Sunday, September 27, 2020

Major Sins And Signs Of Hypocrisy:

  Major  Sins And  Signs  Of  Hypocrisy:

 Sinning  cools down the   Faith :

 Faith is the greatest gift of Allah . we should  thank Allah  for making  us Muslims  and try  to deepen  our Faith  by keeping  praying , reciting  the Holy  Books  and  by  avoiding  sins. 
  Sinning  cools  down  and  weakens  the faith . The Messenger of Allah {S} is  reported  to have said : When  a man  commits  a sin, it forms a black  a spot  on his heart , if he repents , the heart  becomes  free of it , but  if he  continues  to sin  the spots  multiply  and cover  the  whole  heart . It is case  of one  sin piled  upon another , till the heart  is blinded  and  it dies .

 To sin is  to disobey  Allah:

 The world is full of good things  and evil things ; murder , suicides , robberies, injustice, cruelty , stealing , fighting  and all sports  of immorality . Sins take us  away from Allah  and bring  great unhappiness . To sin  is  to disobey  Allah .

 Two Kinds of sins:

 There are two kinds  of sins : major  and minor . The Quran  and  the Hadith identify  them clearly . A major sin is  ruinous  and it is a great   disobedience  to Allah . Major sins are  forgiven  by Allah only  when  one feels  sincere regrets  within  himself . While venial sins are washed  away  by daily  prayers and good  deeds . A venial sin, however , becomes a major  sim if it is  obstinately  repeated  without feeling sorry .

 A few ruinous Sins:

 According  to Hadith ,ruinous  sins  are :
1. Associating  anything with Allah .
2. To Practise  magic .
3. Committing  murder , which means  taking  somebody else's  life without   reason .
4. Taking the  property  of an  orphan .
5. Taking interest.
6. Running  away  from battel  when  Jihad is declared .
7 Accusing an  innocent believing  woman of shameful behaviour .
8.  To bear false witness.
9. Killing  child  out of fear  that it will  share  one's  food .
10. Adultery; committing  adultery  with the wife  of a neighbour . This concerns  the  virtue of purity. It means  doing anything  shameful  and impure . We , therefore . should not think , say  or  desire  shameful  things.
11.  Disobeying  parents .

 Kufr or  Disbelief:

 Kufr is  a great  disobedience  to Allah . It is  the  opposite  of Iman. Iman  is to accept  perfectly  the Truth  brought  by the prophet  {S}  while  Kufr  is its  rejection . Kufr  is  of two kinds : One is a denial  of Faith  itself  and that  is the  opposite  of Iman . The other is  a denial  of a branch  of the branches  Of Islam , its partial  or total  rejection . 

 Shirk :

 Shirk is an  Arabic word . It suggests  partnership . Shirk  means  a partner . Shirk  is to associate  anything  with Allah . It  is the most  ruinous  sin. To worship  any thing  besides  Allah , to believe in fortune -tellers, the  use  of charms  and  amulets  said to revoke   the evil eye  and the influence  of demons  etc; are the forms  of shirk . And the shirk   is one of the most  grievous  sins .
 A  hadith has it :  The salah  of one , who goes  to a fortune - teller , asks him  something  and  believes  in what he says  , will not be  accepted  for forty  days;

 Sins of hypocrite ;

 Prophet  {S}  is reported to have  said : There  are three  signs of  a hypocrite ;  When  he talks , he tells lie , when he makes  promise  he does not keep it , and when  he is trusted  with something , he deceives; although  he  may be  offering  Salah, keeping  fasts , and calling himself  a Muslim .
 A believer's  word  is a bond , and  a Muslim must keep his promise . The prophet Muhammad {S} hated  untruths . He was  prepared  to accept  believers as  cowards or  misers but  he refused  to regard  a liar as a  true  Muslim.
  The following  incident  has a great  lesson  to teach  those  who are  in a  habit  of breaking  their  promises.

