Faith in the day of Judgement and fate - Good And Evil .
Everything created must perish.
Some day we will die and leave everything on the earth behind . Long we may live but the life on earth is very short . One day this world we live in will also come to an end . Then everyone of us will stand before Allah to be Judged.
Facing Death :
The holy Quran says : Every human being is bound to taste death and in the end all shall be brought to Us ,
In truth we have some from Allah and are returning to Him . In fact we are on a journey to Heaven - our final homeland . When , how, and where we will die ? Only Allah knows . It is Allah's secret . Only Allah knows how long we would live . But we do know that everything created must perish and time will come when we will die .
The Joys of paradise or the torments of hell :
Allah is the master of the day of Judgement . He will judge each one of us on that day in the presence of everybody . Can you visualize what that would be like ? All the people who have ever lived on the earth will stand before Allah to be Judged and every deed of ours will find its reward . Those who believed in Allah and His Messengers and did good things will be welcome into the joys of paradise . They will live there forever . And those who lived far from Allah and denied His Messengers and turned their backs on Allah will be punished . They will be thrown into hell . The place of great suffering.
The thought of the Last day - the rein of God- fearing :
Faith in the life after death is one of the basic principles of Islam . The reason for giving this great importance is clear. This belief urges man towards good and noble deeds and keeps him from doing sinful things . Our hope for heaven and fear of Hell make us eager to do good deeds for love of Allah . The thought of the life after Death makes man fear Allah even when he is alone . He discharges his duties honestly . He refrains from doing anything which is prohibited . Should he fail anyway and break the law of Allah , he is ever ready to offer sincere regrets.
Allah is Always watching us :
One day Umar bin al khattab {R} was out in the city of Madinah to see for himself how people were getting alone . It was dark and Umar {R} walked silently . Soon he stood before a house where an elderly woman lived with her daughter . Every night they milked their animals . Sold their milk and so they lived .
As Umar {R} passed by he heard the mother advise her daughter to add water into milk so that it could bring them more money . Do not you know mother that Umar, the Caliph , has ordered us not to do so ? answered the God - fearing girl.
The mother said : My dear daughter , Umar is not here to see you add water into milk . Mother , I know the Caliph Umar is not here to see us cheat people but Allah is watching us . Dishonesty is forbidden in our religion . It was the thought of Akhirah that made the girl mindful of Allah .
What awaits us after death ?
When a person dies , his soul does not perish . A soul is immortal . It lives . It only migrates from this world to another , new , world . Separated from soul , the body placed in its grave . It is a teaching of our Faith that soon after death and burial the angels Question him about his beliefs. If he is truthful believer , he gives them correct answers. The angels then give him good news that he would live in peace and happiness till the Last Day. And if the dead turns out to be an unbeliever , in state of serious sins and obstinate rebellion against Allah , he is not able to give correct answers to the questioning angles . He is then plunged into a dreadful punishment which is not to cease till the Last Day . The Last Day -Yaum al - Akhir , means a day will come when everything on this earth will came to a sudden end . Then after a long period of time , when Allah will wish , all the people who have ever lived will come to life again and rise once again in the new world . The body of every person who has ever lived on the earth will rise , at Allah's command and be united again to its soul . This is called Resurrection or the day of Great Rising . Then Allah will judge each one of us in the presence of everybody . This is no dream . It is a terrible reality . Those who committed ruinous sins , and died without feeling sorry , will be punished in Hell . Those who did not believe in Allah and His Messengers and lived a life of obstinate rebellion against Allah will be thrown into Hell , where they will suffer greatly and their suffering will never end .
But those who believed in Allah and His Messengers and did good deeds will be welcome into the joys of heaven where they will live forever . This manse death is not an end but it is a beginning .
Prepare "now" for "then":
When, where and how will we die ? Only Allah knows . It is Allah's secret . But while we live we have time to do mush good to earn our reward in the hereafter . Time is running out . Time and tide wait for no man .We are rapidly running towards Allah . We are on a journey to our final homeland . The most precious thing in our possessions is Time . Every lost thing can be regained but it is useless to hope for the return of time which has passed away.
Therefore make the best use time . take it by the forelock . Remember you are passing through a very important phase of your life . You are preparing for your future . Be on your guard . Develop new talent . Learn new skills . Build up a sound health . Most important of all offer your Salawat completely . Do not skip your prayers . People who relax their prayers, one day give them up. Remember school, study , talking food, rest and every other good occupation become Ibadah, - worship - if carried out with the intention to seek Allah's pleasure . It is the right intention that sanctifies work , rest , our joys and our sorrow .
Stay away from boys and girls , who do bad things . Do not utter anything shameful . Do not do anything shameful . Remember modesty and faith are companions .
Always speak the truth , even if it takes courage . Obey your parents and teachers and do not speak about the faults of others unless you have a strong reasons . Get up early in the morning . Recite a portion from the Quran daily . Whenever bad thoughts invade your mind , chase them away saying :
and quickly turn your attention to something creative and useful . Do you know an empty mind is a devil's workshop?
Everything that happens ; happens at Allah's command:
Always remember, everything that happens , happens at Allah's command. A Muslim believes in fate - Good and evil. He believes that everything that happens in this world is a part of Allah's plan . Nothing happens by itself . And everything that happens has a meaning . But this does not mean that we must not do our part . " Shall I tie my camel and rely on Allah " the Prophet was once asked " or not tie it and rely on Allah's will ? He replied , Tie it, then rely on Allah's will .
From a habit of never being idle . Nothing good in life can be achieved by laziness . If hard times come your way , trust Allah, and instead of just sitting ; do something about it .
The Quran teaches that if something goes wrong, we should not despair . There is nothing more sorrowful than to despair. We must place our trust in Allah and hope that everything will turn out to be good in the end.
Very good and thanks