Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Faith in Angels

 Faith In Angels
 The Belief in Angels  of  Allah  is one of the  basic  foundation  of Islam . A Muslim  should believe  in angels.No one  can be  a true Muslim  if he  denies their  existence.

  The Nature of  the angels .
 The Arabic Word for angel is Malak or Malaika being  its plural. Allah had  created  the angels long before . He created  man . Angels  are  quite different from men  .We  human beings have the ability  to think  and make  decisions. While angels  have no power  of choice  of their own . They simply  obey the commands of  Allah .
  The Quran and Hadith  speak  of angels  in more than  on place . The angels are  spirits . They are  made of light . They are  neither  men or women  . They do not marry  either   . They do not  need to eat , drink and  sleep  . They do  Allah's  bidding . They are  mighty  and very speedy  . Allah   has given them  Wings Some of them  have two , three, four ,or more  while Jibreel is spoken  of as  having six  hundred  wings . To suppose  that  the  angel's wings  have muscles  and  feathers  similar to those  of  birds , is  wrong . The real  nature  of angels  is known  to Allah  alone . The angels  can take  any  form  by Allah's  leave. Can you  recall  the angel to visited  Maryam  the  mother of Isah  to bless her  with the good news  of a son ?
 The number of Angels :
 How many Angels are  there ? Only Allah knows , There are , however ,  four   mighty Angels :  Jibreel , Israfeel , Mikaeel, and  Azraeel. They are very close to  Allah . They are superior  grades . Others angels  are not  equal . Some  are  close to Allah  and  others  are not.
 The numerous  functions that the  angels  attend.
 Angels are classified  by their  functions. Various duties  have been  assigned  to them  in heaven  and on the earth  . Some of them  hold Allah's seat  of power. Some carry   messages , While some keep  records  of people 's  good and  evil deeds . They are called  Kiraman  Katibin - the noble  recorders . The angels  functioning  on the  earth  take  turns  by day  and day night . The angels  working  during   the hours  of  daylight  depart  from the  earth  after the  Asar prayer . New  angels  take  up  their  night  assignment . It is wrong  to believe  that  angels  can  make mistakes  in carrying  out  Allah's  orders.
 The Messenger  of Allah  is recorded  as having  said : Angels  take  turn  among  you  by day by  night  . They gather  together  at Salatul - Fajar  and Asar  . Those  who spend  the night among  you  depart   and present  themselves  before  their  Sustainer  Who , inspite  of His being All - Knowing , ask them :  In what  state  did you leave My servant ?  The Angels  reply: O Lord   when we reached  them  they  were  praying   ; When  we  left them  they were  praying. Just  consider     what  reply  would  the angels be giving  to their  Lord  regarding  people  who relax  their  prayers  or do not  pray  at all ?  And what about  those  who  lead  a  wicked  and sinful  life . 

 Some Other  Functions of the  angels : 
 The most  significant  duty  of the angels is  to bring  Divine Revelation  to Allah's  Prophets. According  to the Holy Quran  it was the  angel  Jibreel  who  used  to bring  the speech  of Allah  to  prophet Muhammad  peace  be upon  Him.
 1.  They descend  on the virtuous  to comfort  them   at Allah's  command .
 2. They come to help  the pious  as they  fight their  enemies .
3. Some angels  are  at their  posts  in heaven ,  while some  are posted  in Hell.
4. Some angels  are  assigned  to take  the  lives  of people  on their death  
5.  Angels were sent  to strengthen  the prophets  and help them  fight  the enemies  of Allah.
6. Some  angels  protect  us  from all sorts  of   evils  at Allah's  command .
7. Some angels  inflict  punishment  on people  and nations  by Allah's  leave. 
 8. Some of them  should  present  themselves  at congregations  and  gathering  where Allah's  Name  is  pronounced , the Quran  recited  and sermons  delivered .
 A  true  Muslim believes in  the angels  of Allah ; no one  can be  a true  Muslim  if he  denies them .