 A  believer's  word is a bond :

 Al- Hurmuzan , the famous  Persian  commander  was  taken  prisoner by  Muslim  in a battle  and  sent to Madinah . Umar bin  al  Khattab {R}  asked him  why he had not respected  his  pledges . Al- Hurmuzan replied :  I am  afraid  you  will kill me   before I tell you , and gasping  like one faint  with  thirst  asked  for a  drink of water . Give him; Umar {R} said , and let him drink  it peacefully ; No, said the  captive  trembling , I fear to  drink . Some one  will kill me unawares . Your life is safe; said umar  {R} until you  have  finished  your drink ; Al Harmuzan  believed  that he had won his life . He knew  it well  that a  believer's promise  is a bond . He did not drink water , instead  he poured it on  the ground . Umar bin al Khattab {R}ordered   another cup, but  Al - Hurmuzan  said  that he needed  no more water . I did not actually  need water  , he said , but safety  of my  life  and  now you have given  it to me ; Umar  said ,  I am going to  kill you . The people  around him  interrupted  Umar  and  said  that  a promise  had been made . Umar had to give way . Al Hurmuzan  at last  embraced Islam . He stayed  freely  in Madinah  and  received  a pension  from  treasury.

 Be on your Guard :

 Satan is  an open enemy  of man . He always  stirs  evil  thoughts  in his mind  and makes them  look  good and sweet . To  resist  Satan  we need  to have  a strong  Faith . We need  to follow  what Allah  commands  us to do . Satan  always  tries  to  involve  us in sin . We should , therefore , always  be on your guard .
 We can do  this by staying  away  from people , places  and things  that might  make  sinning  easier  for us . Sometimes  bad thoughts  come thick  and  fast. These  thoughts are , however not sinful  nuless  we keep  them on our mind  purposely  and act upon them. When bad thoughts  invade  our mind  , you should give  them  a chase  saying : 

 You should  then  turn  your attention  to something  useful  and   creative  like   doing your home - work , reading , helping , others, playing  games  or reciting  the holy Book .

 The  virtue of  purity :

  Sometimes we come  across  boys  and girls  who act and  talk shamefully . This  is the  moments  when  we should  ignore  them and  avoid  having  anything  to do with them . We may , however ,  report  the matter to someone  in authority . This  is not hard  to do  if we remember  the story  of Yousuf {A} . When  Yousuf  went to Egypt  as a slave , he was   bought  by al Aziz  who took a liking  for him . He trusted  him a lot . But because  of Yousuf's  good looks, the wife  of Al Aziz too  took a liking  for him .One day  she  asked him  to sin  but Yousuf  resisted  it saying : May  Allah protect  me from such a dirty  thing . How kindly  my Master  has  kept  me in his  house ,  How can  I be  disloyal  to him? And  those  who  do such  a wrong thing as this , always  end up  to be  very unhappy;

 The devil   lures  the  unmindful :

 Always keep busy . An empty  mind is  a devil's  workshop . Work hard . be  interested  in various  games  and  sports  . Keep  close  to Allah  by  remembering  Him , offering Salah  perfectly , and  by talking  to Him  often  in Du'as . These  are  the ways of  staying  out of the troubles  of sins . Once the prophet  {S}  drew  a straight  line  with the finger  and said . Let us  say   this is the  path  of Allah . He then   drew  on either  side of it  several  lines  at verious  angles . These  are  the  other  ways and  behind  each  of these  is a  devil that lures  that  unmindful ; observed  the  Prophet  Muhammad {S}.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Signs And Fruits of Faith

 Signs And  Fruits  of Faith:

 Who is   called  a Muslim?

  A Muslim   is  he who  believes  in Allah , His  angles , His  Books , His Messengers , the Last Day  and  fate - good and  evil.
 He offers  Salah perfectly , prays  the Zakah, fast in the month of  Ramadan ,  and goes for Hajj, when he  has  means  to do so .  He knows  and believes that the  best  way  is the  way of the  prophet  {S}.

 He keeps  in mind  that  in the Messenger of Allah , He  has  the high  ideals  of conduct  to copy .
 A Muslim  guards  his tongue  . He always  speaks the truth  even if  it takes  courage . He does not  speak  ill  of others . When  he  is moved  to anger  he readily  forgives . Our Prophet  Muhammad  {S}  has taught  us by  what  he did ,said  and  approved  of .

