22 Health benefits of Dates &with image
dates image 1. Over coming constipation Dates are often categorized as laxative foods . This is why they are so often eaten by people who suffer from constipation . To get the benefit of dates as , then you have to soak a few dates with boiled water at night , then consume them in the morning when they being to turn liquid , to get the most optimal result . dates have high levels of soluble fiber , which is important in promoting healthy bowel movements so that food and waste can pass smoothly through the digestive tract. 2. Support Bone Health and strength Dates contain a significant amount of minerals that make it super food to strengthen bones and fight diseases or condition that cause brittle bones and loss, such as osteoporosis . Dates contain selenium,manganese ,copper and magnesium ,all of which are an integral part of the development and strength of healthy bones , especially as people being to age and their bones slowly weaken . |
dates image 3. Overcoming bowel Disorder The nicotine contain of dates is considered beneficial for curing various types of intestinal disorders. A constant intake of dates helps inhibit the growth of pathological organisms and thus, dates can help stimulate the growth of good bacteria in the gut . Regarding the benefits of dates in dealing with digestive problem and soluble fiber , as well as many beneficial amino acids that can stimulate the digestive process of food so that it makes it more efficient , meaning that more nutrients will be absorbed by the digestive tract and enter the body with more optimal . 4. Helps Treat Anemia Dates have a high mineral content , which is useful for dealing with various health conditions . The benefits of dates in helping to treat anemia or lack of blood are mediated by a high iron content . High levels of iron will help the process of formation of red blood cells , increase energy and strength , while reducing fatigue and lethargy . |
dates image 9. Energy Booster Dates contain high natural sugars such as glucose , fructose , and sucrose . Therefor , dates can be used as a perfect snack to immediately 'blow up' energy . Then it is true what was exemplified by the apostle to start breaking the fast with a few dates . In other conditions , for example after exercising or exercising and then feeling tired , then you can chew a few dates to immediately restore energy . 10. Maintaining Nervous System Health The benefits of this dates are inseparable from the content of some B vitamins which are good for health and nervous system function . In addition , there is also potassium which is one of the main ingredients in promoting a healthy and responsive nervous system , and also increases the speed and alertness of brain activity . Therefor , dates are an extraordinary source of food for people as they being to age and their nervous system because slow or unsupported , and also for people who want to keep their minds sharp . 11. Improve memory and brain work system It is known that potassium contain in dates is very large ., so that potassium, is able to control oxygen in the body to the brain until the fluids in the body also experience smooth functioning . Be more routine in consuming these dates to get maximum results. 12. Prevents insomnia. |
dates image 13. Maintaining Heart Health Not many people know that one of the benefits of dates is quite helpful ,namely maintaining heart health . When the dates are soaked at night , then you find the next morning it has started to melt , then that's when the right time to consume them , the concoction of the dates proved to have a positive effect on a weak heart . Dates are also a high source of potassium , which based on research has been shown to reduce the rick of stroke and other heart related diseases . In addition , eating dates is also a healthy and delicious way to reduce LDL cholesterol levels in the body . Which is a major factor in heart attack , heart diseases , and stroke . Therefor , if taken twice a week , dates can seriously improve overall heart health . 14. Sexual Weakness. Studies have shown that dates are beneficial for increasing sexual stamina. Soak a handful of dates with fresh goat's milk overnight , then add cardamom powder and honey . The mixture becomes a tonic which is very useful to increase sexual endurance and reduce infertility caused by various sexual disorders . The science that reference behind that benefits of dates is derived from the experience of traditional usage which is then scientifically examined . In 2006, Bahmanpour studied the effects of date palms and their oils on sexual function and found that high levels of estradiol and flavonoid components could increases sperm count and motility , as well as increases the size and weight of the testes . Benefits of dates are also good for pregnant women , see the explanation here ; Benefits of dates for pregnant women who deserve thumbs up. |
dates image 15. Reducing Night blandness. The benefits of dates are very broad , including being used to treat various conditions that affect the rears , nose , and throat . When the leaves of a date tree are ground and then made into a paste then rubbed around the eyes , or when the dates are consumed as usual , it has been proven to reduce the frequency of night blindness . 16. Intoxication Dates are usually used as a medicine for those who experience alcohol poisoning . Date also provide quick relief due to the serious effects of consuming alcohol . Once again , dates must be soaked overnight for the best results. drink it in the morning to anticipate severe hangover. 17. Controlling Diarrhea Mature dates contain potassium , which is known as an effective substance for controlling diarrhea . Dates are also easily digested , which further helps the symptoms of chronic erratic diarrhea . Soluble fiber in dates can also help relieve diarrhea , by normalizing bowel movements and improving normal and health functioning of the excretion system. 18 . Prevent Gastric Cancer . Research has pointed out that dates are one of the foods that can reduce the risk and serious effects of gastric cancer . dates work as a tonic which is useful for all age groups . Even in some cases , this drug works better then traditional medicine , and it is natural , so it dose not cause negative side effects on the human body, As mentioned before , dates can also be digested quickly and provide an instant energy boots . |
dates image 19. Helps Prevent Risk of Brain Cancer. Various mineral content in dates such as magnesium,boron , calcium , sulfur , and potassium play an important role in preventing the risk of brain cancer . The minerals contained in the dates are quite a lot . 20 Sources of Antioxidants. Judging by its contents , dates are very good source of antioxidants. Antioxidants themselves have benefits in protecting the body from free radicals that damage cells and even cause cancer . Phytochemicals that are included as antioxidants in dates include polyphenols , sterols , tannins , and carotenoids . |
dates image 21. Prevent Blood Clots. The next benefits of dates is to prevent blood clots , because dates are rich in salicylic acid . Of course this is very important , because blood clots can be fatal if it occurs in the blood vessels of the brain { stroke } and heart blood vessels { bag attack}. |
dates image 22. Free saturated fat You do not need to worry about the bad effects of saturated fats , such as obesity , atherosclerosis , and so on when consuming dates. Dates are high in fiber and do not contain saturated fat , cholesterol and sodium . |
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Date is the best for health