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Flame Of Faith [ Iman] The best of Gifts

 Allah has created  man out of  wet earth. Allah  has made  him  in the best  shape. Allah  made man so  special  that there  is nothing  more wonderful  than  he on the  earth . Each one of us  is  wonderful too. Allah has given  each one of us  the most  precious  gifts ; the ability  to talk , to think , to make  decisions  and to choose  what is the best  and good for us .
 But  the best  of  all  gifts is Iman- the Faith . But  what is Iman ? it  may be asked  Iman is to  believe  what Allah  has revealed  through his Messenger  Muhammad  peace be upon  him  with all  our heart  Iman  is to have  Faith in Allah , His Angels , His Books , His  Messengers , The last Day  and  Fate - good  and evil. The whole  of the religion  of Islam  can be  briefly  expressed  in a short sentence : 
The Flame Of Faith [ Iman] The best of  Gifts.   Iman- The best  of all gifts
Which means  there  is no god  but Allah and  Muhammad ism the  Messenger  of Allah . It is simply  confessing  it [ the Shahabah]  that a man  can enter the  fold of Islam . This is the brief  expression of Faith - Iman Mujmal . While  the  detailed expression of Faith - Iman  Mufassal  is clearly  set forth  in the  Hoy Quran. To take  an  Example :

The Flame Of Faith [ Iman] The best of  Gifts.     Iman- The best  of all gifts
[ Piety does not consist  in turning  your face  towards  the  east  or the  west- but  truly pious is he  who believes  in Allah  and the last Day ,and the angels ,  the Books ,the Prophets  and gives his wealth  in spite of the love  for it ,  to kinsfolk,to orphans  and the needy , and  to  the wayfarer, to those who ask, and  to set slaves free. And offers the prayer perfectly , and pay the  Zakah.And those who keep their promises whenever  they promise, and those  who are  patient  in  extreme poverty  and  ailment  and in time  of  peril : it is  they that  have proved themselves true, and  they are  pious]

 It is related  by Umar bin  Khattab: One day while  we  were sitting  with the  Messenger  of Allah , a man  appeared before  us whose  clothes  were very  white  and  hair  very black. No  signs  of traveling  were  to be  seen on him and  none  of  us knew  him . He  walked unto the Prophet  and sat by him  in such a way that his  knees touched  the Prophet's  knees and his  palms were  placed  on the  prophet's  thighs.

 He asked  "O  Muhammad  [s]  Tell me  about  Islam ". The Messenger of Allah  said : " Islam is  to testify that there is no god but Allah and  Muhammad  is the Messenger  of Allah, to offer Salah  perfectly , to pay Zakah  , to fast in the month of Ramadan . and  to make pilgrimage  to the  House  of Allah  if one is  able to to do so .
 The man further asked :  Then tell me  about Iman"
 The  Prophet said  It is  to have  faith in Allah, His  angels , His  Books , His  Messengers ,  the last Day  and  in  Fate - good and evil.
 He  said ; Then  tell me about  Ihsan;
 He said :  It is to  worship  Allah as  though  you are seeing  Him, and  while you see Him not , He truly  sees you ".
 He said : " Then tell me  about the Hour { The Day of Judgement }."
 He said : " the one  questioned  about it  no better  than the  questioner "...... { till the  end of the Hadith}.

 This is our Faith  is our life. When  duty  calls, we should  be  prepared  to give  our life to  defend it.
The following  example  from the life of Abdullah bin Huzaifah , a  companion of the  Prophet, teaches  us the same lesson .

 Umar ibn al  Khattab  {R} had  sent  an army to fight  the Romans . A young  faithful  believer called  Abdullah  bin Huzifah , was among the ` troops. Abdullah bin  Huzifah was very  brave  person . He fought  bravely  in the battle  but  once, as he  dashed  through the enemy  ranks, he fell into the hands of the  enemies and was taken  prisoner. They  took  him to their  emperor who  tempted him to  renounce Islam and  accept Christianity .
 The emperor  said :"O  Abdullah    If  you  would  agree to accept  Christianity we  would  give  you a  lot of wealth and  place  that would  make you happy ". 
 Abdullah replied :" For all your wealth , I am not prepared to part with my faith even for a moment ". The emperor  asked  angrily : " then tell me  everything  about your army which has come to attack us ".  Abdullah answered  " I shall tell you nothing . Each soldier  in the Muslim army is my brother . I would  do nothing that would bring harm to anyone  of them ". "Then I shall have  you put to death ". shouted  the  emperor  in tones  of great rage .
 Abdullah  feared  nothing . He  replied  bravely : " I would  love  to die  in the way of Allah ".
 The epperor  commanded  his troops to tie  down Abdullah{R}  and  take him away to be killed . The emperor  thought  this might  frighten him to tell everything   about the  Musim army But Abdullah said  nothing. His faith and  fearlessness  astonished the emperor  . At last,  he ordered  Abdullah {R} to be  flung into a person without  giving  him food and water . Abdullah spent three  days  in person without food and water  . The emperor  marvelleed  at the  faith of Abdullah. He  walked  upto  him and said : " I will set you free if you agree  to kiss my forehead ". Abdullah thought  for a while  and replied  : " shall kiss your forehead  if you agree  to set my Muslim  brother captives free".  Abdullah  kissed  the king's forehead  and he  set eight  Muslim captives free .

