Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Sadaqah And Zakah

 Sadaqah And Zakah.

 All the  favours we enjoy  in this world  are from  Allah :

 The Holy Quran  has mentioned  the story  of a  righteous man . Allah  dah given  a gift  of a vast  fruit  garden  to him . At the time of  Harvest , he used  to give  fruits  to the poor  and the needy  quite  generously . And he  continued  to enjoy  the blessing  of Allah . But  after the death of his  man , the garden  passed  into the hands of his  sons . Unlike  their father , they were greedy  and thought  that  it was foolish  to give  away  in  alms  a huge  measure  of fruits  to the beggars .

 When the  time  of the Harvest  arrived , they made  a secret plan . They decided  to pluck  all the fruits , leaving nothing  behinds at all, in the small  hours  of the night , before  the poor could  arrive  to ask  for their share . That night  they went to bed early  so that they  could  get up early . But while they  were still  asleep , a terrible disaster overlook the garden  by Allah 's  leave . It swept  away  the trees  and the fruits  and turned  the place into  a dark barren  piece  of land . Well before  the  coming of  dawn , the master of the garden  got up , and hastened  towards  the garden , warning  each  other  not to allow  a single  beggar  to enter . Allah  was watching  and hearing  them  talk . When they arrived  at their  orchard , they thought  they  had  probably  lost their  way  in the darkness . But the matter  was quite different . They had resolved to deprive  the poor  of their share  and Allah  had deprive  them  of their garden . A deep sorrow  seized  them  and they stood  wringing  their  hands . Finally  they said :  It may be  that  our sustainer  will grant  us  something  better instead . Truly  we  turn  to  our Lord { Wishing  for Good }
 All  the favours  we enjoy  in this world  are from  Allah. Allah has  made  this world  for us  but  nothing  belongs  to us . Allah  has  placed  all of us  In charge  of it .

 Every  act of kindness  is a  ' Sadaqah:

  The  Holy Prophet   peace be upon Him   has said  that for  every joint  of a person's  body  it is  obligatory  to often  a Sadaqah  {  the Charity } To  settle  a quarrel  between  two persons  justly  is a Sdaqah , to remove  a harmful  thing  is a Sadaqah , to comfort   the sorrowful  is a  Sadaqah , to giver  drink  to the charity  is a Sadaqah , In  fact , the word  Sadaqah  has a wealth  of meaning , it has many  and varied  interpretations . Zakah  is  usually  one fortieth  of a man's  riches , while Sadaqah  has no limits . Every act  of kindness  is a Sadaqah . Sadaqah could   be just  smiling  cheerfully  into someone's  face  counseling  the ignorant , building  a hospital , or  assisting  anyone .

  Allah wants us  to help  one  another : 

 A Hadith  of the prophet  has it :
 Allah will say  to someone  on the Day of Judgement ' O Son of Adam ,  I fell  ill  but  you did not  pay  a visit to me "
  The man will reply : How could  I have paid  a visit to you ? You are Lard of   the worlds "
 But  Allah will say : Did you not know  that  one my slaves  was ill ? Had you  gone  to see him , you would have , found me  by his side "
 Then Allah will say  again : O  son of Adam ,,  I asked you     to feed Me ,  but you refused  that to Me ; 
 The man will answer : How could  I  fed you ? You are  the sustainer  of the Worlds :
 But the reply  of Allah  to this  will  be : Did you not know  that one  of servants  had asked  for food  from you ? Did you not know  that if  you had  given  him food , you would   have found  it with Me ?

 Allah will again ask : O son Of Adam , I asked you for water  to drink  but  you did not give it to Me ;
 O lard  how  could I  have given  You water ? You  are the Lord of the Worlds . 
 But  Allah's  reply will be :   one of  my slaves  asked  for water  from you , but you  refused  it . had you given  him water , you would  have found it with Me "

 Sadaqah is  optional : while Zakah  is  obligatory :

 It should , however , be  remembered  that Sadaqah  is not  Obligatory  as zakah  is .
 Zakah is Obligatory , while Sadaqah  is optional . The Arabic word  zakah  contains  a wealth  of meaning . It is hard  to  interpret  it fully in English . It could , however , be translated  to mean ' purifying dues ' or legal  purifying alms ;  Unlike Sadaqah , the zakah  is binding  upon Riches  Muslims  only . It is one of  the five Pillars of  Islam . 
 It is obligatory  o every  rich  Muslim to pay Zakah  . It is important  duty . The Quran  commands  that he must  give  part of his wealth  kinsman , orphans , the needy , traveler , to those who  ask and  to set  the captives  free ; A rich  Muslim cannot be a true  Muslim  if he does not pay  Zakah .

 Zakah Purifies  the heart :

 Paying of Zakah  Purifies  the wealth ; paying  of Zakah  purifies  the heart . The  poor have a  right  in our  wealth  , which is given  to us  by Allah . Those who deny  them  this right  should  remember  the story  of the people  of the garden ; To deny  them  their right  is a sin.
  The amount  that  a rich Muslim  must give in  Zakah  is usually  2.5 percent  of his possessions  after he has paid  or set   a sum of money  aside  for  all his  necessary  debts  and obligations .

