Saturday, May 9, 2020

Skeletal System

 Skeletal System
Skeletal System ...
Skeletal system
The Skeletal system in an adult body is made up of 206 individual bones.
 These bones are arranged into two major divisions : the axial skeleton and the appendicular  skeleton..
 The axial skeleton runs along the body's  midline  axis and is made up of 80 bones in the following  regions:
Auditory ossicles
Vertebral column

 The appendicular  skeleton is made up of 126 bones in the following regions:
 Upper limbs
 lower limbs
Pelvic girdle
 pectoral[ shoulder] girdle .

 The  skull is composed of 22 bones those  are fused  together except for the mandible . These 21 fused bones are separate in children to allow the skull and  brain to grow, but   fuse to give added strength  and protection  as an adult .  The mandible  remains as a movable  jaw bone and forms the only movable joint in the skull with the temporal bone . The bones of the superior portion of the  skull are known as the  cranium  and protect the brain  from damage . The bones  of the inferior  and anterior  portion of the skull are known as  facial  bones and support the eyes, nose, and mouth . Hyoid  and Auditory Ossicles.
 The  hyoid  is a small , U-shaped bone  found just inferior to  the mandible .The hyoid is the only bone in the body that does not form a joint  with any other bone -it is a floating  bone.The hyoid's function  is to help hold the trachea open and to form a bony connection  for the tongue muscles .
 The  malleus, incus, and stapes -known collectively as the auditory  ossicles - the  smallest bones  in the body .Found in a small cavity  inside of the temporal bone, they serve to transmit and amplify sound from the eardrum to the inner
  Twenty -six vertebrae  form the vertebral column  of the human body. They are named by region :
 Cervical{neck}-7  vertebrae
Thoracic{chest} _12 vertebrae
Lumbar {lower back}-5 vertebrae
 Sacrum-1 vertebra
 Coccyx {tailbone}-1 vertebra
 with the  exception of the singular sacrum and coccyx , each vertebra is named for the first letter of its region and its position along the superior - inferior  axis .
 For example , the most superior thoracic  vertebra is called T1 and the most inferior is called T12.
 Ribs and Sternum
 The sternum, or breastbone  ,is a thin, knife -shaped bone  located along the midline  of the anterior side of the thoracic region of skeleton .The sternum connects to the ribs by thin bands of cartilage  called the costal cartilage . 
 There are 12 pairs of ribs that together with the sternum form the ribcage  of the  thoracic region .The first seven ribsare known as ''true ribs'' because they connect the thoracic vertebrae  directly   to the sternum through their own band of costal cartilage . Ribs 8,9 and 10 all connect to the sternum through cartilage that is connected to the cartilage of the seventh rib ,so we consider these to be ''false  ribs. Ribs 11 and 12 are also false ribs , but are also considered to be ''floating ribs'' because they  do not have any  cartilage  attachment to the  sternum at all . 
 Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limb
The pectoral girdle  connects the upper limb[arm] bones  to the axial skeleton and consists of the left and right  clavicles and left and right scapulae. The humerus  is the bone of the upper arm.It forms  the ball and socket joint of  the shoulder  with the scapula and forms the elbow joint with the lower arm bones .The radius  and ulna are the  two bones of the forearm .The ulna  is on  the  medial side of the forearm  and forms a hinge  joint  with the  humerus  at the  elbow . The  radius  allows the forearm  and hand to turn over at the wrist joint .
 The  lower arm  bones  form the wrist joint with the  carpals, a group of eight small bones that  give added flexibility  to the wrist .
 The carpals are connected to the five  metacarpals  that form the bones of the  hand and connect to each of the fingers . Each finger has three bones known as phalanges , except for the thumb , which  only  has  two phalanges.

 Pelvic Girdle   and  lower limb
 Formed by  the left  and  right  hip   bones , the pelvic girdle  connects  the lower limb{leg} bones  to the axial skeleton.

