Wednesday, November 18, 2020

5 Amazing Medicinal plants And Their Uses


05 Amazing  Medicinal Plant And Their Uses.

Azadirachta indica, commonly known as neem, nimtree or Indian lilac, is a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceae. It is one of two species in the genus Azadirachta, and is native to the Indian subcontinent. It is typically grown in tropical and semi-tropical region .
 The Neem  originates  from  India  from  where  it was  imported  as  trees  from the  avenues  for its shade . As  it  resists  brought  it was used  in the  sahel  in  reforestation . These  are the most used  leaves  in traditional  medicine in  malaria , edema  and  rheumatism.

 Description  of the  Plant .

 It is a  small tree  5 to  15 meters  high . The leaves  are  alternate  paripinnate . The small  white flowers  are  clusters  and very fragrant . The fruit is  a small  cylindrical  drupe  or almost oval.  It is high  green and 
 yellowish  at maturity . The  hard  core is  covered  with  a  slightly  sweet viscous  pulp  and  its wood  is never  attacked by termites  because  of  its  bitterness.

  Curative  Action :- 

 Many works  have  sought  to explain  the  pharmacological  action  of this plant  . An alcoholic  extract  of leaves and  trunk  bark  has  shown  anti- inflammatory  and  antipyretic  activity . A similarly , a freeze -dried  aqueous  extract  of the leaves  given by  oral route  to  rats  confirms  this anti- inflammatory  action. Seed  oil contains  many principles  that are  insecticides and  can protect crops  from predators .


 Fever, Gastric ,  Ulcers, Malaria,:- Boil 30  grams of leaves  in one  liter  of  water for half  an hour Drinking  half a liter  a day.

 Balanites  Aegyptiaca.

 History  And Use:

 All  organs  of this plant are  used  in traditional  medicine.  The  bark  macerated  is used  in colic , jaundice and  as  activenom and vermifuge .  The  stems  after removal  of thorns  are used as  toothbrush  and sold on all,  but   it is the fruit  that is widely  used as a food because of its carbohydrates  and  vitamins . In traditional  medicine , we drink  as  aqueous  decoction  of this fruit  purgative  and vermifuge  or  in the treatment  of the stomach  disorders. A concentrated  decoction  fruit  thrown  in water can be used  to asphyxiate  fish and  fish more .  The almond contains  an oil that  sometimes  replaces peanut oil in  Africa.

 Description Of the Plant  :-

 It is a  thorny  tree 8 to  9 meters  high . The bark of the  trunk is deeply  striated . The ends  of the branches  have  long spines  robust  and  straight . The  leaves  are  alternate  and the  greenish-yellow flowers  are found  in the   axils  of the leaves . The  green to yellow  which  can be sucked  like  sweets. The  contain an almond  rich in oil .

 Curative  Action ;-

 The fruit Contains  a lot of  carbohydrates  and  vitamins , and  so  justifies  its  name of desert  date . It is also very popular  with  children  and adults . On  the  other hand , the  pulp of the fruit  contains a  asponoside , diosgenine , in  an  important  quantity  which explains  the  two traditional  uses: anti inflammatory  by rubbing  the juice  on the  inflamed  parts and  also being  able  to asphyxiate on  the  fish by making  a  decoction  of the fruit thrown in the  water of the ponds  and  this  decoction  can  kill the  molluscs responsible  for  spreading  schistosomiasis , and the stems  removed  from the thorns  are used to  removed tartar  from the teeth but do not contain  antibacterial  principle .
  Suck fruits  sold in markets  for their   richness  in vitamins and  carbohydrates .
 Anti- inflammatory - Molluscide :-
  Squeeze the  fruit juice or make a concentrated  decoction  and rub the inflamed  part to calm the  pain . then  discard  this decoction in the dry season  is  stagnant  water it kills the  molluscs.

 Cut  a stem of  balanites aegyptiaca, remove thorns  and  rub their teeth on hour a day  for normal hygiene.

 Barosma  Betulina .

  The buchu is  native to South Africa it is  also grown in some countries  in south  America, we use  cuttings  in late summer on  well- irrigated  soils  and very sunny.

 Description of the Plant :-

 Traditional  remedy  south Africa , the  buchu  is a   stimulant  and  a diuretic , it  also relieves  intestinal  diseases . For the  Western  herbal medicine , it is a  diuretic  agent and a valuable  antiseptic  unary , used  in particular  to cure the  cystitis  and  do other diseases  of the  unary  system. the aroma of the  buchu  is strong  and  its taste is  reminiscent of rosemary  and  peppermint .

 Curative  Action :-

 African remedy :
 The buchu  is the medicinal  plant  of the  Hottentots  of  Namibia , who use  it as a diuretic  and  stimulant  it is also  a carminative  treatment , which helps  to expel  flatulence and  reduces  bloating  abdominals.
 Western  First uses:
 Introduced  in Great Britain in 1790 , the  plant  became  on  official  medicine  in 1821, cited  in the  British  Pharmacopoeia  as an effective  treatment  against  cystitis , nephritis , urethritis and  inflammation of the  bladder .
 Modern Treatment  :

 In general , buchu is still  used today  to treat the  same  conditions  of the unary system, often proving effective  in  treating  acute cystitis when associated  with other  plants , such as  maize .