 when  Abdullah  bin Huzifah  returned , Umar {R} went out to the  outskirts  of Madinah to welcome  him  home . He told  Muslims  that it was  binding on everyone  present  to kiss Abdullah's forehead  and Umar {R} himself  made the  beginning . Everyone  present kissed  Abdullah bin  Huzaifah,   following the example   of Umar bin  Al Khattab {R}.

Islam And The World

 Islam And The World 
Islam And The World

 The  study of Islam  would not be complete  without  having a look at all  that  it has given  to the world , in terms  of arts ,  sciences  and  culture . The  world  owes a great deal to Islam in various  fields  of life . We had  a quick  look at some  of  them  in  Grade  Four And Five .
 Earlier we have seen  that the world  algebra  comes  from the  Arabic ' al- Jabr. The world  in fact was  used  in the title  of a book  written  by  a Muslim Mathematician  called Muhammad  ibn Musa  Al -Khwarizimi , in Baghadad in about 825 AC. He was one of the greatest  Muslim mathematicians . He  was  the originator  of the science  of  algebra  and his contribution  to mathematics  is great  indeed . His works  were  later  translated  into Latin  and  were  used  as  main  mathematical  text-books  in European  universities . It was  through  the works of al - Khwarizimi that the West became aware  of the Arabic numerals  called  algorithms  after him The Muslims  studied  arithmetic , algebra  and  geometry and produced eminent  scientists  in this field  ike Abu Abdullah Al  Mahani, Abu Jafar  Al Khazin  Al Karaji  and Umar Al Khayyam. Al Khayyam  who is properly  known  as a Persian  poet  to the world ,was in fact  a first  class  mathematician  and  an  astronomer . Ghayath  - ul bin Jamshid  al Kshani  was  another eminent  mathematician . His contribution  to the science of  numbers  is amazingly  great  . He not only  invented  the decimal  fraction , but  he was  also  the first person  to have  invented  a  computing  machine . In the field  of geometry  the Muslims   studied  the classical  Greek words  especially  of Euclid  and  Appolonios . They made many new  contribution  to it and solved  many of  the problems  which  had  baffled  the earlier  scientists  . They established  relationships  between  algebra  and geometry  and with their knowledge  of geometry  solved  a number of  algebraic  problems . In the  field of geometry  the names of Banu Musa , Thabit ibn Qurrah , Nasir- ud- bin at - Tusi and al Khayyam  will always  be remembered  . The  need to find  direction  of  Makkah  for the  purposes  of prayer  gave  Muslims  an interest  in  astronomy  from the  earliest  times .

 Because of their  deep  mathematical  knowledge  and their  skill  as sailors  the Muslims  also became  expert  at navigation  . It was the Muslims  who   spread  the  Use of astrolabe  for sailors ,and they drew up  some  of the first  and  most accurate  astronomical  tables .
Muslims traders  traveled  extensively  during  the  seventh and  the ninth  centuries  and reached  as far as  China And Russia  by sea as well as by land  . Some of them  wrote very interesting  accounts of their  Journeys . Their reports  aroused  wide - spread  interest   in distant  lands  and  the people . Thus  the accounts  of Sulayman  at Tajir  and Ahmed  ibn fadlan  tell us some  of the interesting  things  about China And Russia .
 But the  most  popular  and  outstanding  of the  Travels  are  those  of ibn  Battutah .  He was   an Arab  His full name  was  Muhammad  ibn Abdullah  Battutah, He was  born  in  1304  in tangier  in Morocco . He traveled  from Tangier  and eastward   he reached  India , Sri Lanka , Bengal  and even  China . He visited  al Basrah  and   Islandul  also . He  claims  that  when he went  to Basrah  he saw  a blood - stained  copy  of the Holy Quran  which  was  used by Uthman bin Affan    [R]  at the time   when he  was  murdered   . His work  has been  translated  into English  . You  may find a copy  in  a good library . Al  Biruni [d. 1050] wrote  a geography  of India  and  guessed  correctly  that  the  Indus river  valley  must once have been  a sea . It was again  al- Khawarizmi  who  devised  a calendar  as accurate  as the one we use today .