 The femur   is  the largest  bone in the  body  and the only bone  of thigh { femoral} region . The femur  forms  the  ball and socket  hip joint  with  the hip bone  and the forms the  knee joint with the tibia  and patella. Commonly  called  the  kneecap , the patella is  special  because it is one of the  few bones  those are not  present  at birth . The  patella  forms  in early  childhood  to support  the  knee  for walking  and  crawling .
 The tibia  and  fibula  are  the bones  of the  lower leg . The  tibia is much larger  than the  fibula  and  bears  almost all of the  boy's weight . The  fibula  is  mainly  a muscle  attachment  point  and is   used to help maintain  balance . The  tibia  and  fibula  form the  ankle  joint  with the  talus , one of the  seven tarsal bones in the foot .
 The  tarsals  are  a group of seven small bones  that form the  posterior  end  of the foot  and heel . The tarsals  form joints  with the  five long metatarsals  of the foot . The each of the metatarsals  forms  a joint with one of the  set of phalanges , except  for the big toe, which  only has two phalanges .
 Microscopic  Structure of  Bones 
  The skeleton makes up about 30-40% of  an adult's  body mass .The skeleton's  mass is made up of nonliving  bone matrix  and many tiny  bone cells . Roughly  half of the  bone   matrix's mass is water , while  the  other half  is collagen protein and solid  crystals  of calcium carbonate  and calcium  phosphate .
 Living bone  cells  
 are found  on the edges of  bones and in small cavities  in side of  the bone  matrix .   even though  these cells  make up  very little  of the total bone  mass , they have  several  very important  roles  in the functions of the skeletal system. The bone  cells allow  bones to grow  and develop
 Be  repaired following  an injury or daily wear
 Be  broken down to release  their  stored  minerals.
 Types of bones 
 All of the bones of the body  can be broken down into five types : long , short ,flat , irregular , and  sesamoid .
 Long = long bones are  longer than they  are wide and  are the major  bones  of the limbs . Long bones  grow more  than the other classes  of bone throughout  childhood  and so are responsible  for the hulk  of our  height  as adults. A hollow  medullary  cavity  is found in the center  of long bones  and serves as a storage area for bone  marrow . Examples of long  bones include  the  femur, tibia , fibula , metatarsals , and phalanges .
 Short . Short bones are  about  as long as  they are wide  and often cubed  or round  in shape . The carpal bones  of the wrist and the tarsal  bones of the foot  are examples  of short bones .
 Flat . Flat bones  vary  greatly  in size  and shape ,but have the common feature  of being very thin  in one direction . Because  they are thin , flat  bones do not  have a  medullary  cavity  like the long bones. The frontal, parietal, and occipital  bones of the cranium - along with the ribs  and the hip bones - are all examples of flat bones 
 Irregular . Irregular bones  have a  shape  that does not fit  the pattern  of the long , short , or flat bones , The vertebrae sacrum , and coccyx  of the  spine- as well as  the sphenoid ,  ethmoid  , and  zygomatic  bones  of the skull - are all irregular  bones  .
 Sesamoid .  The sesamoid  bones  are formed  after birth inside of  tenbons  that  run across joints . Sesamoid  bones  grow to protect  the tenbons  from  stresses  and strains  at the joint  and can help  to give a mechanical  advantage  to muscles  pulling  on the tenbons . The  patella  and the pisiform bone  of the carpals  are the only   sesamoid bones  that are counted  as part  of the 206 bones  of the body . Other sesamoid bones  can form in the joints  of the hands , feet,but  are not  present in all people .
 Parts of Bones
 The long bones  of the body  contain  many  distinct region  due to the way  in which  they  develop  . At birth , each long bone is  made of three  individual bones  separated  by hyaline cartilage . Each end bone  is called  an epiphysis  { epi=on;physis=to grow } while the middle bone is called  diaphysis {dia=passing through }. The epiphyses  and diaphysis  grow towards  one another  and eventually fuse into one bone . The region  of growth and  eventual  fusion  in between the  epiphysis  and disphysis is called the metaphysis {meta= after} . Once the long bone  parts  have fused together , the on;y  hyaline  cartilage  left in the bone  is  found as articular  cartilage  on the ends of the bone that  form joints  with other bones . The  articular  cartilage  surface   acts  as a shock  absorber  and gliding  surface  between the bones  to  facilitate  movement at the joint .
Looking at a bone  in cross section, there are several distinct layered regions  that make up a one  .The outside of a bone is covered  in a thin layer of dense  irregular  connective tissue  called  the  periosteum . The periosteum  contains  many strong collagen fibers  that are used to firmly anchor tenbons and muscles  to the bone for movement . Stem cells  and osteoblast  cells  in the periosteum  are involved in the growth  and the  repair  of the outside  of the bone  due to stress  and  injury . Blood  vessels present  in the  periosteum  provide  energy  to the cells  inside of the bone  . The periosteum also contains  nervous  tissue  and  many nerve  endings  to give bone  its  sensitivity   to pain when injured . 
 Deep to the compact bone   layer is  a  region  of  spongy  bone  where the bone  tissue  grows  in thin columns  called   trabeculae  with spaces foe red  bone  marrow  in between . The  trabedulae  grow  in a  specific  pattern  to resist outside  stresses  with the lest amount  of mass  possible , keeping  bones   light  but strong . Long bones have  a spongy  bone  on their  ends but  have a hollow  medullary  cavity  in the middle m of the  diaphysis . The medullary  cavity  contains  red bone  marrow  during  childhood , eventually  turning  into yellow  bone  marrow  after puberty . Articulation
 An articulation , joint , is  a point  of  contact  between  bones , between  a bone and  cartilage  ,or  between  a bone  and a tooth . Synovial joints  are the most  common type  of articulation  and feature  a small  gap  between the bones . This gap  allows  a free range  of motion  and space  for synovial  fluid  to lubricate  the joint .  Fibrous  joints  exist  where  bones  are very  tightly  joined  and offer  little  to no movement  between the bones . Fibrous  joints also hold  teeth in their  bony sockets . Finally  cartilaginous  joints  are  formed  where bone meets cartilage  or where  there  is a layer of  cartilage  between two bones . these joints  provide  a small  amount  of  flexibility in the joint  due to the  gel-like  consistency   of cartilage . 

