Monday, December 14, 2020

Facts About The Prophets : Prophet Musa Alaihi Salam, Part -1

  Facts  About  The  Prophets : Prophet Musa Alaihi Salam, Part -1.

 Prophet Ya'qub's emigration  To Egypt:

 Yousuf's Father  Ya'qub had emigration  to Egypt along with  his people , at the request of  Prophet Yousuf{ Alaihi Salam}. There they settled  and  lived  a peaceful  life . 
 In the course of time , Ya'qub And  his Son  Yousuf and Yousuf's Brothers  died. But their  descendants , Bani Israi'l- the children of Israi'l - as they were  called , had prospered  and increased . 

 As time ran on , things changed . The children of Israil  took to bad way  and they began  to neglect  their duty  towards  Allah. Their morals became  corrupt , they  abandoned  calling people to Allah and  their heats  were  set  on the passing  delights of the world . They feel  in the sight  of the people  of Egypt , they forgot  that they belonged  to   the House  of Yousuf {A- Salam}, the one time  kind  and just  ruler , who had  saved  the Egyptians  from dying  of famine .

 A new  Pharaoh:

 It was during  these  days  that a new  king - a new Pharaoh - came to the  throne  of  Egypt . he thought  that he was  a god . As a result , he believed  that he  could do  anything  he liked . He was  too  proud  of his  wonderful  country  with its  mighty  buildings  and strong  armies .

  Bani  Israi'l  treated  as foreigners :

 But one thing  annoyed  him  greatly . In a corner  of his mighty  kingdom  foreigners  where living .  They  were the children of Israi'l , of  the House of  Yaqub, {A - Salam}  who had  arrived  from  Canaan , long ago . They , therefore , were foreigners , and they  did  not belong  to Egypt , thought  Pharaoh . The  proud Pharaoh  cared  nothing  for them . As he  was  the king , he owned  most of the land  and  valuable . He had divided  his people  into groups .  At the top ., was Pharaoh  himself , his officials  and nobles ,  while  Bani Israi'l  were placed  on the lowest  rung , of society  and they were  deprived  of almost  all their human rights .

 Pharaoh  made  Bani Israi'l  into slaves  to toil all day , under  a blazing  sun , like  donkeys  and  beasts  of burden . They had to cut  out huge  blocks  of stones  during  the hottest  hour of the day  and king gave them nothing  but merely  a day's meal . The cruel  and arrogant  Pharaoh  hated    Bani Israi'l  more and  more  and he  called  upon  them to worship  and prostrate  themselves  before  him . The proud  Pharaoh  said : Does not the Kingdom  of Egypt  belong  to me ? Do not  you see  that  all these running  waters  flow at my feet? Can you not  them see that I am your  supreme  Lord ?.

 The Pharaoh  Slew  their  sons and kept  alive  their  daughters:

 The children of Israi'l , as they believed  in Allah  and His Messengers, refused   to worship him and this made  Pharaoh  furiously  angry . One day a magician  told  Pharaoh  that a baby  boy  would be born  among the people  of Israi'l ,Who would  grow  into a man  and drive  him out  of his land .
 Pharaoh was really worried . He became  wild with rage . He gave  orders to his  soldiers : You may kill  every baby  boy  that is born  among the people  of Bani Israi'l . Let only the baby  girls live ; Thus the king  hoped  to make  sure  tyhat no  baby boy was  permitted  to grow  up into  a man , who might  fight  against  him .Pharaoh 's orders  were  obeyed  and hundreds of  baby boys  were killed  like cats  and dogs  everyday.

 The birth of  Musa {A- Salam}:

 But Allah wished  that go occur  which  Pharaoh  had always  feared . A baby  boy was born  at Allah's command  to lead his people  away  from the hands  of Pharaoh . A baby was born  to rescue  the children  of Israi'l . A baby boy  was  born to lead them  into the light  from darkness . This boy was  Musa  bin  Imran {A_salam} . he was lovely  child  and his parents  felt they  must do something  to save him. They told  no one  of his birth , and they  warned  everyone  in the family  not to speak  of their  baby  son to anyone .

  Allah's  plane always work:

 For  three  months  they  strived  to keep  Musa {A- Salam} safely  hidden .  Then Musa's  mother became  afraid . the child was  growing  older , and day and    night  the cruel  soldiers  continued m their  mighty  searches . What could she do ?  But Allah  inspired  the mother  of Musa: Float  him into the  river . and have no  fear and  do not  grieve ; for we shall  restore  him  to you , and shall  make  him one of Our Massage - bearers .
 Obeying  Allah's  command ,  Musa's  mother  laid  Musa in a basket and floated  him on the river  Nile . But  she  was  still anxious .  She asked  her  daughter  to go  and stand  a little  way off to see  what  happened.

 That day Pharaoh  had come down  to the river  place  he watched  the waters  flow beneath  his feet and  this amused  him, His queen was  also by his side  look! she  cried ,  Do you see that strange  basket  floating  over there ? One of the servants  went down to the water  edge , lifted  the basket and  brought  it  to the queen. there lay smiling  a handsome  boy in the basket .
 This is one of the sons of bani Israi'l  and must be  slain, said  some of the  servants. But  the queen's  face  grew  tender  and  pitiful . She said : What a beautiful  baby! It is  a joy for  eyes! We cannot  let him to be  thrown into  the river . He may be of use to us  or we  my have  him for our own;
 Allah's  plans  always  work and  the king  had to say Yes .

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Facts About The Prophets : Prophet Musa Alaihi Salam, Part -1

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