Monday, September 21, 2020

Faith in Allah's Messengers And His Books

   Faith in Allah's Messengers  And His Books 

 The  religion of  early men :

 After Adam {A} Allah  greatly  multiplied  his children . All the people  who  have ever  lived  on the earth  belong to Adam  {A}.   They spread  everywhere  and filled this earth . Were   Adam told  that all these  people  on the earth  were  his  children ' he would perhaps  be  greatly  surprised . Early  children  of Adam  worshiped  Allah  alone  and they  associated  on partner  with Him  . They built  numerous  village , towns , and cities . They  lived   a simple  life , farmed  land  and  grew  crops . They  were  happy  with  what they had .

  Satan's envy

 But the  Satan and his hosts  envied  this happy  state  of  man . Will man  worship  Allah alone ? Should he be  left  free  to do so ?  Should men  remain  in harmony  and never  quarrel  among themselves ? The Satan  and his flock  thought . 
  In  fact   Satan had  refused  to  prostrate  himself  before  Adam , when  commanded  hence he had  lost Allah's favours  and was  rejected  for ever . Should I not  avenge  myself  upon the children  of Adam  and take  them  to hell   along  with  me ?  the devil  thought .
 The  Satan  could not bear to see  man  entering  heaven . He , therefore , made up  his mind  to lead  him  away  from Allah . he resolved  to lure  him  by making  evil seem  good and sweet to him . His mind  was  made  to mislead  man into  a  grievous  error  of worshipping  idols , for he  knew  that  Allah would forgive , if  He would  will , every  way  to flying  man  into the hell - fire , the devil  thought .

  Portraits  and drawings  of  saints :

 Satan  schemed and led men  into making  drawing  and portraits of saints who had been dead . The idea  caught  the fancy of people  and as the time passed , these drawings   and the  portraits began to grow  in number and gained  reputation . People stood  before them  out of respect and gradually  they began to look upon  them as holy monuments  and sources  of good luck .

 From Statues to Idols :

 A whole generation of people  perished . They passed  this  world  and the things  they  loved  into the  care  of their children .But  these  children  out  did  their  parents . they had  seen  their   parents  stand before  images , kiss  them , bow  before them  tough  them  out of respect , and ask  favours  from Allah  standing  before them .
 But years  brought  with  them  statues  and idols . They  spread  very fast . People began  to prostrate  themselves  before them . The  idols  multiplied  and they soon  began  to be  respected  deeply.  

Sprinkled  and hung   with  garlands.  Eventually  idols  gave  way  to gods and   there   appeared many  gods . Every village , every towns , possessed  different  gods - the gods of winds , the  sun god,  the moon god , the  sea god , etc. The  Satan  lured  man into sin  and  drew  him  away  from Allah .

  Allah's  displeasure :

 Allah was  displeased  with them  for their having  disobeyed  Him. Were  they  brought  to life  to worship  other gods and to turn  away  from their sustainer ? They walked  on His earth ., ate , bread , provided  them  by Him  and instead  of  worshipping  Him , worshipping  pieces  of stones  and metals  that  could neither  harm nor  benefit  them . Natural  dis asters  like  sandstorms , earthquakes , famines , floods ,heavy rains  overtook  them  periodically . But  this  had  little  effect  upon them .

 The  Prophets;

 Allah could have wiped out the  whole  mankind  for  its  disobedience  but  he  is  Compassionate  and merciful . On the other  hand  He could have  compelled  man  to return  to the right path  but that would  be  contrary  to the freedom  granted  to him  to choose  for himself . It was , therefore  essential  that man  should  receive  guidance  and for  this purpose  Allah raised  up  His  messengers , who could  talk to them  in their language , warn them and  guide  them to the right path .