   Who is   called  a Muslim?

 The Prophet's  teachings have come  down  to us  in the  from of Hadith . In hadith  the word Iman  is often  used  in  its  wide sense ;  as including  good deeds and  sometimes  only for good deeds . Hence  the holy  Prophet  is recorded  to have said : Iman  has  over seventy  branches , the  highest  being  to testify.

 and the lowest  to remove harmful  thing  from the way . Elsewhere  we find:  None of you  has Faith  unless  he desires  for his brother  what is desires  for himself ; In another  Hadith  it comes : He   is not a truthful  believer  who  eats  his fill  and lets  his  neighbour   go hungry . And : He who believes  in Allah  and the Last Day  will never  harm  his neighbour ;  Iman  has over seventy  branches ; Haya { Modesty} is a  branch of Faith .

  Who is   called  a Muslim?

 Faith is the most  invaluable  gift of Allah . We  should  thank  Allah for  making  us Muslim  and try to deepen  our Faith  by praying  and reciting  the Holy book . Further we should  avoid  sinning , for sinning  weakens  the Faith . The prophet  is reported  to have said :  When a man  sins , it  forms  a black spot  on his heart , if he repents , the spot  is removed , but if  he continues  to sin , the  spots  multiply  and  cover  the whole heart : It is case of one sin piled  upon the other .

 The  Fruits of  faith:

 We  often hear  people ask questions as these : Who am i ? What is my final  Faith ? What  awaits  us  after death ? Why  should man go through sufferings  caused  by floods , storms ,  accidents,  famines , landslides  and fire ? Questions   such as  these  do not bother  a Muslim . The Quran  finds him  all the answers. The Quran is the  clear  mirror . People and   nations  can look into it  their  real  faces . A Muslim knows  that Allah  has created  man  for on other  purpose  than that  he may worship  Him. His Iman  on the Last Day  finds  him an answer  to the question . What  awaits  us  after death ? As  you understanding  of the Quran  and the Hadith  deepens ,  you will find answers to such questions.
 Faith makes  man  conscious  of Allah . It makes him  truthful  and honest . It  makes him  brave  and fearless . It makes him  conscious  that Allah  is  the master  of his destiny  and no one less  can interfere  with his fate . His hopes  and  fears   are , therefore ,always  directed  only to Allah . He fears no one but Him . Allah is the creator  of the world . He alone  has complete  and direct   knowledge  of everything . If he therefore , Asks , Asks  of Allah , If he  seeks  help , seeks help  of Allah . he knows that  if all the nations were to gather   together   to benefit  him with  anything , they would   benefit him  only with  something  Allah had  already  Written for him.
 Allah  is all knowing ;  All powerful . With  him  there  no before , after ; He has always  been  there and  will  there be  always . To associate  anyone  in His  worship is a  ruinous  sin . he responds  to man's  prayers .he alone  has power  to accept them . To petition  others  is utter  stupidity . Keep the truth  of Iman  before your mind  always . Your faith will be  your guide  and strength  every  moment  and particularly  in hard times . 

 Ali in the Prophet's bed:

 It was a  time  when  the pagan  Quraysh  had  increased  their attacks  against  the  Prophet  {S} .  Prophet Muhammad  {S}  had decided   to emigrate   to Madinah : and  he had been waiting  for Allah's  command  to arrive  . At last  the  Prophet  began  to prepare  to leave  for Madinah by Allah's leave.

