Saturday, July 18, 2020

15 Health benefits of mango & with image

15 Health benefits of mango & with image
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 Mango image
On realizing numerous benefits of mango, your love for this fruit will increase manifold. It not only tastes good but has many health benefits. Here we give you 15 top healthy reasons for why you should eat mangoes during summer.
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It helps in fighting cancer

Mangoes contain antioxidants such as quercetin, fisetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, gallic acid and methyl gallate. All these properties protect our body against breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer and leukaemia.
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Helps in maintaining cholesterol level

Mangoes contain high level of vitamin C, fibre and pectin making it a perfect fruit that helps in controlling high cholesterol level.
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It helps in cleansing skin

Another benefit of eating mangoes is that it cleanses your skin from deep inside your body. It treats pores and gives a glow to your skin. Hence, eat mangoes to get a flawless skin.
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Helps in regulating diabetes

Eating mango leaves are great to regulate diabetes. So, people suffering from diabetes should boil 5-6 mango leaves in a vessel. Soak it overnight and drink the filtered decoction early in the morning. Also, mango has a low glycemic index, eating mango in moderation will not increase your blood sugar level.

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Helps in alkalising your body

As mangoes are enriched with tartaric and malic acid and contain traces of citric acid, it helps in maintaining the alkali reserve of our body.
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A way to lose weight

As mango contains a lot of vitamins and essential nutrients, eating one mango makes you feel fuller. Also, as it is loaded with fibrous content, it boosts the digestive function and burns unwanted calories from the body. This, in turn, helps in losing extra weight.
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An Aphrodisiac fruit

Mango is also known as the ‘love fruit’. It has the aphrodisiac qualities which also increase virility in men. So, have mangoes and enhance your love and passion.
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For healthy eyes

Mangoes are also loaded with vitamin A, making it a perfect fruit to improve eye sight. It also prevents night blindness and dry eyes. 
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Aids good digestion

The enzymes in mangoes help in breaking down protein content in the body. Enriched with fibre, mangoes aid good digestion and prevents many stomach related diseases. 
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Prevents heat stroke

This summer fruit also helps in preventing heat stroke. Eating it cools you down instantly and hence refreshes you. Add this ‘super fruit’ in summer and stay cool during the got weather.
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Help in strengthening immune system

Mangoes also contain vitamin C, A and other different kinds of carotenoids. All these essential nutrients are beneficial for your immune system keeping it strong and healthy.
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Use it as a body scrub

Apart from eating, applying mango scrub on your body gives you a smoother and tender skin. You can make a paste by mashing mangoes and adding honey and milk to it. Gently massage and leave on for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off to get a great skin.
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Improves concentration and memory

If you find it difficult to concentrate and have low memory, then gorge on mangoes. They not only help in improving your concentration but also boost your memory.
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 Mango image
Contains high iron content

The high iron content in mango is a natural remedy for anaemic people. Also, women should eat mangoes to increase iron level and calcium content in their bodies.

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