 Zakah  and Sadaqah are  companion :

 We have noted that  Sadaqah  is not  obligatory  but keep it clearly  in mind  that  a Muslim who forms  a habit  of offering  Sadaqah  finds  it easier  to pay  Zakah . A person  denies  small  kindness  progressively  comes  to deny  the share  of the poor  in his wealth . Refusing  small  kindness  is a disease  that rapidly  grows . Zakah and Sadakah  are , therefore , companions .

 Prophet  Muhammad  peace be upon Him  was the generous  of all . He never denied  anyone  anything . At the beginning  of his illness , before his death , the prophet had  in his house  seven dinars ; he  feared  he might die  while some money  still  lay  with him .
  He, therefore , commanded  hid relatives  ti give away  that money to  the poor .
 The most outstanding  quality  of Ayesha {R} , the wife of Prophet , was her generosity . Once she received  a sum of one hundred  thousand  dirhams . She  was  fasting  on that  day . She  gave away  every fils  of it  in alms .  Her mind  servants  wished  she had kept  something  for  herself  for breaking  the fast .  
 Ayasha  replied ;  you could have  told me then .
  Shaykh  Abdul   Qadir  Jilani   used to say  of himself . There  is a hoe  in my palm . Nothing  stays  in it . had I even  a  thousand  dirhams , they would be  spent  before the sun sets. 
 It is said  of Jalaluddin Rumi  that he  was  so generous  that he  never  buttoned  up  his cloak , so that  he might  find  it easier  to take it  off  if anyone  in need  asked him  for it .
 we come  across  examples  such as these  today also . 
 It will be sufficient  to tale only  one example  out of many , of  Shaykh  Abdul  Hasan  Ali  Nadwi .

 Abdul Hasan Ali Nadwi  was born  in the year  1914 { Muharram  6th  1333} at  RaiBereli {INDIA}. 
 He  was Rector  of Darul Uloom Nadwatul  Ulema , Lucknow , India , and  President of the  Academy    of islamic  Research  and Publications {India] and  a member of  Muslim World  League. he was a  scholar of International  repute  whose  works  have been  translated  into several  languages  of the world.
 In January  1980  Shaykh  Abdul  Hasan  was told that   he had won  the Faisal  Award . Shaykh  Abul  Hasan Ali  sent his  representative  to Riyadh  to receive  the award  . Do you know  what is the  Faisal  award ?  To it is to attached  to grant  value  in Islamic  World  as  is generally   given to the Npble Prize . The  Faisal  award is  a cash  sum of  SR 200,000/  A Gold  Medal  and merit  certificate . But  Shaykh  Abdul Hasan Ali   did not keep  the prize  for himself  . He gave it  away  to several  organisations  , Which  are  working  for Islam . He declared  that  a sum   of  SR 100,000/ be given  to the Afghan  refugees , SR 50,0000/ to  to the organisation   of the Memorisation  for the Holy Quran  started by  Yousuf Sethi . and  SR  50,000/ To Madrasah   Salwlatiyyah  at Makkah .

What types of wealth are included in Zakat?

 Assets that are included in the Zakat calculation are cash, shares, pensions, gold and silver, business goods and income from investment property. Personal items such as home, furniture, cars, food and clothing (unless used for business purposes) are not included.

When your wealth reaches the Nisaab amount in one lunar year you will be eligible to pay Zakat. Nisab is the cut-off amount. When the valuation of your personal wealth exceeds the Nisaab amount you will have to pay Zakat
To be eligible to receive zakat, the recipient must be poor and/or needy. A poor person is someone whose property, in excess of his basic requirements, does not reach the nisab threshold. The recipient must not belong to your immediate family; your spouse, children, parents and grandparents cannot receive your zakat.

In this way the system of Zakat increases the employment opportunities for the people and helps in poverty alleviation. This system provides economic security to the poor, the destitute and the needy. Maududi (1984) describes Zakat as: “It is a cooperative society, an insurance company, a provident fund of the Muslims.

It purifies your wealth as Allah says in the Qur'an: It keeps one away from sin and saves the giver from the moral ill arising from the love and greed of wealth. ThrougZakat, the poor are cared for; these include widows, orphans, the disabled, the needy and the destitute.

Zakat is a compulsory charity that every Muslim must pay and to help the poor people. ... The Zakat system helps to make sure the society's wealth circulation is in a fair and clean condition. Due to the wealth people must pay Zakat to the poor, the wealth will not become too rich whereas the poor will not become poorer.

  • Obeying God.
  • Helping a person acknowledge that everything comes from God on loan and that we do not really own anything ourselves. ...
  • Acknowledging that whether we are rich or poor is God's choice. ...
  • Learning self-discipline.
  • Zakah donations help Muslims to purify their souls by not being greedy. It is said that the giver of the money will receive a 'hundred-fold' back in the afterlife. This means that the giver of the money will receive back a hundred times what they gave as Zakah during their life.

Your generosity in giving Sadaqah has even enabled our teams to help unsponsored children and their families by mending their homes, ensuring communities have access to necessary medical services including sight-restoration surgeries to enable independent living.

Abu Kabshah al Anmari reported that the Prophet (saws) said: "I swear upon three (things) and ask you to memorize my words: 'Sadaqah (charity) given from a property never decreases it; a man who suffers injustice and is patient with it, Allah will grant him strength; a man who starts begging, Allah will cause him to be ..

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