 Ali in the Prophet's bed:

 Here began  one of the greatest  adventure  history  has known  in the path  of Faith  and Truth . On the  night  of Hijrah {Emigration}  shortly  before  departure , Muhammad  {S}  told Ali {R} of his plan  to emigrate  to Madinah .  The Prophet  {S}  then gave his  green cloak to Ali  and asked him to sleep  that night  in the  prophet's bed . He further  asked him  to stay  in Makkah  till he had  returned  all the things  left with the prophet  to their   rightful  owners.
 While Ali {R}  lay in prophet's bed , a few young men  of Quraysh  waited  outside  with the  intention  of killing  the Messenger of Allah  . But the ways  of Allah  are wondrous  . When he  wants  to save  someone , no one  can bring  harm  to him . Just  before dawn , the  Prophet {S}  left without being  found  out , leaving  Ali {R} sleeping  in his bed  in his green cloak. Each time  the enemies  looked  through a hole in the door , they saw  somebody  on the Prophet's  bed . They look Ali {R}  for the Prophet .  The scheme was at last discovered  but they could do nothing  to Ali {R} and Muhammad  {S} already away.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Faith in the day of Judgement and fate - Good And Evil .

   Faith in the day of  Judgement  and  fate - Good  And  Evil .

 Everything  created  must  perish.

 Some day we will die  and leave everything  on the earth  behind . Long  we may  live but   the life   on earth is very short . One day  this world  we live  in will also  come to an end . Then  everyone  of us will   stand  before Allah  to be  Judged. 

 Facing  Death :

 The holy Quran says  : Every human  being  is  bound  to taste  death  and in the end  all  shall  be brought  to Us ,
 In  truth  we have  some  from  Allah  and  are returning  to  Him . In fact  we are  on a journey  to Heaven - our  final homeland .  When , how,  and where  we will  die ? Only Allah  knows . It is Allah's secret  . Only Allah knows  how long  we would live . But we  do know  that everything  created  must perish  and time  will come  when we  will die .

 The  Joys of  paradise  or  the torments  of hell :

 Allah is the master of the day of  Judgement . He will judge  each one  of us  on that day  in the  presence  of everybody . Can  you visualize  what that would be  like ?  All the  people  who have ever  lived  on the earth  will stand before Allah  to be Judged  and every deed of ours  will find  its reward . Those who believed  in Allah and His  Messengers  and  did good things  will be welcome  into the joys  of paradise . They will live there  forever . And those who  lived far from  Allah and  denied  His Messengers  and turned  their backs on Allah  will be punished  . They will  be  thrown  into hell .  The place  of great  suffering.

 The thought of  the Last  day - the  rein  of God- fearing : 

 Faith in the life  after death  is one of the basic  principles  of Islam . The reason  for giving  this great  importance  is clear. This belief  urges  man  towards  good and  noble  deeds and keeps  him from doing  sinful   things . Our hope  for  heaven and  fear  of Hell  make us  eager  to do good deeds  for love  of Allah . The thought  of the life  after  Death  makes man fear  Allah even  when he is alone .  He  discharges  his duties  honestly . He  refrains  from doing anything  which is prohibited . Should  he  fail  anyway  and break  the law of Allah , he is ever  ready  to  offer  sincere  regrets.

 Allah is Always  watching  us :

 One day  Umar bin al  khattab {R}  was out  in the city  of Madinah  to see for himself  how people  were  getting  alone . It was dark  and  Umar {R}  walked  silently . Soon he stood before  a house  where an  elderly  woman  lived  with  her daughter . Every  night  they milked  their  animals . Sold  their milk  and so they  lived .
 As Umar  {R}  passed  by  he heard  the mother  advise  her daughter  to add  water into milk  so that it could  bring  them  more  money . Do not  you know  mother that  Umar, the  Caliph , has  ordered  us  not  to do so ? answered  the  God - fearing  girl.
 The mother said : My dear daughter    ,  Umar is not  here  to see  you  add  water into milk . Mother , I know  the Caliph  Umar is not  here  to see us   cheat  people  but  Allah is watching  us . Dishonesty is  forbidden  in our religion  . It was the thought   of  Akhirah  that made   the girl mindful  of Allah .

 What  awaits  us  after death ?