 In infusion or tincture , buchu cystitis and  urethritis, especially  when these diseases  are linked to the existence of candida  albicans, responsible  for vaginal  candidiasis . The infusion is generally  more  effective  dyeing , especially  when the  infection is douche  in case of leucorrhea {white  discharge }, and incidentally  for vaginal  inflammations . The plant is a uterine stimulant that  contains pulegone . Therefore , the buchu  is not  recommended  during  pregnancy .


 Infusion : For  the prostate , drink  a cup  two times  a day .

  Tincture  For chronic infections , take  40 drops  in water   three times  a day .

 Capsule  for  cystitis , take  one capsule  of 500gm twice  a day.

 History And  Use:
 This small plant  is recognized  by  traditional  healers  as anti-leprosy and  anti -furunculous . In leprosy we use the whole  plant in  decoction  that we drink or  apply  to wounds . For boils , we  use  a paste  obtained  by pounding  the leaves  in mortal  with oil for ten years  it was  believed  because  of the name   of fake -ipeca   of the plant  in Argentina , that is  contained  emulsion  and cepheline , alkaloids  of the plant . Ipeca , but a recent  study  carried  out  in Dakar showed  that alkaloids  were new and indole : borrerine  and  borreverine .

 Description of the plant :

 It is a perennial  shrub up to  1 meters  high, in herbaceous  form  with  numerous   branches , the  stem has a  succession  of nodes on which the  leaves are inserted , and  the  ninth small white  flowers  are arranged  in glomeruli along  the  margins ,  stems  and  at their  summit .

  Curative  Action :

 The leaves  contain alkaloids , especially  borreverine, which has  a fairly important  antibiotic  effect  on  staphylococcus  aureus , which  is most  often responsible  for boils and  parsnips . Here we have the example  of the scientific verification  of  ancestral  data. on the other  hand  , the leaves  contain  a  volatile  oil with antiseptic  action . Uses:

   Apply  directly  to the wounds  or  boils the  juice  of  the leaves  after disinfection  and renew  three times  a  day Drink an infusion of the leaves .

 According  to an ancient  Greek Myth  wild  cabbage  was born from the sweet  drops  of  Zeus . The  cruciferous  plant  was already  used  at that  time  as  a medicinal  plant . Further  specifically , the  women who would  give  birth ingested  cabbage  to be  certain . The   Romans , they found  other virtues  to cabbage . It served  as both an antidote , even  preventive  treatment  for drunkenness , and  disinfectant  in case  of injury { used as a  poultice }. Did not  Pliny  the  Eldel , moreover , declare  that  that if the  Romans had  passed  away  from doctors  for centuries , it was  because  of their  consumption  of cabbage? Cabbage is  not  only  part of our  Diet , but  also medicinal plants  that have always  been used , especially  since the plant was very early  domesticated .
 Wild cabbage  is  the  ancestor of the many  varieties  that we  know  today, it appeared  thousands of  years  ago , before  being  domesticated  there  are  2,000 it is still found  on the rocky  shores  of the  Mediterranean  Sea, in the north of Spain  and the  South West  of  France . All the cabbages  of our daily  consumption { green, white , red, Brussels , Pommed } are cruciferous  plants , that is to say having  a  four- petaled  flower , having the shape  of  a cross . They possess  a thick  stem  and green a or gray leaves . There are now  many vegetable varieties  of Cabbage . Curative  Action  And Internal Use :
 Toning  : cabbage  treats  general fatigue , but  also anemia  and  vitamin deficiency, thanks  to its  vitamin contain C, B1, A,  and E.
 Decongestant , the juice  of cabbage  helps   fight against flu, colitis  and edema . In general, it  eliminates  toxins .It high fiber  regulates  difficult transits .Additionne  honey, it heals the  aphonia.
 Cabbage  acts  on verious  digestive  diseases  from diarrhea  to colitis , through gastric  and  intestinal pain.
 Decongestant :  Cabbage can restore  good blood circulation  , in the case  of heart disease and  venous  insufficiency  { varicose  veins , phlebitis , etc.} It contributes  to better  elimination  in the context  of liver  disease.
 Anti- inflammatory : in cataplasms , cabbage treats  inflammations  of the ENT sphere  { angina , laryngitis }, as well as  bronchitis , asthma , but also hemorrhoids  and muscular  pains .  It  facilitates  the elimination  of the  effusions , in case  of  sprain  for example .
  Analgesic : cabbage relieves  people  suffering  from multiple neuralgia ,  headaches, dental  pain , sciatica .
 Astringent : by  promoting  the  revitalization  of tissues , it  soothes  skin conditions, including  zonas.  Calming : Cabbage  heals  eye irritation , red eyes  or conjunctivitis .
 The cabbage is used  a lot  in poultice  : remove the  central side of the  sheet  and crush  it with the roller  to release  the juice  then apply  three layers  on the area to be  treated , before  covering  it with a band of gauze .