 When   the Muslims  armies  went into the West , the scholars  followed  and they  translated  scores  of learned  books   into  Arabic . Thus  they kept  the lamp of learning  burning  bright .
 Some of the many words like  algebra , alcove , admiral ,mattress ,tabby , alcohol , shawl , divan  coffee,  chemistry , syrup , saffron ,  crimson , sugar ,zero, etc  . commonly  used in English  stand as a  living  witness  to the special  influence  of the Arabs had on the West . You can find out  how these  words  found  their  way into English  language  if you  look them up  in a good dictionary .

 Centres of learning .
 All this knowledge was  preserved  and  passed  on the succeeding generations at  great centres  of learning  particularly  at Baghdad ,  damascus,  Cordoba  and  Toledo, in Spain , Palermo, in  Sicily  and Cairo  in Egypt.
 Islam And The World

 It was  capital city of Muslim Andalusia . Cordoba  in Spain  was  as  large  as  Baghdad . It had  handsome  palaces ,  mosque , libraries , schools  and  gardens  of great splendour . The streets  of Cordoba  were paved  and  lit  with  lamps . The  city  enjoyed  a constant  supply of fresh water . Garbage  was   removed  from the  public  roads . Dense  grove  surrounded  the city. There were   as many as fifty  hospital  and  there were  six hundred  mosques .

The Great Mosque of  Cordoba.-Mosque of  Cordoba.
The  most  wonderful  was  the Great Mosque of  Cordoba . 1293 columns  supported  the roof of the  Mosque.  Chandeliers illuminated  the building ; one  Chandelier  holding  a  thousand  lights,  the small  ones  twelve .  Special  kind  of  bronze  plates  were used  in the making  of tis doors . The central  gate  had gold  plated  fixed  to it .  The walls  were  adorned  with  mosaics .  The coloured  marbles ,  the  gleam of gold , the rich  decorations made  the mosque  the most charming  masterpiece  of architecture .
 And  all  this was  at a time  when  the cities  in the rest of Europe  were  undrained ,  unpaved  and  without  water supplies or  sanitation .

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

How Much Important to know about the Holy Quran

How Much Important to know about the Holy Quran

We are  Muslims  and  as Muslims  we  believe  in the Holy  Quran .  We  born  in  Muslims  family  but we do not have enough   knowledge  about it and some times   i am asked  by  many  Muslims  people   regarding  the  Quran  That's why , i think  that   i  have  to  discuss  about the Quran  to all of you . 
A brief  Introduction of the Holy  Quran
Muslims believe that the Quran was orally revealed by Allah to the final prophet, Muhammad, through the archangel Gabriel (Jibril), incrementally over a period of some 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE, when Muhammad was 40; and concluding in 632, the year of his death.

 Muslims believe  that   Quran is such a book  through it   they can  improve  their lives  in proper ways  and  they can   get all kinds of information  to   related   Muslims lives 

 The Holy Quran  revealed  for  23  years  upon the   final prophet Muhammad   peace be  upon him through  Geabrile [ Jibril]. from the direct a secret  place  is known  in the holy Quran  [Louhe Mahfuj].