 When a person  dies , his soul  does not  perish . A soul is  immortal . It lives . It only  migrates  from this world  to another , new , world . Separated  from soul , the body  placed  in its grave . It is a teaching  of our Faith  that soon  after death  and burial  the angels  Question  him about  his beliefs.  If he is  truthful  believer , he gives them  correct  answers. The angels  then give  him good news   that  he would  live in peace  and happiness  till the Last Day. And if the dead  turns  out to be an unbeliever , in  state  of serious  sins  and  obstinate rebellion  against  Allah , he is not  able  to give  correct  answers  to the questioning  angles . He is then  plunged  into a  dreadful  punishment which  is not to cease  till the Last Day . The Last Day -Yaum al -  Akhir , means  a day will  come  when everything  on this earth  will came  to a sudden  end . Then after  a long period  of time , when Allah  will wish , all the people  who have ever  lived will  come to  life  again  and rise once again  in the new world . The body of every person  who has ever lived  on the earth  will rise , at Allah's  command  and be united  again  to its soul . This is called  Resurrection  or  the day of Great Rising . Then Allah  will judge  each one of us  in the  presence  of everybody . This is no dream . It is  a terrible  reality . Those who  committed  ruinous  sins , and died  without feeling  sorry , will be punished  in Hell . Those  who did  not  believe   in Allah  and His  Messengers  and lived  a life  of obstinate  rebellion  against  Allah    will be thrown  into  Hell , where they  will suffer  greatly  and  their  suffering  will never end .
 But those who  believed  in Allah  and His Messengers  and did  good deeds  will  be welcome  into the  joys  of heaven  where  they will live forever . This manse  death is not  an end  but it is  a beginning . 

 Prepare "now" for "then":

 When, where  and  how will we  die ? Only Allah  knows . It is  Allah's  secret .  But  while  we live  we have  time  to do mush  good to earn  our reward  in the  hereafter . Time  is running  out . Time  and tide  wait for no man  .We are rapidly  running  towards  Allah . We are on a  journey  to our final homeland . The most  precious  thing in our  possessions  is Time . Every lost thing can be  regained  but it is useless  to hope  for the return  of time  which has passed away.
 Therefore  make  the best use time . take  it by the  forelock . Remember  you are passing  through  a very important phase  of your life . You are preparing  for  your future . Be on your  guard . Develop  new talent . Learn  new skills . Build up a  sound  health . Most important  of all offer  your  Salawat  completely . Do not skip  your  prayers . People who relax  their prayers, one day  give  them up. Remember school, study ,  talking  food, rest and  every other  good occupation  become  Ibadah, - worship - if  carried  out with the  intention  to seek Allah's  pleasure . It is  the right  intention  that sanctifies  work , rest ,  our joys and  our  sorrow .
 Stay  away  from boys and girls , who do  bad things .  Do not utter  anything  shameful  . Do not do anything  shameful . Remember modesty  and   faith are  companions .
 Always  speak  the truth , even  if it takes courage . Obey your parents  and  teachers and  do not  speak  about  the faults  of others  unless  you have   a strong  reasons . Get up early  in the morning . Recite  a portion  from the Quran  daily . Whenever  bad thoughts  invade  your mind , chase them away  saying :

 and  quickly  turn your attention  to something  creative  and useful . Do  you  know  an empty  mind  is  a  devil's  workshop?

 Everything that happens ; happens at Allah's  command:

 Always  remember, everything that happens , happens at Allah's command. A Muslim believes  in fate - Good and evil. He believes  that everything  that happens  in this world  is  a part of Allah's plan . Nothing  happens  by itself . And  everything  that happens  has  a meaning . But  this does  not  mean  that we  must  not  do our part . " Shall  I tie  my camel  and rely  on Allah " the Prophet was  once  asked " or not tie  it and  rely  on Allah's  will ? He  replied , Tie it,  then  rely  on Allah's will .
 From a habit  of never being  idle . Nothing  good in life  can be  achieved  by  laziness . If  hard times  come  your way , trust  Allah, and  instead  of just  sitting  ; do something  about it .
  The Quran   teaches  that  if  something  goes wrong, we  should  not despair  . There  is  nothing  more  sorrowful  than to  despair. We  must place  our  trust  in Allah  and hope  that everything  will turn out  to be good  in the end.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Faith in Allah's Messengers And His Books

   Faith in Allah's Messengers  And His Books 

 The  religion of  early men :

 After Adam {A} Allah  greatly  multiplied  his children . All the people  who  have ever  lived  on the earth  belong to Adam  {A}.   They spread  everywhere  and filled this earth . Were   Adam told  that all these  people  on the earth  were  his  children ' he would perhaps  be  greatly  surprised . Early  children  of Adam  worshiped  Allah  alone  and they  associated  on partner  with Him  . They built  numerous  village , towns , and cities . They  lived   a simple  life , farmed  land  and  grew  crops . They  were  happy  with  what they had .