 The functions of the Prophets:

 Allah blessed  these messengers  with the knowledge  of truth . Allah commanded  them to invite  all men   to Truth  from which  they had  Strayed , to show men   the way to heaven  and the way to  please  Allah ,. They all had  the same  mission  to call  people  to the  right   path .
 Down through  the ages, before  Muhammad {S} came , Allah sent  Prophets  at different  times . Prophets  have come  to all the Land. To every nation  Allah  sent  a messenger . The first man   Adam was the  first  Prophet . Muhammad {S} was the last  Prophet . The Prophets  speak in Allah's  name . Their duty is to  deliver  the  message  of Allah  to people , and to show  them how  the message  is to be   translated  into  practical  life .

 The qualities of  the  Prophets :

 Prophets are very holy , they never  tell  a lie. They never deceive  anyone . They  are innocent  and  free from  sins .All the Prophets  were  the doers  of good. Prophets are men . Allah chose  them  to be  His messengers . Allah guided  them  and their  teaching  was  free from  all errors . The  basic message of all the Propjets  was the same , Oneness  of God , to serve  Him  and to  shun  false  gods and powers of  evil.
 A Muslim  should believe   in all the Prophets  who came  before  Muhammad {S}, not only  those who are  mentioned  in the Quran , but also  those who  are  not mentioned ....... 

 The names of the prophets  and their  numbers :

 According  to the  holy  Quran  Allah sent  His messenger to each  nation . Their number is quite  large . Allah   only knows  their  exact number. The Quran , however , mentions  the following  prophets  by their names : Adam , Nooh, Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishaq, Lut,  yaqub, Yousuf,  Musa,  Haroon, Dawud ,  Sulayman ,  Ilyas , Yunus,  Alyas'a, Ayyub,  Zakaria, Yahya, Zulkifl, Idris,  Hud,  salih,  Shuaib,  Isa,   and Muhammad {S}. May  the blessings  and  peace  be upon  them all.

  The prophets speak  in Allah's name :

 No one can  claim  to be   Muslim  without  believing  in the prophets . In fact , he  who obeys  the prophet , obeys Allah, .The  path of the  prophet  is the path  of Allah . Whatever  the prophet  commands  must be accepted . Whatever  he  forbids , must  be  avoided.
 A pilot  who does not  follow the orders  he receives  form the  control tower , ends up  in  great  trouble . People who  do not follow   what the prophet tell them , always  end up  being  very unhappy.
 A true  Muslim  believes  in the prophet of Allah . He regards  them all  as the true  prophets  of Allah . He who denies  anyone  of them  is not a Muslim .

 Faith  in the Books of Allah:

  Allah  sent Prophet at  different  times . These prophets spoke  in Allah's  name . They taught  people  how to  live  on this earth . Allah gave   these  prophets   books . These  Books  were  holy . A Muslim should  believe  in  all the Books of Allah .

 The names  of the sacred Books  and their  number: 

 Just  as   there  were  numerous  Prophets  so there were  numerous  Books  of Allah  the  holy  Records  of Allah's  messages. The Quran speaks  of them  sometimes  as Books  or  leaves  or Sheets . the Quran   says  Allah gave the Zabur { songs in praise  of Allah} to prophet  dawud {A} Indeed  we did  grace  dawud  with  our  favour : O You  mountains  sing with him the  praise  of Allah and  likewise  you birds. The Hoy  Quran says  Allah gave the  Tawrah  to prophet Musa {A}. The Quran says  Allah gave the Suhuf{Leaves of Books} to Prophet  Ibrahim and Musa. Allah gave  the Injeel to Prophet Isa {A} . And Allah gave  the holy Quran to  our Prophet  Muhammad {S} who  was the final messenger  to mankind  and  Allah's Mercy  to all  creatures .

 Belief  in all   the sacred  Books of Allah. 

  The  religion  of Islam  requires  a belief  not only  in the holy Quran  but in all  the  Revealed  Books of Allah.  Allah granted  a Book to all  the Prophets . Allah granted  a Revelation  to every Prophet according  to needs of  his  people . 
 But the holy Quran  perfected  all the former  Revelations  all the former Books , that  were  sent down  before the Holy Quran .   The  Quran  is the last  of the Revealed  Books . Allah has laid  down  in it , once  for all , how we should  live on this earth . It will continue  to guide man till the end  of this world . It is the last  and  Final message of Allah .  


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