  You can also iron the leaf {always  after removing  the rib } before placing it, still hot, on  a  painful  area.

 In internal  use, cabbage  leaves are simply  drunk  raw or cooked , but it is  also possible  to prepare  a  syrup  of cabbage  with the juice  of the  centrifuged  leaves and honey , to fight against the cough  fat, take in this case  3 or 4  teaspoon , all day long .
 The juice  of centrifuged  cabbage , at a rate  of 100 ml  per day { which corresponds to a  quarter of  medium - Sized  cabbage } will fight against gastritis , stomach ulcers, hiatal  hernias , oesophagitis Etc.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

4 Unbelievable Islamic Medicines And Their Uses

 4 Unbelievable Islamic Medicines  And Their  Uses. Barley, Truffle, Senna, And Siwak.

 Holdeum  Vulare  is the  botanical  name for  Barley,  it is  from  the  Poaceae family .


 Talbinah is  actually  a  broth made  from  barley.  The broth is called  Talbinah because  it is thin  and white , similar  to milk. Barley is a  rugged cereal grain  from  the  grass family  , it can grow  up to  1  1/2  to 4  feet tall  and  flourishes  in cool  climates. It  has  not been  established  where exactly  barley  originated  from , however  it has been  traced  back to 7000BC Iran  and 5000BC in the early Egyptian  and  Sumerian  Writings. barley  was  part of the  staple  diet  in ancient  Egypt . In 5th century  AD Tibet , and  Medieval  Europe . Known to the  ancient  Greeks Roman and  Chinese , it is from  the most ancient  of  cultivate  grains , it was the  first domesticated  grain in the Near East, then Syria , Palestine , Israel, Lebanon , Nd has been  used for  centuries  in dishes  ranging  from bread , soup, and cereal.
 The most  common   forms  of barley  found  today are  Hulled barley where only  the  outer husk is  removed,  Scotch barley  where  the grain is  husked  and coarsely  ground , barley grits where the grain is hulled  and cracked  into medium  course  pieces , and pearl  barley  where  the  bran is removed , Steamed  and polished . The most  nutritious  and  beneficial  of these is the  hulled  barley  as  the other  forms lose  a lot  of their  nutritional  value  through the  different  processing  they go through. Pearl  barley  is more  commercial  and widely  available  unlike the other forms which can mainly  be found  in health food stores.

 Parts Used:-

 It is more common  that the  barley  grain is used; however , unknown  to many  people, the  green barley leaves can be  used  too.

 Constituents :-

Barley  consists  of carbohydrates 55% starch, 15% fibre, Proteins  12% lipids 3% and  Micronutrients , Vitamins , minerals , flavonoids  and anthocyanin . Amongst  its vitamins and minerals  are ;B1{ Thiamine }, B2{Riboflavin}, B3{Niacin }, B5[ Pantothenic }, B6,B9{Folate}, selenium , Iron , magnesium , Zinc , and Phosphorus . It  also  contains  calcium  and  potassium . It constituents  function as follows.
* Phytochemicals - natural  plant-based  chemicals - may reduce the risk of  diseases such as  heart  diseases , diabetes  and cancer.
* Soluble  fibre  is effective  in lowering  blood cholesterol and  can reduce  the risk of heart  diseases . It is also  beneficial  in  slowing  the  absorption  of  sugar and  reducing  the risk for developing  type 2 or non-insulin-dependent  diabetes .
* Insoluble  fiber  is  beneficial  in helping  the  body maintain  regular bowel  function . It may  also  help lower the risk of certain  cancers such as  colon cancer.
* Starch - has  softening  and  absorbent properties .
* Antioxidants - especially  vitamin C and  E protect  cells  damage  caused  by  unstable molecules  called  free radicals .

 Medical Uses :-

 Ibn Qayyam mentioned  that talbiah  has  the  same  benefits of barley water but  it is even  better . He  said  that it has  a  cleansing  action  and  provides  subtle  nourishment. The  talbinah broth  according  to this great  scholar  and  physician  of Islam  clears any bilious , phlegmy  humours  that collect  in the  stomach  and puts  it at rest .
 In modern times  many discoveries  have  been  made about  this  prophetic  remedy  of barley . It is  now known  that the  starch  contained  in barley  is especially  useful  for its  emollient  {softener } absorbent , anti  anti- inflammatory  and antiseptic  properties  making it beneficial  in smoothing  the  intestinal  mucosa  and highly  recommended for  stomach   pain  or  irritation .
 B Vitamins are  involved ,in the  development  and  maintenance m of the  nervous  system  they produce  brain  chemicals  that affect the  mood and they  are  Deficiency  in B vitamins  has been linked  to depression .


