Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Faith in Angels

 Faith In Angels
 The Belief in Angels  of  Allah  is one of the  basic  foundation  of Islam . A Muslim  should believe  in angels.No one  can be  a true Muslim  if he  denies their  existence.

  The Nature of  the angels .
 The Arabic Word for angel is Malak or Malaika being  its plural. Allah had  created  the angels long before . He created  man . Angels  are  quite different from men  .We  human beings have the ability  to think  and make  decisions. While angels  have no power  of choice  of their own . They simply  obey the commands of  Allah .
  The Quran and Hadith  speak  of angels  in more than  on place . The angels are  spirits . They are  made of light . They are  neither  men or women  . They do not marry  either   . They do not  need to eat , drink and  sleep  . They do  Allah's  bidding . They are  mighty  and very speedy  . Allah   has given them  Wings Some of them  have two , three, four ,or more  while Jibreel is spoken  of as  having six  hundred  wings . To suppose  that  the  angel's wings  have muscles  and  feathers  similar to those  of  birds , is  wrong . The real  nature  of angels  is known  to Allah  alone . The angels  can take  any  form  by Allah's  leave. Can you  recall  the angel to visited  Maryam  the  mother of Isah  to bless her  with the good news  of a son ?
 The number of Angels :
 How many Angels are  there ? Only Allah knows , There are , however ,  four   mighty Angels :  Jibreel , Israfeel , Mikaeel, and  Azraeel. They are very close to  Allah . They are superior  grades . Others angels  are not  equal . Some  are  close to Allah  and  others  are not.
 The numerous  functions that the  angels  attend.
 Angels are classified  by their  functions. Various duties  have been  assigned  to them  in heaven  and on the earth  . Some of them  hold Allah's seat  of power. Some carry   messages , While some keep  records  of people 's  good and  evil deeds . They are called  Kiraman  Katibin - the noble  recorders . The angels  functioning  on the  earth  take  turns  by day  and day night . The angels  working  during   the hours  of  daylight  depart  from the  earth  after the  Asar prayer . New  angels  take  up  their  night  assignment . It is wrong  to believe  that  angels  can  make mistakes  in carrying  out  Allah's  orders.
 The Messenger  of Allah  is recorded  as having  said : Angels  take  turn  among  you  by day by  night  . They gather  together  at Salatul - Fajar  and Asar  . Those  who spend  the night among  you  depart   and present  themselves  before  their  Sustainer  Who , inspite  of His being All - Knowing , ask them :  In what  state  did you leave My servant ?  The Angels  reply: O Lord   when we reached  them  they  were  praying   ; When  we  left them  they were  praying. Just  consider     what  reply  would  the angels be giving  to their  Lord  regarding  people  who relax  their  prayers  or do not  pray  at all ?  And what about  those  who  lead  a  wicked  and sinful  life . 

 Some Other  Functions of the  angels : 
 The most  significant  duty  of the angels is  to bring  Divine Revelation  to Allah's  Prophets. According  to the Holy Quran  it was the  angel  Jibreel  who  used  to bring  the speech  of Allah  to  prophet Muhammad  peace  be upon  Him.
 1.  They descend  on the virtuous  to comfort  them   at Allah's  command .
 2. They come to help  the pious  as they  fight their  enemies .
3. Some angels  are  at their  posts  in heaven ,  while some  are posted  in Hell.
4. Some angels  are  assigned  to take  the  lives  of people  on their death  
5.  Angels were sent  to strengthen  the prophets  and help them  fight  the enemies  of Allah.
6. Some  angels  protect  us  from all sorts  of   evils  at Allah's  command .
7. Some angels  inflict  punishment  on people  and nations  by Allah's  leave. 
 8. Some of them  should  present  themselves  at congregations  and  gathering  where Allah's  Name  is  pronounced , the Quran  recited  and sermons  delivered .
 A  true  Muslim believes in  the angels  of Allah ; no one  can be  a true  Muslim  if he  denies them .


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