  Satan's envy

 But the  Satan and his hosts  envied  this happy  state  of  man . Will man  worship  Allah alone ? Should he be  left  free  to do so ?  Should men  remain  in harmony  and never  quarrel  among themselves ? The Satan  and his flock  thought . 
  In  fact   Satan had  refused  to  prostrate  himself  before  Adam , when  commanded  hence he had  lost Allah's favours  and was  rejected  for ever . Should I not  avenge  myself  upon the children  of Adam  and take  them  to hell   along  with  me ?  the devil  thought .
 The  Satan  could not bear to see  man  entering  heaven . He , therefore , made up  his mind  to lead  him  away  from Allah . he resolved  to lure  him  by making  evil seem  good and sweet to him . His mind  was  made  to mislead  man into  a  grievous  error  of worshipping  idols , for he  knew  that  Allah would forgive , if  He would  will , every  way  to flying  man  into the hell - fire , the devil  thought .

  Portraits  and drawings  of  saints :

 Satan  schemed and led men  into making  drawing  and portraits of saints who had been dead . The idea  caught  the fancy of people  and as the time passed , these drawings   and the  portraits began to grow  in number and gained  reputation . People stood  before them  out of respect and gradually  they began to look upon  them as holy monuments  and sources  of good luck .

 From Statues to Idols :

 A whole generation of people  perished . They passed  this  world  and the things  they  loved  into the  care  of their children .But  these  children  out  did  their  parents . they had  seen  their   parents  stand before  images , kiss  them , bow  before them  tough  them  out of respect , and ask  favours  from Allah  standing  before them .
 But years  brought  with  them  statues  and idols . They  spread  very fast . People began  to prostrate  themselves  before them . The  idols  multiplied  and they soon  began  to be  respected  deeply.  

Sprinkled  and hung   with  garlands.  Eventually  idols  gave  way  to gods and   there   appeared many  gods . Every village , every towns , possessed  different  gods - the gods of winds , the  sun god,  the moon god , the  sea god , etc. The  Satan  lured  man into sin  and  drew  him  away  from Allah .

  Allah's  displeasure :

 Allah was  displeased  with them  for their having  disobeyed  Him. Were  they  brought  to life  to worship  other gods and to turn  away  from their sustainer ? They walked  on His earth ., ate , bread , provided  them  by Him  and instead  of  worshipping  Him , worshipping  pieces  of stones  and metals  that  could neither  harm nor  benefit  them . Natural  dis asters  like  sandstorms , earthquakes , famines , floods ,heavy rains  overtook  them  periodically . But  this  had  little  effect  upon them .

 The  Prophets;

 Allah could have wiped out the  whole  mankind  for  its  disobedience  but  he  is  Compassionate  and merciful . On the other  hand  He could have  compelled  man  to return  to the right path  but that would  be  contrary  to the freedom  granted  to him  to choose  for himself . It was , therefore  essential  that man  should  receive  guidance  and for  this purpose  Allah raised  up  His  messengers , who could  talk to them  in their language , warn them and  guide  them to the right path .

 The functions of the Prophets:

 Allah blessed  these messengers  with the knowledge  of truth . Allah commanded  them to invite  all men   to Truth  from which  they had  Strayed , to show men   the way to heaven  and the way to  please  Allah ,. They all had  the same  mission  to call  people  to the  right   path .
 Down through  the ages, before  Muhammad {S} came , Allah sent  Prophets  at different  times . Prophets  have come  to all the Land. To every nation  Allah  sent  a messenger . The first man   Adam was the  first  Prophet . Muhammad {S} was the last  Prophet . The Prophets  speak in Allah's  name . Their duty is to  deliver  the  message  of Allah  to people , and to show  them how  the message  is to be   translated  into  practical  life .

