islam  has been built  on five pillars : to confess  that there  is no God  but Allah , paying  the Zakah,  Making  the  pilgrimage  to the house , And the feasting  ion Ramadan . These  are  the pillars  of Islam . The precise  form  and manner  on which the  various , Ibadah; should be carried  out , are once  for all  revealed  by Allah  to His  Prophet peace be upon Him . 
 Every  attempt  to  present  them in form and  manner  other than taught  by the Prophet  is to try  to demolish  the very  structure  of Islam. And  as Muslims  it is our  foremost  duty to  condemn  all such attempts.

 The  value of  Salah:

 Salah is the pillar of Islam; it is the pillar of Faith .  Salah is the  heart of faith. It is recognized  by the Quran  as  the first  and the  foremost duty of a Muslim. 
 The  Quran says : I have  only created  the  jinn  and  the man that they may  serve me .
 Hence  it is the man's obligation  to serve  and worship Allah , it comes  within  him as  natural  inclination . The man  who offers Salah fulfils  the purposes  for his creation  and existence .
 Allah  says in the Holy Quran : { And establish regular  prayer  and do not be  of those  who associate  partners  to Allah}
 It comes  in another  place : says: { They are those  who if  we firmly  establish  them  on earth , remain  constant  in prayer , give the Zakah , and enjoin  the doing of  what is right  and forbid  the doing  of what is wrong : and with Allah  rests  the final  outcome of all  events }
 Salah is the saviour  of Faith; it is the condition  for salvation  in the Hereafter . Salah is  obligatory  on everyone : the rich and the  poor ,the sick and the healthy , the travelling  and those  in battle . No adult  is exempted  from offering  Salah .
 The Holy Quran speaks  high of those  who offer Salah  regularly  and perfectly  and  it severely  condemns  those who  omit  or relax  their  ptrayers.
  In Surah Mudassir - Allah says : { What  has brought  you into the  hell - fire ? They  will answer : we  were  not of those  who offered  Salah , and  neither did we feed the needy ; and we used  to  talk  faleshood  with vain  talkers , and we used  to deny the Day  of  Recompense , until it certainly  came upon us .

 A  Hadith has it :  Between  the servant  and disbelief  is the  omission  of Salah. In another place  it  comes : Between  the disbelief  and Iman is the  omission   of Salah .
 Prophet  Muhammad  peace be upon Him , is reported   to have  said ; Tell me  is  a  stream  flows at the of  anyone  of you  and he  bathes  in it  five times  a day , will any dirt be left on his body ? The companions  said : No dirt will be left,  So is the case  with  the five prayers . Allah removes  and Washes  away sins  on their  account.

 Mu'adh ibn Jabal , a companions of  the prophet says : I was  with the prophet  on a Journey . On day  as I rode beside Him  when  I asked : O Messenger  of Allah , Point out  something  to me  I may do  that may take me  to paradise  and keep me away  from the Hell . The prophet peace be  upon Him  said : You have  indeed  asked  about  something great , yet it can be achieved by those  for  whom  Allah  has made  it easy . Worship  Allah associating  no partner  to Him , offer  your  prayers  regularly , pat out of your wealth  what is due  to the poor , fast in the month of  Ramadan  and Go for Hajj . The prophet then said : Shall I not  mention  to you  the gates of Good? I said :  Yes  the  Prophet of Allah , please  do show me , He said : Fasting  is a shield  and  a means  of protection  of yourself , charity  removes your  errors  just as water puts out a burning  fire , and your offering  Salah in the late  hours  of the night  is the sign of your being  conscious  of Allah .
  The Prophet then Continued : Shall I not tell you  what the  heart of  of the matter is, its  backbone  and its  peak?, I said  :  Yes ,  Messenger of Allah , Please do ,  The heart  of  Islam  is to submit  to Allah , its backbone  is Salah , and its peak  is the  Jihad - to   strive  in the case  of Allah .
 Salah  offered  at its proper times  is the best thing  in the sight  of Allah . Salah  is to  the believer , what water is to the fish . The Prophet  peace be upon Him  used to say  the coolness  of my eyes  lies in Salah . Salah brings  comfort  to the heart ; it is the shelter  of a believer  and a source  of peace  and strength . It is  a strong  and  unbreakable  rope  stretched  out between  Allah and the believer.  It is the comfort of his soul  and a remedy  for his ills, remedy  that never  fails .
 Whenever  something  worried  the  Prophet  peace be upon  him , he  used to  turn  to Salah . If a  strong wind  blow , the holy prophet  would  go to the mosque  and  stay  there  praying  till the  wind  would stop . In fact   Salah  is the sign  and symbol  of Islam . 
 It is one of the most important  pillars of Islam. When A Muslim  offer Salah  sincerely  his sins fall off as the leaves of trees fall in autumn . Allah loves  those  who  offer Salah perfectly .  They  remain  in His  Shelter .

  Preparing for  Salah :

 After  hearing the Azan , start preparing  for  Salah , and see that you are clean  and free from  Najasah . Relieve  yourself  in the toilet  if need be , perform Wodhu  perfectly  and reach  the mosque  in time . Enter the  mosque  sending  salat - peace -to the  Prophet  and saying 

 Allah Hummaf Tahli Abwaaba Rahmatika .

