Sunday, September 27, 2020

Major Sins And Signs Of Hypocrisy:

  Major  Sins And  Signs  Of  Hypocrisy:

 Sinning  cools down the   Faith :

 Faith is the greatest gift of Allah . we should  thank Allah  for making  us Muslims  and try  to deepen  our Faith  by keeping  praying , reciting  the Holy  Books  and  by  avoiding  sins. 
  Sinning  cools  down  and  weakens  the faith . The Messenger of Allah {S} is  reported  to have said : When  a man  commits  a sin, it forms a black  a spot  on his heart , if he repents , the heart  becomes  free of it , but  if he  continues  to sin  the spots  multiply  and cover  the  whole  heart . It is case  of one  sin piled  upon another , till the heart  is blinded  and  it dies .

 To sin is  to disobey  Allah:

 The world is full of good things  and evil things ; murder , suicides , robberies, injustice, cruelty , stealing , fighting  and all sports  of immorality . Sins take us  away from Allah  and bring  great unhappiness . To sin  is  to disobey  Allah .

 Two Kinds of sins:

 There are two kinds  of sins : major  and minor . The Quran  and  the Hadith identify  them clearly . A major sin is  ruinous  and it is a great   disobedience  to Allah . Major sins are  forgiven  by Allah only  when  one feels  sincere regrets  within  himself . While venial sins are washed  away  by daily  prayers and good  deeds . A venial sin, however , becomes a major  sim if it is  obstinately  repeated  without feeling sorry .

 A few ruinous Sins:

 According  to Hadith ,ruinous  sins  are :
1. Associating  anything with Allah .
2. To Practise  magic .
3. Committing  murder , which means  taking  somebody else's  life without   reason .
4. Taking the  property  of an  orphan .
5. Taking interest.
6. Running  away  from battel  when  Jihad is declared .
7 Accusing an  innocent believing  woman of shameful behaviour .
8.  To bear false witness.
9. Killing  child  out of fear  that it will  share  one's  food .
10. Adultery; committing  adultery  with the wife  of a neighbour . This concerns  the  virtue of purity. It means  doing anything  shameful  and impure . We , therefore . should not think , say  or  desire  shameful  things.
11.  Disobeying  parents .

 Kufr or  Disbelief:

 Kufr is  a great  disobedience  to Allah . It is  the  opposite  of Iman. Iman  is to accept  perfectly  the Truth  brought  by the prophet  {S}  while  Kufr  is its  rejection . Kufr  is  of two kinds : One is a denial  of Faith  itself  and that  is the  opposite  of Iman . The other is  a denial  of a branch  of the branches  Of Islam , its partial  or total  rejection . 

 Shirk :

 Shirk is an  Arabic word . It suggests  partnership . Shirk  means  a partner . Shirk  is to associate  anything  with Allah . It  is the most  ruinous  sin. To worship  any thing  besides  Allah , to believe in fortune -tellers, the  use  of charms  and  amulets  said to revoke   the evil eye  and the influence  of demons  etc; are the forms  of shirk . And the shirk   is one of the most  grievous  sins .
 A  hadith has it :  The salah  of one , who goes  to a fortune - teller , asks him  something  and  believes  in what he says  , will not be  accepted  for forty  days;

 Sins of hypocrite ;

 Prophet  {S}  is reported to have  said : There  are three  signs of  a hypocrite ;  When  he talks , he tells lie , when he makes  promise  he does not keep it , and when  he is trusted  with something , he deceives; although  he  may be  offering  Salah, keeping  fasts , and calling himself  a Muslim .
 A believer's  word  is a bond , and  a Muslim must keep his promise . The prophet Muhammad {S} hated  untruths . He was  prepared  to accept  believers as  cowards or  misers but  he refused  to regard  a liar as a  true  Muslim.
  The following  incident  has a great  lesson  to teach  those  who are  in a  habit  of breaking  their  promises.

 A  believer's  word is a bond :

 Al- Hurmuzan , the famous  Persian  commander  was  taken  prisoner by  Muslim  in a battle  and  sent to Madinah . Umar bin  al  Khattab {R}  asked him  why he had not respected  his  pledges . Al- Hurmuzan replied :  I am  afraid  you  will kill me   before I tell you , and gasping  like one faint  with  thirst  asked  for a  drink of water . Give him; Umar {R} said , and let him drink  it peacefully ; No, said the  captive  trembling , I fear to  drink . Some one  will kill me unawares . Your life is safe; said umar  {R} until you  have  finished  your drink ; Al Harmuzan  believed  that he had won his life . He knew  it well  that a  believer's promise  is a bond . He did not drink water , instead  he poured it on  the ground . Umar bin al Khattab {R}ordered   another cup, but  Al - Hurmuzan  said  that he needed  no more water . I did not actually  need water  , he said , but safety  of my  life  and  now you have given  it to me ; Umar  said ,  I am going to  kill you . The people  around him  interrupted  Umar  and  said  that  a promise  had been made . Umar had to give way . Al Hurmuzan  at last  embraced Islam . He stayed  freely  in Madinah  and  received  a pension  from  treasury.

 Be on your Guard :

 Satan is  an open enemy  of man . He always  stirs  evil  thoughts  in his mind  and makes them  look  good and sweet . To  resist  Satan  we need  to have  a strong  Faith . We need  to follow  what Allah  commands  us to do . Satan  always  tries  to  involve  us in sin . We should , therefore , always  be on your guard .
 We can do  this by staying  away  from people , places  and things  that might  make  sinning  easier  for us . Sometimes  bad thoughts  come thick  and  fast. These  thoughts are , however not sinful  nuless  we keep  them on our mind  purposely  and act upon them. When bad thoughts  invade  our mind  , you should give  them  a chase  saying : 

 You should  then  turn  your attention  to something  useful  and   creative  like   doing your home - work , reading , helping , others, playing  games  or reciting  the holy Book .

 The  virtue of  purity :

  Sometimes we come  across  boys  and girls  who act and  talk shamefully . This  is the  moments  when  we should  ignore  them and  avoid  having  anything  to do with them . We may , however ,  report  the matter to someone  in authority . This  is not hard  to do  if we remember  the story  of Yousuf {A} . When  Yousuf  went to Egypt  as a slave , he was   bought  by al Aziz  who took a liking  for him . He trusted  him a lot . But because  of Yousuf's  good looks, the wife  of Al Aziz too  took a liking  for him .One day  she  asked him  to sin  but Yousuf  resisted  it saying : May  Allah protect  me from such a dirty  thing . How kindly  my Master  has  kept  me in his  house ,  How can  I be  disloyal  to him? And  those  who  do such  a wrong thing as this , always  end up  to be  very unhappy;

 The devil   lures  the  unmindful :

 Always keep busy . An empty  mind is  a devil's  workshop . Work hard . be  interested  in various  games  and  sports  . Keep  close  to Allah  by  remembering  Him , offering Salah  perfectly , and  by talking  to Him  often  in Du'as . These  are  the ways of  staying  out of the troubles  of sins . Once the prophet  {S}  drew  a straight  line  with the finger  and said . Let us  say   this is the  path  of Allah . He then   drew  on either  side of it  several  lines  at verious  angles . These  are  the  other  ways and  behind  each  of these  is a  devil that lures  that  unmindful ; observed  the  Prophet  Muhammad {S}.


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