Friday, May 8, 2020

How to perform salah when you are traveling ?

 a traveller
 How to perform salah when you are traveling? [Musafir]

 Often people ask  how to perform salah  while traveling  .
 I do not have enough idea. Besides it is  one of the great instructions of Allah and it is obligatory  on us  If we do not  offer it  Allah will punish us  undoubtedly  on the day of judgment. And at first  we shall be asked about prayer on the day of judgment  and it is  dearest to Allah. That is why, Allah command  82 times to  establish   the prayer in the holy Quran.
So as much  as i  know  and understand that as a or being a  slave of Allah we should never ever miss the prayer five times a day.
 Allah says in the Holy Quran  that I sent the humankind just for my worship, and  another  place says Salah is such a powerful thing which can save you from all kinds of bad deeds.
 However ,Today i am going to utter  something on this subject that how to preform salah  while traveling .

First of all we  are going to know  about this from the Quran .

Allah says in the Quran [pert no 5 surah no 4 and yeat no 101] that when you travel through  the earth  there is no blame  on you if you shorten  your prayer.

 Now  we are going to know about this  from the Hadith 

 Narrated by  Anas {R}  he says , once  we  traveled  to Mecca from Madina  with prophet [ peace be upon him] and we performed salah two [ rakats] until came back to Madina from Mecca { shahihul Buqari and Muslim.

 A man when he  travels 77or 80 kilometers  by feet  , bus , train , plane  etc.
 Then he becomes a [musafir] traveller  according to Islamic law  , but there are some conditions to be a traveller in Islam and these are 

{1]  You have to take  an authentic  steady for journey.
[2} you have to be  mature .
{3] you have to be independent .
[4]  you have to make steady   for maximum  15 days.

 So if you have   an authentic steady for journey and if your wife with you  then she does not have to take  steady like you , because she is  follower of you .
 likewise, if  an owner  has taken  steady for journey  then his slave   does  not to  make  steady.
 If a captain made  steady then his soldiers  do not have to make steady for them, because they are also  follower of their  captain .