 Respect  for Mosque : 

 The Arabic Word  for mosque   is Masjid , It means  a place  where  one  prostrates  oneself  or a  place  worship . The messenger Of Allah  is recorded  to have  said : 
 The whole of the earth  has been  made  a mosque  for me ,A Muslim may  therefore , offer Salah  anywhere  he likes . But  inspite  of this  the mosque plays  very significant  role in Islam . In truth  it is the center  of Muslim religions  life .
 The  mosque is the  Holy place  and should be treated  as such . Due respect  must be shown  to the  House  of  Allah and therefore  shouting   or talking  loudly  is strictly  prohibited . The mosque should be kept  clean  and no one , therefore , may enter  it with shoes on. Form  a habit  of reaching   the  mosque  in time  to be able to find  the Jammah   in Full . On enter  the mosque  offer two Rak'ahs  Nafilah  of Tahiyyatul - Masjid - to greet  the mosque . The Holy Prophet  is recorded  to have said :: When anyone  of you enters the mosque , he should  not sit  until he has offered  two Rak'ahs } Naafilah - in case  there is time for it }
 Is a person  however , join the Jamaah  directly  on entering  the mosque  or engages  himself  in offering  the Sunnah  Raak'ahs  before sitting  down, it  will  meet  the purpose .

  Jama'ah- The congregation:

 Fard  services  of  Salah  should always  be offered  in Jama'ah  The holy Prophet  of Allah  severely condemned  those who did not  offer Salah  in Jama'ah . He is reported  to have  said : By  Him , Who holds  my life , i sometimes  feel like  asking as fire  to be made and  commanding  for Azan  to be sounded , and asking  someone  to lead  people  in Salah , then going  after  those  who  do not attend  the Jama'ah  and setting  their  houses  on fire ,  The Holy  prophet of Allah  is reported  to have said  that  whoever offers  Salah perfectly with Jama'ah   for forty  days, without missing the  first Takbir , he would be  kept  away  from two things 1} the hell - fire  and 2} hypocricy . To offer  Salah  with Jama'ah  is twenty  seven  times  more  rewarding  than Salah offered  alone . Foe what  he  performs  Wodhu  doing  well , and goes out  to the mosque , merely  for the love  of offering  Salah  Jama'ah , he does not take  a step forward  without  being  raised  a degree  and having  a sin forgiven  for it { MUSLIM}

 The  worst  stealing  is  stealing  from Salah:

 Salah is  one of the five pillars of Islam . A Muslim is known  by the way  he offers Salah . Tell me How  you perform Salah  and I will tell you  what are , To correct a common  English  saying . Once a man  entered  the Masjidun - Nabwi  after  the Prophet  peace be upon Him . He offered  Salah and walked  up to  the  Prophet and greeting Him . After returning  his greeting , the messenger  of Allah  said to him : Go back  and  offer  Salah  for you have not  offered it . This happened  thrice  till the man said : By Him , Who has sent  you with  the Truth ,. I cannot  offer Salah  in a way  better  than  this one . Kindly  instruct  me how  to do it .

  The  Prophet Said : Whenever  you stand for offering  Salah  pronounce  Takbir  and then  recite  from the Quran  and   then bow  yourself  till  you feel  at ease . Then stand up erect , then prostrate  yourself  to your satisfaction , then perform Julus  till you  feel at ease , and  do the same  in all your Salawat .

 You are aware  that taking  things  that belong to  others  is stealing  but the  worst  stealing  is stealing  from Salah . That means  not to carry  out its  acts  properly .

 Salah  and its conditions :

 There are certain  conditions  that control  the act  of Salah . These conditions  must be met  before  one  could  offer it . These  conditions  are  regarding :
1. Niyyah.
2. Taharah- purity  of the body , the clothes  and the place .
3. Covering  the  parts of  body .
4. Wodhu,
5. Facing the Qiblah,
6.And  performing it in proper time .
 No one may  pray  without  meeting  all these  conditions . 
 But while  these  requirements must be met ; before  starting  to offer  Salah; there are certain  essential  things  within  Salah  that must  be very  carefully  observed , They are in fact  the Pillars  of Salah and if any  of them  is missed  or carried  out  faultily , the Salah  will not be  complete . They are  as follows:

 The Pillars of Salah :

1. The  Takbiratul - Ihram:that  means  to enter  Salah  saying { Allah Hu AKBIR}. This is  called  the takbiratul - Ihram because  after its  pronouncement  all the activities  such as talking , answering  questions , eating  or drinking  are forbidden ;
2. Al- Qiyam,
3. Recitation  from  the  Quran : Allah Messenger is recorded  to have  said :
 He , who  did not  recite  Surah Al Fatihah  in his  Salah, did not  offer it .
  4. Rokou,
5. Sajtatayn;  the  two  Sajdahs,
6. Julus for  the  Tashahhud,
7. To follow  the  sequence  prescribed  for the  Salah.
 These  are  the pillars  of  Salah  and if  any  of these  acts  is missed  or  faultily  carried  out; the  Salah  will not be complete .
 Things  that annul  the  Salah:
 A person's  Salah is said  to be  annulled  in the following cases. That means  the  Salah will  become  invalid  if any  of the  following  things  take   place  during  the  offering  of  Salah  and  it  will  have  to be  repeated .

 These things  are  as  follows:
1.Laughing boisterously ,
2.Eating  or drinking  though  it may be a little .
3. Speaking  of matters  not related  to Salah, however ,involuntary  acts  such as sneezing , coughing  and belching  do not render  the Salah  invalid ,  But  to cough  unnecessarily  without   a genuine  reason  is bad .
4.  Making  movements  not related  to the acts of Salah .
5. Annulment  of  Wodhu,
6. Neglecting  any of the pillars  of Salah  such as  Rokou or Sajdah.

 Salah is  one of the most important  pillars of Islam . Offering Salah  regularly  deepens  our Faith . But Salah is  controlled  by certain  conditions . You should  remember  them , because  no one  may pray perfectly  without  meeting  theses  requirements.

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