It has  30 parts   every parts is called  [para] The holy Quran  is such a book  which was  revealed  in Arabic language  is read  in Arabic language  still  now . It  has been translated  in  many  languages  all over the world . In the  world  so many Scientists  research  about the holy  Quran  and find out  many  useful  information  from the Quran  everyday.  It has 140  suras , 6666 signs   for taking rest ,[ Ayeat]There are 558 rukūʿs in the Qur'an. In some books, 540 have been mentioned which is actually misunderstood by some people with total rukus of quran recited in Tarawih prayer (special prayer in the Islamic month of Ramadan after the night prayer). 
There are   14, and some Muslims  believe  15  sajda  in the Quran
 because  Almighty Allah mentioned  in the Quran  para no 1, sura no 2,  sura  bakara says there is nothing  doubt  in the  Quran . The  Holy Quran  is  such  a book  without  making[ odu ] means  washing  face , hands, legs  you cannot  touch  the Quran  because  it is Holy , Sacred  book. it is  recited  in  five times prayer everyday  without reciting the Quran  you shall not be able to fulfill  the  prayer , so it is  most important  for  offering  salah[ namaz]. Each  Suras  has Several benefits. 
 If you recite one  letter  of the holy Quran  Allah will give you  10 Reward , if you are  in depression   please read the  Quran  because it can  remove  your depression. Only  the holy Quran can give you  every  beneficial   knowledge  such as  how to improve  your life in  Islamic ways ,  how to  protect  yourself  from  all kinds of  bad deeds ,  your family members ,  to respect  your patents , elders,   how to behave  with your  neighbor  , what is the  rights  of  your  own  brother  on you , your  sister , friends ,  wife , the holy Quran  is   such a book  which is immortal  ,because  Allah says  the Quan  has been  revealed  by myself and  i will  protect it  for good or  forever  so it is proved  that nobody can destroy  the Holy Quran    etc. 
 If you would like to know more benefits About the Quran please click  these links...

 May Allah  Grant every single one of us  from all kinds of sins.

What is the Holy Quran?

What is the Holy Quran? And  what  are benefits  of the Holy Quran ?
Download The Holy Quran Book For iPhone, iPad & Apple Watch

We are  Muslims  and  as Muslims  we  believe  in the Holy  Quran .  We  born  in  Muslims  family  but we do not have enough   knowledge  about it and some times   i am asked  by  many  Muslims  people   regarding  the  Quran  That's why , i think  that   i  have  to  discuss  about the Quran  to all of you . 
A brief  Introduction of the Holy  Quran
Muslims believe that the Quran was orally revealed by Allah to the final prophet, Muhammad, through the archangel Gabriel (Jibril), incrementally over a period of some 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE, when Muhammad was 40; and concluding in 632, the year of his death.

 Muslims believe  that   Quran is such a book  through it   they can  improve  their lives  in proper ways  and  they can   get all kinds of information  to   related   Muslims lives 

 The Holy Quran  revealed  for  23  years  upon the   final prophet Muhammad   peace be  upon him through  Geabrile [ Jibril]. from the direct a secret  place  is known  in the holy Quran  [Louhe Mahfuj].

 Some  needful information  about  the Quran
It has  30 parts   every parts is called  [para] The holy Quran  is such a book  which was  revealed  in Arabic language  is read  in Arabic language  still  now . It  has been translated  in  many  languages  all over the world . In the  world  so many Scientists  research  about the holy  Quran  and find out  many  useful  information  from the Quran  everyday.  It has 140  suras , 6666 signs   for taking rest ,[ Ayeat]There are 558 rukūʿs in the Qur'an. In some books, 540 have been mentioned which is actually misunderstood by some people with total rukus of quran recited in Tarawih prayer (special prayer in the Islamic month of Ramadan after the night prayer). 
There are   14, and some Muslims  believe  15  sajda  in the Quran
 Benefits of the  holy Quran.
 All Muslims believe  that there are no  doubt  in the Quran  
 because  Almighty Allah mentioned  in the Quran  para no 1, sura no 2,  sura  bakara says there is nothing  doubt  in the  Quran . The  Holy Quran  is  such  a book  without  making[ odu ] means  washing  face , hands, legs  you cannot  touch  the Quran  because  it is Holy , Sacred  book. it is  recited  in  five times prayer everyday  without reciting the Quran  you shall not be able to fulfill  the  prayer , so it is  most important  for  offering  salah[ namaz]. Each  Suras  has Several benefits. 
 If you recite one  letter  of the holy Quran  Allah will give you  10 Reward , if you are  in depression   please read the  Quran  because it can  remove  your depression. Only  the holy Quran can give you  every  beneficial   knowledge  such as  how to improve  your life in  Islamic ways ,  how to  protect  yourself  from  all kinds of  bad deeds ,  your family members ,  to respect  your patents , elders,   how to behave  with your  neighbor  , what is the  rights  of  your  own  brother  on you , your  sister , friends ,  wife , the holy Quran  is   such a book  which is immortal  ,because  Allah says  the Quan  has been  revealed  by myself and  i will  protect it  for good or  forever  so it is proved  that nobody can destroy  the Holy Quran    etc.

 May Allah  Grant every single one of us  from all kinds of sins.

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