 A man who is traveling  he will be shortening his  prayer  until  enter  his  town or  area.
 Here  one more important thing  that  you have to make  steady for journey  maximum 15 days ,but if you spend  more then 15 days  then you  shall become  a resident and you  shall not be able to shorten your prayer.
 But  if you  travel for  a business   making  steady  for 15 days and you think i shall be able to  finish  my work within 15 days,  but by chance  you would not be  able to finish your  work within 15 days  then you will be able  to traveller {musafir]   until  finish your work  if it takes an year or more then it.
 If you miss any  prayer while traveling  and you have reached home  then you have to fulfill that missed prayer  like  traveller.

Which all prayers should shorten?
 Those prayer which are in four Rikats= such as 
 {1} Zuhar- only compulsory prayer
{2} Asar - only compulsory prayer 
{3} Isha- only compulsory prayer  
   Magrib,  and  Fajar  like resident .
 But  if you offer prayer behind  a resident  {Imam} then you have to pray full like a resident  and if you  are Imam   and resident person offer salah behind you  then before starting  salah you need to say them  that i am  a traveller , after two Rikat  you have to fulfill your salah by yourselves  if it  is  Zuhar , Isha, or Asar prayer . 
 According to Islamic law, in  travelling    just you have to perform  the  Faraz prayers not  Sunnah, oajib, nafal etc.

  May Allah bless on all of us  and   protect , and save  from all kinds of  troubles and diseases.  


Monday, May 4, 2020

How to perform missed salah[prayer]

  How to  perform my missed [salah]?
I have missed many salaah in the past and have been trying to pray my qaza namaz’s since the last 5 years. i do try and keep record but sometimes i become lazy and lose record of how much i have prayed, how can i finish off my qaza namaz


It should be borne in mind that it is obligatory upon every Muslim to perform the missed number of Fardh and Waajib (Witr) prayers (Salaat) since the time one has reached the age of puberty. This has been proven from many narrations-a few are as follows:
Anas ibn Maalik (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) mentions:“Whoever forgets to pray a Salaah, it is obligatory upon him/her that he/she pray that Salaah when he remembers. There is no other way that this can be made up.” (Bukhari , Hadith 597)
Likewise the messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) mentions:
“Whenever one of you misses a Salaah due to sleeping or due to negligence, it is obligatory upon him/her that he/she pray the Salaah when he remembers it because Allah has metioned, “Perform Salah when you remember me”(Muslim,Hadith 1569)

Making Intention for missed prayers (Qadha Salaat)

When making intention for missed prayers (Qadha Salaat), it is necessary to make intention for the specific Salaah missed.

If one has missed a number of prayers (Salaat), then one should make intention as follows: “I am performing such and such day’s Fajr Salaah (for example)”

If one has missed so many prayers (Salaat) that one does not remember the exact number of prayers (Salaats) missed then the intention should be made as follows: “oh Allah! From those prayers (Salaat) I have missed, I am performing the first Fajr Salaah (for example)”. Likewise a person should try to roughly remember how many prayers (Salaat) he/she has to make up for and make up for them as soon as possible until content that all missed prayers (Salaat) are performed.

When should a person make up for his/her missed prayers?

No one knows when death will come upon him/her, and to make up for missed prayers (Salaat) is a duty that has to be discharged before death. Therefore, it is best to make up for the missed prayers (Salaat) as soon as possible, whenever possible. However to read a lot of prayers (Salaat) in one go can be difficult, especially when a person has other commitments like work etc. Therefore, one easy way of performing missed prayers (Qadha Salaat) is that after each Salaah, perform one missed Salaah of the same kind. For example, after performing the Asr Salaah of today, perform one Asr  missed (Qadhaa) Salaah of just 4 Rakaats (keeping in mind the method of making intention as mentioned above).

Remember, there is no Qadhaa for the Sunnah prayers (Salaat) and Nafl prayers (Salaat) missed. Furthermore, prayer (Salaah) is forbidden at the time when the sun is at its zenith, sunset and sunrise.

Additionally, you should keep a written a record in your will of your missed prayers (Qadha Salaat) that have not yet been performed (and any other religious liabilities, such as unpaid Zakat, etc.)

And Allah, the Almighty knows best

Sunday, May 3, 2020

The prayer of sick person

      Salat of those with excuses recognized by the sharia – al-fiqh How  will you perform Salah if you are sick?