 There  are many ways to utilise  barley.
* For  sadness, depression  or for general  well-being - drink  talbina  until health is regained .
To make  talbina; add 1-2 tablespoons  of 100% barley flour  to a cup  and a half of milk or water. Cook the  mixture  a low  heart for  roughly  5-10 minutes  or until  it reaches  the  consistency  of broth, then, drink. The talbina  can be  sweetened  with honey  for a better taste.
* For sore  throat-gargle  with barley  water .
* For  stomach  ache - drink two to three glasses  of barley water . 
* For  Diabetes , per- diabetes  or  constipation - include  barley as part of your regular  diet.
 Drink talbina  regularly , add  some  barley grains  to your favourite  stew , use  repiace  your  normal  bread  with barley  bread . 
 * For  Urinary  Tract  infection _ drink barley water several  times  a day , it flushes  out the  toxins  and  clears  the urine .
 * For help with cancer - make  barley a regular  part of your diet, in the from  of talbina , barley water, and as a whole  food in  atews , bread meals  etc.. deficiency  in selenium  can lead  to cancers  of the  skin  , stomach , colon , and  breast. Barley  is a  good source  of selenium  which improves the skins  elasticity  and  prevents  free radicals .
* For constipation  and  anaemia - mix  green  barley  powder  , Start with 1/2 teaspoons  once a day then increase  to  2-3 teaspoons with  water or juice  and drink , it green barley extract  can be  bought  in powder or  pill from in  specialised  stores . 
 Please read  the  instructions  carefully  before taking  nay  supplement.

 Though Barley is well tolerated  the following  cautions  are  to be  taken .
* Gluten  allergy -- barley should  be  avoided  by people  with  celiac  diseases  and gluten  intolerance .
* Type two Diabetes  who take  drugs  to lower blood  sugar  may need  to exercise  some  caution until the  proper  dosage  is  established .

 The  Truffe  is a fleshy  edible  fungus  that  grows ungrounded , no or  near the  roots  of trees. Its  color varies  from  shades  of white , gray  to black  and it is  recognized  by it  distinct  strong  aroma.
There are  many  different  types of  truffle, the white  variety  has a creamy  texture  and clean  taste  unlike  the black one which has an  earthy  flavour  similar to that of  mushrooms  and nuts  but  with a stronger  aroma. 
 In Europe  truffles  are  originally  sniffed  out  by pigs  due to the  aroma  they give  off which is similar  to  that of the sex hormone  found in boar saliva. Dogs  are also  trained  to sniff  them out as they  do not  eat the  truffle  upon finding them .

 Medical Uses :

 Truffles have  been a delicacy  since ancient  times. It is used  in soups  and  gravies  amongst  the  Arabs as well as being  boiled  in milk  or water  . The desert  Arabs  used  it as  a meat  substitute  and recipes  for them  can also be found  in the books of  the Romans and Greek.
 Truffles have a high nutritional  value  such that a sample  of desert  truffle  from  Saudi  Arabia  was founded  to contain 27.2% protein , 7.4 % fat , 28 %  carbohydrates ,13.2% crude  fibre  and  5.1 %ascorbic  acid . High amounts of  K and P And All  essential  amino  acids  were  present in  fair amounts , thus making  it a great source for  energy as  suggested  by Ibn Sinaa.

 Application :_ The water from the Truffle  is extracted  and  the  eye is  anointed  with it . The method  of extracting  water  from  a  truffle is as  follows.

* Carve  a hole  into  the top  of the truffle  as you  would when coring  an apple { making  sure not to pierce  the bottom  so that the water can be  collected }
* place  the truffle  onto a safe heat  source with  no flames  such as hot coal or embers .
*  Leave  it to  heat  for  about  5 to  10  mins  or  until you see the water collecting  at the bottom.
* Extract  the water  using  a  sterilised  syringe  and  preserve .
 Senna  is  a shrub  that  grows  to  about  1  meter  in  height  and is  found  in hot  and  humid  climates . It has  yellow  flowers  and  papery  pods  which  contain  six  to eight  seeds  in them . It grows  in  Western  Arabia  { Al- Hijaaz} and  is  harvested  in  countries  like  India  and Pakistan .. Originally  it was  the  Muslim  who  introduced  Senna  to  European  Medicine  in the  9th or  10th  century. 

 Medical Uses:

 According  to  Ibn  Al- Qayyim , other  than  being  a  laxative , senna  relaxes  the muscle  and  improves  the  hair , it also helps  against  lice ,  headache , rash and  epilepsy .
 Senna  can be used  for the  hair in the same  way that Henna is  applied . The  difference  is senna does not  color the hair  like  Henna. It makes  the  hair  thick  and glossy  and improves the health of  the  scalp.
 Today  the leaves  and  pods  of the  senna  plant  are  important  ingredients  of laxatives  sold  in most  pharmacies . It is  a  recognized  cure  for  constipation  which beings  to work 10 - 12  hours  after ingestion . It detoxes  the body and cleanses  the colon .
 Shihab Al-Babry  Yassin a  researcher  in  Egypt  complied  a  chemical  analysis  proving  the  advantages  of senna . In  it he  shows  how  senna  s cured  a patient  who had  bacteria  in the stomach  that was  preventing  iron  absorption  in his body. He was treated  with cupping  and senna  as a  detox  to  cleanse  his stomach and  colon . For further  reading  please   refer  to his book, Medicating  with  Senna , Aprophetic way of life .