 The qualities of  the  Prophets :

 Prophets are very holy , they never  tell  a lie. They never deceive  anyone . They  are innocent  and  free from  sins .All the Prophets  were  the doers  of good. Prophets are men . Allah chose  them  to be  His messengers . Allah guided  them  and their  teaching  was  free from  all errors . The  basic message of all the Propjets  was the same , Oneness  of God , to serve  Him  and to  shun  false  gods and powers of  evil.
 A Muslim  should believe   in all the Prophets  who came  before  Muhammad {S}, not only  those who are  mentioned  in the Quran , but also  those who  are  not mentioned ....... 

 The names of the prophets  and their  numbers :

 According  to the  holy  Quran  Allah sent  His messenger to each  nation . Their number is quite  large . Allah   only knows  their  exact number. The Quran , however , mentions  the following  prophets  by their names : Adam , Nooh, Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishaq, Lut,  yaqub, Yousuf,  Musa,  Haroon, Dawud ,  Sulayman ,  Ilyas , Yunus,  Alyas'a, Ayyub,  Zakaria, Yahya, Zulkifl, Idris,  Hud,  salih,  Shuaib,  Isa,   and Muhammad {S}. May  the blessings  and  peace  be upon  them all.

  The prophets speak  in Allah's name :

 No one can  claim  to be   Muslim  without  believing  in the prophets . In fact , he  who obeys  the prophet , obeys Allah, .The  path of the  prophet  is the path  of Allah . Whatever  the prophet  commands  must be accepted . Whatever  he  forbids , must  be  avoided.
 A pilot  who does not  follow the orders  he receives  form the  control tower , ends up  in  great  trouble . People who  do not follow   what the prophet tell them , always  end up  being  very unhappy.
 A true  Muslim  believes  in the prophet of Allah . He regards  them all  as the true  prophets  of Allah . He who denies  anyone  of them  is not a Muslim .

 Faith  in the Books of Allah:

  Allah  sent Prophet at  different  times . These prophets spoke  in Allah's  name . They taught  people  how to  live  on this earth . Allah gave   these  prophets   books . These  Books  were  holy . A Muslim should  believe  in  all the Books of Allah .

 The names  of the sacred Books  and their  number: 

 Just  as   there  were  numerous  Prophets  so there were  numerous  Books  of Allah  the  holy  Records  of Allah's  messages. The Quran speaks  of them  sometimes  as Books  or  leaves  or Sheets . the Quran   says  Allah gave the Zabur { songs in praise  of Allah} to prophet  dawud {A} Indeed  we did  grace  dawud  with  our  favour : O You  mountains  sing with him the  praise  of Allah and  likewise  you birds. The Hoy  Quran says  Allah gave the  Tawrah  to prophet Musa {A}. The Quran says  Allah gave the Suhuf{Leaves of Books} to Prophet  Ibrahim and Musa. Allah gave  the Injeel to Prophet Isa {A} . And Allah gave  the holy Quran to  our Prophet  Muhammad {S} who  was the final messenger  to mankind  and  Allah's Mercy  to all  creatures .

 Belief  in all   the sacred  Books of Allah. 

  The  religion  of Islam  requires  a belief  not only  in the holy Quran  but in all  the  Revealed  Books of Allah.  Allah granted  a Book to all  the Prophets . Allah granted  a Revelation  to every Prophet according  to needs of  his  people . 
 But the holy Quran  perfected  all the former  Revelations  all the former Books , that  were  sent down  before the Holy Quran .   The  Quran  is the last  of the Revealed  Books . Allah has laid  down  in it , once  for all , how we should  live on this earth . It will continue  to guide man till the end  of this world . It is the last  and  Final message of Allah .  

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Such were the prophet's companions

Such were the prophet's companions.