 Salah  or prayer is obligatory worship for Muslim and  we should never ever miss it but  if we are sick how to offer it ? i am going to accentuate  something on this  subject .
 First of all  we are going to learn from the holy Quran    then Hadith    .
  Almighty Allah says in the holy quran [ para [part] no 3 surah no  2 , and verses  286] that   On no soul doth Allah place  a burden  greater  than it can bear .
 It has  mentioned in  [ Abu  Daud sharif]  that prophet [s] said to  imran bin hussain  that  perform salah  standing   , if you are  not be able to  stand , then   perform while sitting , and take help with wall,   and sleeping on the bed .

we all suffer from sickness , it is a natural process   but many of us  never pay attention  to remembering  Almighty Allah  during in illness .Many times we neglect  our salah  when we are sick  because the  only thing  revolves  in our mind  is fast recovery .
  whatever the circumstance  are? no one can avoid the salah  because  salah is obligatory  . 
  Whoever has some excuse  due to illness and cannot stand  during the obligatory prayer  is allowed  to  offer  sitting , he may pray  while on his side by making  gestures .In  such a  situation  his gestures  for {sujud]  prostration  should be  lower than those for his {Ruku} bowing .This principle  is based  on Allah 's words, and  celebrate Allah's praises ,standing , sitting  and  lying on your  sides.

  Islam is a flexible  religion  so there are soft  corners as well . If  someone  is too weak  to be  able  to stand  for prayer  then he  can offer prayer while sitting , if he is unable  to sit  then he lies on his back  and perform prayer .While lying  and  ever if someone is such unable that  lying down  but he cannot bow  then he can perform prayer while hinting .This is because  obedience to Almighty Allah .

  Mentioned In The Hadith  ;
{1}  If someone  is too weak  to able to stand , then he will perform the   bowing  and prostrations while sitting .

{2} If one  is  not able to  sit , he will lie on his back  supported by a pillow  to incline   his upper  body and stretches  his legs  in the direction  of the prayer , hinting  at bows  and prostration .

 {3} If someone  that is unable  to sit  lied  down on his  side  , facing  his  chest in the direction  of the prayer  while hinting   then his prayer is also  valid .However  with ones legs stretched  is better , because  the  hints point  in the prayer  is direction.

 {4}  If one  is not be able to  hint  by his head  then he  delays  the prayer and does not  hint by his  eyes , heart , or eyebrows .

{5} If one  is able to  stand , but  not to perform bowing  and prostration  then he does not have to  stand ,but sits  and hints at the movements  . He may stand but  the best is to sit .

 {6} If someone  praying  seated , while performing  complete bowing  and prostrations due to  illness  and  became well during the prayer  then he builds upon what has been  done  and  performs  the rest  standing,  he stands what it is required .

    {7}  If someone started  prying optionally  while standing  but became  weak , then it is acceptable  for him to lean on a  stick or wall  or  sit down . Because this is an excuse .

 {8}  If he  started  leaning  during  optional prayer  without  an excuse  then this is dislike  , it is improper behavior .

{9}  If he  seat [ during an optional prayer after having stood   at the beginning] without any  excuse  then it is disliked but valid.

 {10] If someone   prays  seated  in a  boat [ while sailing ] without being sick  , it is valid  but standing is better .

{11} The one who loses consciousness  or  sanity  for five  consecutive  prayer times or less must make them  up  . If it is more  ,then he does not  have to pray them.

 We never know  when our last prayer  would be  make the most  of it  and offer every salah  as if , it is going to be  last  salah  maybe  . If a sick person  is unable  perform all  the articles of the prayer , he may  perform only  those  which he can . May Allah protect us form all kinds of disease. Ameen   

What are benefits of five times Namaz [prayer]

         How to Perform Salah - Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha (Same Way ...  
 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
 Benefits of five times prayer . and importance 

