Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Such were the prophet's companions

Such were the prophet's companions.

 Bilal bin  Rabah;
  Bilal bin Rabah , the prophet's muazzin , was  a faithful  believer  with a pure  heart . He was  of an  Abyssinian descent . His father's name was  Rabah   and his  mother  name was  Hamama .  Bilal [r] was one of the  seven early  persons  who accepted  Islam .
 Before  being  set free  by Abu Bakr  Siddq , Bilal  Bilal was slave  to Umayyah  bin Khalaf , who  used  to bring  out  in the  scorching  sun , throw  him  on the  burning  sand  on the back  and have   a huge  stone  placed  on his chest  , then he  would say  to him  ; you  will stay here  till  you  die  or deny  what  Muhammad [s] teaches  you . In reply  Bilal  would only say  One , One .
 One day  Abu Bakr  Siddiq  passed  by while  they  were  persecuting  him . The  sight  moved  the heart  of Abu  Bakr . He said to Umayyah  ; Do you not  fear  Allah  as  you persecute  this helpless  innocent  man ?  How long  would you  continue  doing this ? Umayyah  replied  ;  It is you  who has  spoilt  him ,  so  you save him . Then Abu Bark  bought  Bilal and  set him free .
 The Prophet's Mu'azzin.
  When the prophet Muhammad [s] was  firmly  settled  in Madina  and the commands  of Islam  firmly  established , people  used  to  gather  for Salah  at the  appointed time . But  when Allah  honoured  the Muslims  with the gift  of the Azan ; the  Messenger of Allah  commanded  Bilal  to deliver   Azan  from the  Masjidun Nabawi . Thus   Bilal  came to  be known  to be as  the prophet's  mu'azzin . He was  chosen  by the prophet  himself  to deliver  the Azan . When  time for Salah  would  arrive  the prophet  used  to   say  to Bilal " O Bilal , deliver  Azan  for Salah  and bring  rest  to my   hear.
 Bilal {r] was  very brave  fighter . He took  part  in almost  all the  battles  fought  during  the lifetime  of the prophet  and in the battle  of Badr  he  showed  his valour  and killed  his  former master  Umayyah  who  used to  torture  him mercilessly  in Makkah .

 Bilal - the  truthful :
 Bilal [r]  was a person  pure of  heart  and very  truthful . Once Abu  Ruwaiha  requested  him to  speak  for him  to the family  of a  Yemeni  woman  whom  Abu Ruwaiha  desired  to marry . Bilal went  and said  to them :  I am Bilal  bin Rabah . Abu Ruwaiha  is my brother  but he lacks  good manners . It is  your  choice  whether  to marry  your daughter  to him or not . He did not  deceive  by  hiding  the fact . He was conscious  of Allah . The family  , however ,  were  pleaded  with his honesty  and they  gave  their  daughter  to Abu  Ruwaiha  in marriage . 
 Umar bin  Al  khattab  respected  Bilal much . He used  to say about him  and Abu Bakr  is our master  and  he  set  at liberty  our master  Bilal [r]. 
 The  Prophet's  rebuke :
  Once Abu  Dharr  al Ghifari  disagreed  with Bilal  on some  matters  and called  him  the son of black  woman  out of temper  The  Prophet {S} felt  hurt  and  said  O  Abu  Dharr  , you are  still a man  belonging  to  pagan  times . Lift your head  and look. You are  hardly superior  to a man  of colour , be it  black  or white , unless   you excel  him in  deeds .  What distinguishes 
 a man  form a man  is not  the  colour  but the   faith . The prophet's  rebuke  had a deep  effect on  Abu dharr  Al Ghifari  {R}. He was faithful  Muslim  and very sensitive  of  temperament . In an  attempt  to atone  for his mistake , he put his head  on the  ground  and swore  that   he would  not raise  it until  Bilal had placed  his foot  on it .

 Bilal's  high position.
 Bilal   achieved  a high position  in Islam . O Bilal     , Last  night  I heard your  foot -steps  in paradise . Tell me  what action  of yours has  earned  you such  a  high  reward ?  asked the  prophet once . Bilal  answered ,  I do not think   I have  done  anything  rewarding  since  I accepted  Islam  except  for  such  was  Bilal  bin  Rabah ,  the  prophet's  Mu'azzin .


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