 Bilal bin  Rabah;
  Bilal bin Rabah , the prophet's muazzin , was  a faithful  believer  with a pure  heart . He was  of an  Abyssinian descent . His father's name was  Rabah   and his  mother  name was  Hamama .  Bilal [r] was one of the  seven early  persons  who accepted  Islam .
 Before  being  set free  by Abu Bakr  Siddq , Bilal  Bilal was slave  to Umayyah  bin Khalaf , who  used  to bring  out  in the  scorching  sun , throw  him  on the  burning  sand  on the back  and have   a huge  stone  placed  on his chest  , then he  would say  to him  ; you  will stay here  till  you  die  or deny  what  Muhammad [s] teaches  you . In reply  Bilal  would only say  One , One .
 One day  Abu Bakr  Siddiq  passed  by while  they  were  persecuting  him . The  sight  moved  the heart  of Abu  Bakr . He said to Umayyah  ; Do you not  fear  Allah  as  you persecute  this helpless  innocent  man ?  How long  would you  continue  doing this ? Umayyah  replied  ;  It is you  who has  spoilt  him ,  so  you save him . Then Abu Bark  bought  Bilal and  set him free .
 The Prophet's Mu'azzin.
  When the prophet Muhammad [s] was  firmly  settled  in Madina  and the commands  of Islam  firmly  established , people  used  to  gather  for Salah  at the  appointed time . But  when Allah  honoured  the Muslims  with the gift  of the Azan ; the  Messenger of Allah  commanded  Bilal  to deliver   Azan  from the  Masjidun Nabawi . Thus   Bilal  came to  be known  to be as  the prophet's  mu'azzin . He was  chosen  by the prophet  himself  to deliver  the Azan . When  time for Salah  would  arrive  the prophet  used  to   say  to Bilal " O Bilal , deliver  Azan  for Salah  and bring  rest  to my   hear.
 Bilal {r] was  very brave  fighter . He took  part  in almost  all the  battles  fought  during  the lifetime  of the prophet  and in the battle  of Badr  he  showed  his valour  and killed  his  former master  Umayyah  who  used to  torture  him mercilessly  in Makkah .

 Bilal - the  truthful :
 Bilal [r]  was a person  pure of  heart  and very  truthful . Once Abu  Ruwaiha  requested  him to  speak  for him  to the family  of a  Yemeni  woman  whom  Abu Ruwaiha  desired  to marry . Bilal went  and said  to them :  I am Bilal  bin Rabah . Abu Ruwaiha  is my brother  but he lacks  good manners . It is  your  choice  whether  to marry  your daughter  to him or not . He did not  deceive  by  hiding  the fact . He was conscious  of Allah . The family  , however ,  were  pleaded  with his honesty  and they  gave  their  daughter  to Abu  Ruwaiha  in marriage . 
 Umar bin  Al  khattab  respected  Bilal much . He used  to say about him  and Abu Bakr  is our master  and  he  set  at liberty  our master  Bilal [r]. 
 The  Prophet's  rebuke :
  Once Abu  Dharr  al Ghifari  disagreed  with Bilal  on some  matters  and called  him  the son of black  woman  out of temper  The  Prophet {S} felt  hurt  and  said  O  Abu  Dharr  , you are  still a man  belonging  to  pagan  times . Lift your head  and look. You are  hardly superior  to a man  of colour , be it  black  or white , unless   you excel  him in  deeds .  What distinguishes 
 a man  form a man  is not  the  colour  but the   faith . The prophet's  rebuke  had a deep  effect on  Abu dharr  Al Ghifari  {R}. He was faithful  Muslim  and very sensitive  of  temperament . In an  attempt  to atone  for his mistake , he put his head  on the  ground  and swore  that   he would  not raise  it until  Bilal had placed  his foot  on it .

 Bilal's  high position.
 Bilal   achieved  a high position  in Islam . O Bilal     , Last  night  I heard your  foot -steps  in paradise . Tell me  what action  of yours has  earned  you such  a  high  reward ?  asked the  prophet once . Bilal  answered ,  I do not think   I have  done  anything  rewarding  since  I accepted  Islam  except  for  such  was  Bilal  bin  Rabah ,  the  prophet's  Mu'azzin .

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