 People often ask why Muslims perform  five times Namaz or prayer  each day ?
 The modern society think  of it  as some  kind of a burden  or pressure . So i would like like to  accentuate  something  on this  topic.
 It is clearly  mentioned in the holy Quran  that the basic purpose  of life is to worship  Allah .  Through Namaz also called as  salah  or salat , one can  communicate  directly  Almighty Allah . Additionally  it restrains the person from bad habits and  evil deeds . Because Almighty Allah  says in the holy Quran  chapter no [para] 27  that  Namaz or salah is  such a powerful  act of worship which can save  you  from all kinds of bad deeds  .
The holy prophet peace be upon him in his Hadith says  that the key of paradise is salah or Namaz   in another  Hadith mentioned  that  once  a  person comes to  prophet  peace be upon him  and asks  what is the best  act of worship to Allah?
Prophet [s] says  salah which is performed its  perfect time.
 Namaz  a word ,binds every Muslim on the planet from a thread that connects them to Allah  It offers a wise path to His devotee to connect and know Allah better . Muslims perform five times   prayers a day as it is obligatory . If you do not  offer prayer , Allah will punish you on the day of judgment .
 It is necessary for men to perform the prayer  at mosque [Masjid] with a group  [jamat] but if  you want  alone  you can, but with group is best for men  while women  are supposed to perform the prayer  at their homes . The prayer  must be said while facing  in the direction  of Mukkah or Mecca , the birthplace of the prophet peace be upon Him
 Adhan  a call to prayer.
 In Muslim communities , people are reminded of the salah by the daily calls to prayer, known as  Adhan. The Adhan is delivered from mosque by Muezzin, the mosque's designated  caller of prayer .During  the call to  prayer, Muezzin recites  the Takbir and  the Kalima .
 when was the prayer made compulsory on Muslims?
  According to Hadith  in the night of Miraj the journey of prophet peace be upon him  to heaven  on 27th Rajab, Namaz or Prayer was made   obligatory on Muslims . And prayer is dearest to prophet peace be upon him .
 The importance of salah  has been well documented  in the Quran, hadith , and many  Islamic books .All it was  said  during  Miraj was that  every Muslim male or female  has to offer  the prayer  five times a day  there is no exemption from prayer ,whosoever does not  perform this important  religious obligation os breaking  the Islamic law  and  he will be punished  on the day of judgment .
 Wudu Before Nmaz .
 Before going to offer the prayer , it is compulsory  to perform the ablution [wudu] .it is done by washing  of the face , hands feet  amd [massah on your head,called wudu, before praying  . It stimulates  biological active  spots   and helps relax  the nervous nsystem and eases  tension,stress,and anxiety .
 benefits and importance .
 The  first we have  and that is  Fajar  [morning prayer] it is   very important  ,praying  at the beginning of the day  ,lighten up your body  it gives  your positive energy  and guidance . The hadith says  who offers Fajar prayer  Allah will protect him throughout the day.
 So we must try  to perform fajar prayer to seek the protection  and blessing  of Allah  throughout  the day . Early in morning  angles are sent by  Almighty Allah  to witness  the Muslim who is offering   fajar prayer . So it is utmost important  for us to offer  fajar prayer .
   Zuhar [noon prayer ]
 After the first prayer  Muslims  perform their  second   zuhar  prayer and it also important for every single one of us .
 The hadith clearly says  the  during the zuhar  time  the  gates of paradise are opened  so it  is really good time to do good deeds and Allah showers  his blessing  on you if you offer  zuhur prayer  and will shield  you from the fire of the hell on the day of judgment , you probably  shall have no reward  for any other good deeds  you  have done in  fire  nif you miss this prayer .
 Asar  [afternoon prayer ]
  It is also important  that  the hadith mentions  that   whoever  offers  the Fajar and Asar prayer  enters the Jannah [  heaven ] . This prayer saves you  from the hell and open the door of the Junnah . And Allah will give you  success in life  sa well sa  in the hereafter .Asar prayer is important  for yuor  health and family . to increase your wealth .
 Maghrib [evening prayer ].
  If you miss  the maghrib prayer  Allah will punish you  in the world and also in the hereafter . Allah will take away  all His blessing  from you , your Dua's will not be fulfilled  at the perform His worship.
 Isha [ night prayer ]
  The  last prayer of  the day is Isha , if you offre this prayer , Allah will reward you . So make sure that you never ever  miss the Isha prayer  Allah will listen to your Dua  and will shower  His blessing on you .
 Benefits  of   Physical
 Offering  Nmaz or prayer  has many  benefits  such as  spiritual ,religious ,physical ,mental , economic, etc , just like yoga, offering prayer  relaxes your mind and soul . it is highly  beneficial  to activate  all the seven  chakras  as per the yogic philosophy ,it is  highly  beneficial for body muscles and blood  circulation .
 Namaz is one of the finest forms of meditation  where you put your focus on God  generously .
 It relieves stress and forms peace of the mind  that ultimately  prevents diseases .it enhances  concentration  and reduces the level  of  depression .it keeps you fit  as it involves  stretching of muscles  which burns extra  calories, Hence  you get a flexible  body and  prevents  obesity .It also keeps the  balance of  Anabolic  and  catabolic  biochemical  process of the body .
  standing   posture of  the prayer it ensures proper blood flow to the lower portion of your body  which in turn strengthens leg muscles .
 For word bending   [Ruku]
 this posture is  good for your lower vertebral  back pain ,it involves  stretching of elbows,wrist,knees .
, and ankles thus develops flexibility around all these areas of the body. The abdominal  pressure in Ruku  promotes a sort of massage to the kidney  related  diseases .
  The Sitting posture is  exactly  similar  to  vajra sana,one of the  most  significant  poses  in yoga ,it strengthens  the thigh and calf muscles , improves digestion ,  truns   your spine straight  and erects .
 Sajdah   maintains  blood flow to the brain and stimulates the pituitary  gland and pineal  gland  ,thus reduces the chances  of brain  and headaches . The  sajdah  involves  acupressure of the toes that  relieves body  aches .
 Salam is one   form of  neck  yoga .It develops flexibility  in neck  muscles  and bone that  relaxes  shoulder and upper back .