 Application :-

 For  constipation - Boil a  desert  spoonful of Senna leaves  with two glasses of water  and  brew  for  about  10 to 15 minutes  or  until it is  reduced  by half. Strain  the  leaves and  drink the  liquid  before  going to sleep.
 For  conditioning  the hair- mix  some  Senna leaf powder  with  warm water until it becomes  a  paste  Apply  the paste  to the  hair  and  leave in for about  10 to 15 minutes  before  washing  off.


 The siwak  is  the  Arabic  word  for the  twigs  of the  Salvadora  Persica  also known as  Arak  tree or  peelu tree , and  is commonly  referred  to  as miswaak  in the west .
 The siwaak  is a natural  toothbrush  and  dental  floss . It comes  from the Arak which is a small  tree that grows up to 3 meters  high its leaves  are small , thick  and  oval  in shape  and its  smell resemble  that of  mustard . It grows  in hot  climates  such as  Saudi  Arabia , Yemen , Egypt , and  the other  Equatorial  countries . Its twigs  are usually  cut to a hand  span in length  and of  medium  thickness . When  siwaak  twigs  are  not  available , twigs  from  the  olive  tree or palm  leaf stalks  are used .

 Medical uses :-

 In  1988 a  comprehensive  survey  carried  out  on several  thousand   Saudi  school  children  reported  that  the low  incidence  of  periodontal diseases  recorded , was linked  to the  practice  of using  siwaak for oral hygiene .Among  the factors  being that siwaak contains  tannin  which helps  to strengthen  the gums .
 The wrigley  company  carried  out  a study  which  was  published  in the  journal  of Agricultural  and  food  Chemistry . In the study  mints  laced  with miswaak  extract  were  found to be  20 times more effective in killing  bacteria  in comparison  to  ordinary   mints . After half  an hour  the mints laced  with miswaak extract  killed  60 % of the bacteria  benefit of siwaak  has been  confirmed  in the journal  Oral  medicine  and  dentistry  where Dr. James  Turner , of the  Faculty  of medicine  in the  Miswaak  of the arack  tree  contains substances  of which are  sulphul  and  sitosterol  B {or B-Sitosterol}, as  well as  sodium . 
 Many studies  have been   carried  out on the  siwaak  attesting  to the  truth that the  Messenger of Allah peace be upon Him spoke  when he said   that the  siwaak  is purifying  for  the mouth .
 The mouth diseases  department  of  Cairo  University , the king Saudi  University, The US National Library of Medical  Service  and  others  have  documented  their findings . However  for the  sake of  brevity  we will only  mention  some  of the  established benefits  of the Miswaak .
* Due  to its known antibacterial  qualities  siwaak is  very good for killing  bacteria  build up in the mouth .
* it's  soft fibres  are  gentle  on the teeth and  gums unlike the  bristles  on  brushes  and yet they remove  the food and  stains  from  the  teeth very well .
* The fact that its  bristles  are  parallel   to the  handle  instead  of  perpendicular , enables  better cleaning  between  the teeth.
* Stops  bleeding  and  purifies  the gums .
* Fights  gum diseases .
* Creates a pleasant  smell  in the mouth .
 * Removes bad breath and  odour from  the  mouth .
* And  fights  plaque  effectively .

 Thanks  a lot  For  reading , if you got something  benefits  from this  poste , please  comment  and share with your friends . Thanks again .

Thursday, November 5, 2020

10 Amazing Medicinal Plant And Use

 10 Amazing  Medicinal  Plant And Use.

  Allium Sativum:

 Originally  from Central  Asia , garlic  Grows  everywhere  it is  cultivated  by dividing  the  bulb. Aly  appreciated  in cooking  is grown for commercial  purpose .

 Description Of the plant :

 Garlic is  the medicinal plant  par  excellence . It is safe  for  domestic  use  and  is  effective  in treating  a  multitude  of health  problems  it fights  infections  of the nose , throat  and bronchi , reduces  the rate  of  cholesterol  and soothes circulatory  disorders, such as  hypertension  Hypoglycemic ,  garlic is  a valuable  dietary  supplement  for  diabetics .

 Curative Action :

 Before   the invention  of antibiotics  1 garlic  treated  all kinds of diseases , from tuberculosis  to typhoid  it was also used  to heal wounds  during  the First world war .

   Garlic  is excellent  for  bronchial  infection  and  rids  the body  of  intestinal  parasites .

 Garlic heals  diseases  of the  digestive  system  it  rids  the body  of intestinal parasites.

 Circulation :- Garlic  prevents  circulatory  disorders  and prevents  their  development by  thinning   the blood  . It reduces  cholesterol  leaves .
 Other Uses:-  Garlic  works  against  infection , it  enhances  the  action  of  chemical  antibiotics  and avoids  side  effects reducing  blood  glucose , garlic  can  help  patients  with fifty diabetes .

 Use:-  Garlic  syrup : Against  cough, take  a  c to  c  every 3  hours .

   Garlic  cloves chopped : use  regularly  in the  kitchen  to reduce  cholesterol  and  strengthen  the immune  system.

