Sunday, May 3, 2020

What are benefits of five times Namaz [prayer]

         How to Perform Salah - Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha (Same Way ...  
 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
 Benefits of five times prayer . and importance 

 People often ask why Muslims perform  five times Namaz or prayer  each day ?
 The modern society think  of it  as some  kind of a burden  or pressure . So i would like like to  accentuate  something  on this  topic.
 It is clearly  mentioned in the holy Quran  that the basic purpose  of life is to worship  Allah .  Through Namaz also called as  salah  or salat , one can  communicate  directly  Almighty Allah . Additionally  it restrains the person from bad habits and  evil deeds . Because Almighty Allah  says in the holy Quran  chapter no [para] 27  that  Namaz or salah is  such a powerful  act of worship which can save  you  from all kinds of bad deeds  .
The holy prophet peace be upon him in his Hadith says  that the key of paradise is salah or Namaz   in another  Hadith mentioned  that  once  a  person comes to  prophet  peace be upon him  and asks  what is the best  act of worship to Allah?
Prophet [s] says  salah which is performed its  perfect time.
 Namaz  a word ,binds every Muslim on the planet from a thread that connects them to Allah  It offers a wise path to His devotee to connect and know Allah better . Muslims perform five times   prayers a day as it is obligatory . If you do not  offer prayer , Allah will punish you on the day of judgment .
 It is necessary for men to perform the prayer  at mosque [Masjid] with a group  [jamat] but if  you want  alone  you can, but with group is best for men  while women  are supposed to perform the prayer  at their homes . The prayer  must be said while facing  in the direction  of Mukkah or Mecca , the birthplace of the prophet peace be upon Him
 Adhan  a call to prayer.
 In Muslim communities , people are reminded of the salah by the daily calls to prayer, known as  Adhan. The Adhan is delivered from mosque by Muezzin, the mosque's designated  caller of prayer .During  the call to  prayer, Muezzin recites  the Takbir and  the Kalima .
 when was the prayer made compulsory on Muslims?
  According to Hadith  in the night of Miraj the journey of prophet peace be upon him  to heaven  on 27th Rajab, Namaz or Prayer was made   obligatory on Muslims . And prayer is dearest to prophet peace be upon him .
 The importance of salah  has been well documented  in the Quran, hadith , and many  Islamic books .All it was  said  during  Miraj was that  every Muslim male or female  has to offer  the prayer  five times a day  there is no exemption from prayer ,whosoever does not  perform this important  religious obligation os breaking  the Islamic law  and  he will be punished  on the day of judgment .
 Wudu Before Nmaz .
 Before going to offer the prayer , it is compulsory  to perform the ablution [wudu] .it is done by washing  of the face , hands feet  amd [massah on your head,called wudu, before praying  . It stimulates  biological active  spots   and helps relax  the nervous nsystem and eases  tension,stress,and anxiety .
 benefits and importance .
 The  first we have  and that is  Fajar  [morning prayer] it is   very important  ,praying  at the beginning of the day  ,lighten up your body  it gives  your positive energy  and guidance . The hadith says  who offers Fajar prayer  Allah will protect him throughout the day.
 So we must try  to perform fajar prayer to seek the protection  and blessing  of Allah  throughout  the day . Early in morning  angles are sent by  Almighty Allah  to witness  the Muslim who is offering   fajar prayer . So it is utmost important  for us to offer  fajar prayer .
   Zuhar [noon prayer ]
 After the first prayer  Muslims  perform their  second   zuhar  prayer and it also important for every single one of us .
 The hadith clearly says  the  during the zuhar  time  the  gates of paradise are opened  so it  is really good time to do good deeds and Allah showers  his blessing  on you if you offer  zuhur prayer  and will shield  you from the fire of the hell on the day of judgment , you probably  shall have no reward  for any other good deeds  you  have done in  fire  nif you miss this prayer .
 Asar  [afternoon prayer ]
  It is also important  that  the hadith mentions  that   whoever  offers  the Fajar and Asar prayer  enters the Jannah [  heaven ] . This prayer saves you  from the hell and open the door of the Junnah . And Allah will give you  success in life  sa well sa  in the hereafter .Asar prayer is important  for yuor  health and family . to increase your wealth .
 Maghrib [evening prayer ].
  If you miss  the maghrib prayer  Allah will punish you  in the world and also in the hereafter . Allah will take away  all His blessing  from you , your Dua's will not be fulfilled  at the perform His worship.
 Isha [ night prayer ]
  The  last prayer of  the day is Isha , if you offre this prayer , Allah will reward you . So make sure that you never ever  miss the Isha prayer  Allah will listen to your Dua  and will shower  His blessing on you .
 Benefits  of   Physical
 Offering  Nmaz or prayer  has many  benefits  such as  spiritual ,religious ,physical ,mental , economic, etc , just like yoga, offering prayer  relaxes your mind and soul . it is highly  beneficial  to activate  all the seven  chakras  as per the yogic philosophy ,it is  highly  beneficial for body muscles and blood  circulation .
 Namaz is one of the finest forms of meditation  where you put your focus on God  generously .
 It relieves stress and forms peace of the mind  that ultimately  prevents diseases .it enhances  concentration  and reduces the level  of  depression .it keeps you fit  as it involves  stretching of muscles  which burns extra  calories, Hence  you get a flexible  body and  prevents  obesity .It also keeps the  balance of  Anabolic  and  catabolic  biochemical  process of the body .
  standing   posture of  the prayer it ensures proper blood flow to the lower portion of your body  which in turn strengthens leg muscles .
 For word bending   [Ruku]
 this posture is  good for your lower vertebral  back pain ,it involves  stretching of elbows,wrist,knees .
, and ankles thus develops flexibility around all these areas of the body. The abdominal  pressure in Ruku  promotes a sort of massage to the kidney  related  diseases .
  The Sitting posture is  exactly  similar  to  vajra sana,one of the  most  significant  poses  in yoga ,it strengthens  the thigh and calf muscles , improves digestion ,  truns   your spine straight  and erects .
 Sajdah   maintains  blood flow to the brain and stimulates the pituitary  gland and pineal  gland  ,thus reduces the chances  of brain  and headaches . The  sajdah  involves  acupressure of the toes that  relieves body  aches .
 Salam is one   form of  neck  yoga .It develops flexibility  in neck  muscles  and bone that  relaxes  shoulder and upper back .



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