Saturday, May 2, 2020

Salah[Namaz ]

   Pakistan-60-heritage special: Eid prayers at the Badshahi … | Flickr
           Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahhim.                                           Salah[Namaz]

Namaz, a word binds every Muslim on this planet   from a thread  that connects them to Allah . It  offers  a wise path  to His  devotee to connect  and know  Allah better . Muslims perform five times prayer  a day  as it is  obligatory . If you  do not  offer prayers ,Allah will punish you on the day of judgment.

 Salah  [ Arabic word] it means  prayer , or bless, contact, communication , connection , invocation also known asd Namaz  [ from persian] in Non  Arab Muslims countries , Prayer is the second  of the five  pillars of Islamic faith ,and an obligatory  religious  duty for every single Muslim . It is physical, mental,  and spiritual act of worship that is observed five times every day at  prescribed times . while facing  to  the Kabba in Mecca,the  holy city of Muslims,one stands,bows, prostrates  one self and concludes  with sitting on the ground  during each posture  one reads  certain verses, phrases,and  prayers. Ritual  purity  is a  precondition. 
 Salah consists  of the repetition of a unit called  a Rak'ah  a sequence of prescribed  actions and  word . The number of Rak'ah varies  according to   the time of day .

  English  usage=
 The word Salah is used  by English speakers only  to refer  to the formal obligatory prayers of Islam . The English word '' prayer '' could  translate several  different forms of Muslim worship each with a  different  Arabic name ; such as  Du'a, reverent ,supplication and  Dhikr etc .
 Namaz ,In non Arab Muslim countries  the most  widespread  term is the persian  word  namaz  it is  used by  speaker of  the  Indo - Irania language ,persian , Kurdish, Bengali ,Urdu, Balochi, Hindi , as well as by speaker  of Turkish,Azerbaijani, Russian, Chinese, Bosnian, and Albanian.