 Aloe  vulgaris : 

 History and Use :

 Aloe vera is a  miracle  plant  for universal  health  and  little  disease resists it . It is an  ornamental  and  medicinal  plant  of 80 cm  tall stemless  belonging  to the family  Asphodelaceae . It is  native to  southern  Europe , of  North  and  South  Africa , but  today  it  grows  on all  continents , everywhere  in Africa  and  multiples  itself .

 Description  Of the plant :-

 There  are several  species  of aloe  but  the  best known is aloe vera  whose juice has  enormous  nutritional  and medicinal  properties . The juice  or gel  or  pulp  juice  of this  plant  is a  panacea . 
 Stimulates  immune  defenses , is an antibiotic , anti inflammatory , healing , laxative  and purifying  It  helps  eliminate  toxins , cleans  the  cluttered  organs [ kidneys , liver , lungs] It  relieves  stomach  cramps  and ailments  Aloe  juice  is  recommended  in cases  of diabetes , allergies ,  constipition , heart  problems . Also   the fresh gel  of aloe  is very rich in  micronutrients : vitamins  {A ,B, C and E} and  mineral  salts { phosphorus ,  potassium ,  calcium ,  chlorine  , iron , zinc  etc} Wherever  you are , plants  aloe vera  and you will  not  regret  your  gesture  if you  know how to collect  it juice  and how to  make  good use  of it .  Just  put it  underground  as we  plant   pineapple  or  in pot  and  water it  a few  gays  and nature  will do the rest. Aloe is today, one  of the best - selling  plants  in the world .

 Curative  Action :-

 Cut only the leaves  of aloe  you need take  a leaf  at the  base  of the plant  then  cut  a small  piece  that you can  throw , let flow  green  aloin  that is useless   for  2 to 3  minutes  Cut  the slices  you need , remove  the ends  with thorns , Cut the  slices  widthwise  and  collect  the aloe vera  gel . Therefore  collect  in the green  parts . the clear  pulp with actions  curative  both  min internal  use  and  external  use   it is very  simple . But  conversation  is difficult  and must  consume  everything  and  renew  the  operation  after .

  A beauty  product  :

 Aloe  has  been used  for  centuries  as a skin  lotion . It is  said  that Cleopatra  owed  her  beauty to this  plant .

  A  western  remedy : 

 In the west . aloe  because  popular  in the  1950s,  after the  discovery  of its  healing  properties  and ,  more  specifically , its  effectiveness  against  burns  due  to  radiation . 

 First  Aid :

 Aloe is an   excellent  home  remedy  for burns ,  abrasions  and  sunburns  Aloe gel  applied  to the  affected  area  is soothing  it can  relieve some  of the  pain varicose  pain .

 Dermatology :-

 The  gel  with the  astringent  and  soothing  effect, treats  all skin  types.
  Gel  freezes  stomach  ulcers .

 Laxative  Properties :-

 The bitter liquid  of the leaves  { aloe Juice } is  yellowish  in color  and contains  anthraquinones , which are  very laxative . These  substance  cause  the  contractions  of the colon ,  which then  facilitate  the  intestinal  transit , this plant  stimulates  digestion  by its bitter  properties  in larger  doses , the juice   of aloe  is laxative  and  purgative .

 Uses :-

 Skip the  frost  injury . 
 Put a  few grams  of resin  in water  and  allow  to dilute  Drink  a small  glass in the middle  of meals  every other day for two  weeks  Resin  may irritate  delicate  stomach .

 Dilute  two to three tablespoon  of the gel  or  pulp  juice  in a glass of water or fruit juice  and  drink 2 to 3  times  a day or  simply  eat the pulp.


 Alpinia  Officinarum.

 History  And  Use.- 

  Galangan  is a plant  native to  Asia  from the same  family  as  ginger  and  is used  traditionally  to stimulate  appetite  fight  against  nausea ,  reduce  rheumatic  pain  or  osteoarthritis ,  stomachic  and  stimulating .

 Description of the plant :-

 Galangan  is an  antiemetic , it has  antitumor  and  anti- inflammatory  activity , it is a  chemo-protector , it is also recognized  as an  antiviral .

 Curative  Action :

 Galangan  is used  as a general  stimulant  of  digestion  and  appetite , it helps  to  fight  against  nausea , stomach  ache ,spasms , flatulence . It also  fights  infections  of the  throat  is a remedy facilitating  gastric  digestion  an anti-inflammatory , an expectorant and  a tonic , It treats  hiccups  dyspepsia , upset  stomach , rheumatoid  arthritis  and fever  attacks .
 Use :-  Powders, essential  oil, herbal  teas,  capsules ,  decoction .

 Ammi Visnaga :

 HISTORY AND USE:-  North  African  nth  the  khella  grows will in the  Middle  East and  other Mediterranean  countries  and has  also  become  acclimatized  in Australia  And  South  America . the seeds are  enclosed  in tiny  fruits  which, before  being completely  ripe , are translated  at the  end of the  summer .

 Description Of the plant :-

 The khella   aromatic  plant  with bitter taste , has more  therapeutic  than culinary  virtues . It is an effective  muscle  relaxant . It has been  used  for centuries  to relieve  the pain caused  by kidney  stones .  Kellin , a substance  that is  effective  against  apasm  and used  in  asthma   medication .

 Curative  Action:-

 Khella  is a traditional  Egyptian  remedy  for  eliminating  kidney  stones  by relaxing  the muscles  of the  ureter , it reduces  the pain caused  by the  calculus  and  fosters  evacuation . 


 This  plant is  present  in case  of  asthma , because  it is not   dangerous , even for  children . it is generally  not very  effective  during  crises , it  nevertheless  decreases  the frequency .

 Other  respiratory  Diseases :-

 Khella  is very effective  against  various  respiratory  disorders [ bronchitis , emphysema and  whooping  cough]

 Dental Hygiene:

 In  Spain , Andalusians  once washed  their teeth with  the seeds  of the plant .


 Warning : do not  use  without  medical advice  long- terms, use  causes nausea ,  migraines and  insomnia  Plant  subject to legal  restrictions in   some  countries .

 In  infusion , this plant  relieves  asthma,  bronchitis  and kidney  stones .
 Powder is  present  to  treat  angina.

 It is a  tree  native  to  tropical  America and  introduced  in all  tropical  countries . In traditional   medicine , we use  a  maceration  of fresh bark in  water against  stomach pain .

 Description  of the plant:-

 It  is a tree  8 to  10 meters  high with side branches  down to the  ground, oval  and  rounded  leaves  are 12 cm  long  and  10 cm  wide. Fruit or cashew  nuts hangs  at the end  of a fleshy  peduncle called "cashew  nuts are the subject  of  a major international  trade.

 Curative  Action :-

 The bark  extract  administered  orally  has been  shown  to be  hypoglycemic : the effect states  10 to 20  minutes  after ingestion  reaches  its maximum  efficiency  in 60 to 90 minutes  and persists  after  3  hours > the  antihypertensive  properties  of the bark  extract  have been verified  in rate  and  monkeys . The action  is due  to  peripheral  vasodilatation  20 ml  of a  maceration  in water  of 1 g  of bark Western  anacardium  determine  a mean  fall in monkeys of 3.7mm Hg. The action  lasts  more than  bark  10 hours . Finally , the tannins isolated  from the bark  of  Western  Anacardium  showed  an anti - inflammatory  action . In the rat  by the  oral and  intraperitoneal   route , and  the essential  oil from the  leaves  has  a  depressive  action of the  central nervous  system  comparable  to that of  a  tranquilizer .


 Macerate  10 g  of  bark powder  in 200 ml  of water  and  drink  20 ml  of this solution twice  a day.  check  blood  pressure  and blood  glucose.

 Wild celery  is found on the  coasts  and  in the  swamps  of Western  Europe . it is grown  as a winter  vegetable . sown in the  spring  and harvested  in the middle  of the summer . Until autumn .

 Description  Of the plant :-

 More commonly  used  as  vegetables  than as  medicines  , celery  branches  and seeds treat unary  disorders,  rheumatism  or  arthritis  Diuretic, celery  helps  cleanse  the body  by  eliminating  toxins its  seeds effectively  suppress  gases  bowel  movements and  air  refreshing .  They relieve abdominal  pain associated  with bloating . 

 Curative  Action :-

 An ancient use :- Celery  has been  cultivated  for at least  3,000 years, especially  in  ancient  Egypt . In 5th  century  BC, the Chinese  knew  this  plant  already . In the course  of history , celen  has always  been  consumed  as a  food and  at various  times  the  entire  plant  and  seeds  have been  used for medicinal  purposes.

 Depurative Properties :

 Today , seeds are used   to treat  gout  and  certain  rheumatism .  They rid  the  kidneys  of their  waste and  reduce  the  acidity  of the body . The seeds  also treat arthritis  in  detoxifying  the body and  improving  blood  circulation  in muscles  and joints .

 A diuretic  agent :- Celen  seeds  have  a mild  diuretic action  and a  great antiseptic  effect  Effective  against  cystitis , they disinfect  the  bladder  and unary  channels .

 Celen  juice  mixes  and  carrot  juice  help  combat many  chronic  diseases .

 Other use :- 
 Celen  seeds  treat lung  diseases , such as  asthma  and  bronchitis , and  together  with other  plants  reduce  hypertension .


 Seeds  infusion  to treat  gout  and  arthritis ,  drink  a  cup  with 1.5 g. of seeds  every day. 

  Tincture  of seeds  Against  rheumatism  take  30 drops 3 times  a day .

 Powder seeds  to cure  arthritis  add a teaspoon  every day to food.

 History  and  Use:

 Originating  from  Europe  and Asia ,  burdock  now  grows  in all  the  temperate  zones of the  world . It is  grown  in Europe  and  China  by  sowing  in the  spring . the seeds  are  harvested  in summer  and  the whole  plant is  harvested . Picked  in the warmest  of summer . 