 Salah [Namaz] in the holy Quran.
 The noun salah  is used  82 times  in the holy Quran commanded   to establish it five times a day ; with about  15 other derivatives of its triliteral  root words connected  to salah , such as Mosque , wudu, drikr etc ,are used  in approximately  one - sixth of quranic verses.
'' Surely my prayer ,and my  sacrifice , and my life or my death  are  [all] for Allah , and I am Allah, there  is no God  but I, therefore serve me, and keep up prayer  for my remembernece are both example of this .
 Almighty Allah says  in the  holy Quran chapter no 27 [para] that  Truly ; The Salah is  such a good and  powerful thing that can remove your all kinds of bad habits from your mind and heart.
 Exegesis of the Quran can give four  dimensions  of Salah . First , in order to  glorify God's sersants,God,together  with The angels , perform  Salah,    Second , Salah is done involuntarily  by all beings  in creations ,in the sense  that they are  always in  contact with God by  virtue  of Him  creating   and sustaining  them .third  Muslims  voluntarily  perform Salah  to reveal   that  it is the  particular  from of worship that belongs  to prophet . Fourth  Salah is described as the second pillar of Islam .

  purpose  and  importance.

The primary purpose of Salah is to act  as a person's communication with Allah .Purification of heart is the ultimate religious  objective of  Salah .
   Some Conditions of  Salah [prayer].
 Salah is an obligatory   act of worship of Allah  For all Muslims, except for those  who are prepubescent ,menstruating  and experiencing   bleeding  in the up 40 days after childbirth  , according to sunnis.
there are some condition that make  Salah invalid , and that make salah correct . According to one view among many ; if one ignores the following  conditions ,their salah is  invalid .
 Facing the Qibla , with the chest  facing the direction of Kaaba . 

The ill and old are allowed leniency posture .
 Being  in a state  of Tahara ,usually achieved  by a short  ritual  washing called  wudu.
 Not performing Salah in  the pathway  of people [unless a stationary  object is placed in front ,obstructing the people way ] in a grave yard  or disrespectful places.on, on land  which has been taken by force .

Being sane  and able to distinguish between right and wrong .
 covering one's nakedness [awrah]
 laughing or speaking  or any unnecessary  movements  during the salah .
 flatulence .

 Burping  loudly in such a way that it disturbs  other worshipers.
 reading the necessary surahs too loudly , in a way that disturbs other worshipers  other condition for Salah include . women not praying  during  their menstruation  and  for a period  of time after childbirth .

 Covering  of the whole body .

 Praying  within the time  determined   for  each Salah .
  Sajdah of forgetfulness .
 Most  mistake in salah  can be compensated  for by  performing two prostrations at the end of the  prayer. 
 Benefits of  five times  Namaz [prayer].
 Offering Namaz [salah] has many benefits  such as spiritual , religious ,physical, mental, social , economic  etc. just like yoga, offering namaz relaxes  your mind  and soul. It is highly  beneficial  to activate  all the  seven chakras  as per the yogic philosophy .It is highly  beneficial for body  muscles and blood  circulation . Namaz is  one of the finest forms of meditation where you put your focus on God  generously . it relieves stress forms peace of the mind  that ultimately  prevents  diseases .it  enhances concentration and reduce  the level of depression. It keeps you fit  as it involves  stretching  of muscles which burns  extra  calories . hence  you get  a flexible body and  prevents  obesity .It also  keeps the  balance of process of the body .

 Benefits of  differents  postures in  namaz . 

  [1] Standing  posture  [Qiyam]
 It ensures  prosper blood  flow  to  the lower portion  of your body  which in turn strengthens  leg muscles .
[2]  forword bending  [Ruku]
This posture is good for your lower  vertebral  back pain . It involves stretching  of elbows, wrist, knees, and ankles , thus develops flexibility  around all these  areas of the body .the abdominal pressure in Ruku promotes  a sort of massage to the kidney related diseases.
[3]  Sitting posture .
  The posture is exactly   similar  to vajra sana , one of the  most significant  poses  in yoga .It strengthens the thigh  and  calf muscles improves  digestion, turns  your spine  straight and erects .
[4] Sajdah.
 Sajdah maintains blood flow  to the brain and stimulates  the pituitary gland and pinneal  gland .thus reduces  the chances of brain haemorrhage   and headaches .The sajdah also involves  acupressure  of the  toes that relieves body aches .
[5] Salam .
  Salam is one of  form of neck yoga .It develops  flexibility  in neck muscles and bone that relaxes  shouldre's and upper back .

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