  Description of the Plant :-

   Bardane  occupied  a  preponderant  place  in the category  of  depurative  plants . It is used  to cure  the ailments  due to overload  of  toxins , such as angina . The  burdock  also treats  chronic  dermatological  problems , its  seeds  rid the body of  of its  waste and  it also seems that the  root facilitates  the  removal  of heavy  metals .

  Curative  Action :-

 Burdock was a  traditional  remedy  for  treating  febrile  states , kidney  stones  and gout .

 Purifying  Plant :-
 Burdock ids considered  a purifying  plant, the seeds  help flush  out  toxins  during  bouts  of fever or  diseases  such as  mumps  or measles . waste  during  chronic  dermatological  problems  or  arthritis .

 Dermatology :-   Diuretic  properties ,  antibiotics  burdock  treat  skin  problems ,  especially  in cases  where the  accumulation  of toxins  is a  factor  in the  development  of the disease  {acne boils, abscess, eczema ,  and  psoriasis. }

 Uses :-

 Seeds  infusion  use as a lotion  for acne  and  boils .  the decoction of root ids also  used  for  arthritis  and skin problems , Drink  350ml  once a day for 4 weeks  maximum.

 History  and Use :

 Absinthium is a  plant  native to Europe , mow  growing  in central  Asia  and the  east  coast  of the US it is  also grown  in all  temperate  regions , planted  in   spring , then  separates  the  roots in autumn .

  Description  of the plant :-

 Absinthium  is  one of the  bitterest  plants ,  absinthium means  without  sweetness . This plant has  a  powerful tonic  effect  on the  digestive  system  especially  in the stomach  and gall  bladder. The plant  contributes  to its  therapeutic  effect, when it is  absorbed  in small doses . In the  old  days  absinthe  was one of the  principle  aromatic  of  vermouth .

  Curative  Action :

 Digestive stimulant :-  By stimulating  the production  of gastric  juice and  bile , wormwood  improve  the  digestion  and  absorption  of  food and  also eliminates flatulence  and  bloating . It helps  the body  regain  its vitality   after a long  illness.

 Vermifuge :-  Absinthe  is a traditional  remedy for  eliminating  worms , as  evidenced  by its name  in English , which means  kills - worms , but  it is  moderately  effective .

 Insecticide :-  Absinthe  is also  an excellent  insecticide  and  effective  mosquito repellent . 
 Other Use :- The anti- inflammatory  effect  of wormwood allows  prescribed  as an  anti-depressant 

 Uses :-

 Taken as an  infusion , absinthe  is used  to fight  against  fatigue  or as  part of a convalescence . 
 This plant  can be  absorbed  in case  of  intestinal  worms { roundworms or pinworms }.
  It decreases  digestive  disorders, bloating  and  flatulence.

 Antiseptic :- In  decoction , wormwood will be  applied  with a compress  on a wound or an insect  bite  and  it is also used  in hot  poultices.

 History  And Use :

 Astragalus , native to  Mongolia  and  China , is  cultivated  by sowing , in spring  or autumn  preferring sandy  soils  and  well irrigated , the  astragalus  requires  a sunny  exposure . 

 Description   Of the Plant :-

 In China  Astragalus  is one of the  most popular  tonic herbs ,but   it is still poorly known  in the West , because  the Chinese   use  the root  of  astragalus  as a tonic particularly  suitable  for young people  and  people  active  because  it promotes  endurance  and  increase  the body's resistance  to cold, and  is  often  combined  with other plants  to tone the  blood. 

 Curative  Action :-

 Tonic Plant :- Astragalus  is a classic  energetic  tonic , perhaps  even superior to ginseng  in young  people . It warms  and tones  and  the protective  energy  that flows  through the body skin , helping  the body to better adapt  to  external  influences , especially  cold it increases  the immune resistance.

 Regulator Secretions :-

 Being  a vasodilator,  the  astragalus  reduces  excessive  sweating .  The plant  is also effective against water retention  and quenching  thirst It allows  the body to work well .

 Stimulates the defenses  of the body :- As  a result , the  astragalus  is a very useful  remedy for viral infection  such as   a simple  cold .

  Other  Use ;- The astragalus  cares  for  prolapsed  organs , including  the  uterus, and  is effective in case  of  bleeding . it is  often  associated  with  Chinese  medicine  to tone  blood and  treat anemia.


 The root is a traditional  tonic  in china , increasing  the energy  rate and  allowing  the  body to resist the  cold .

 History And Use :

 Native to Europe , Western  Asia  and  North Africa,  Belladonna  is now  grown everywhere . This plant prefers  chalky  soil., woodland  and  uncultivated  land . Its leaves  are  harvested  in summer  and  its roots  are  from  the first year, in autumn .

 Description  of the plant :

 Belladonna  is a very poisonous  plant , which must  be  used  with  care  under  medical  supervision. The classic  medicine  exploits  some  of its  constituents , for  example  to  cause  the dilation  of the  pupils before  examining  the eyes  in herbal  medicine , belladonna is prescribed  to relieve  intestinal  colic  and to treat  stomach  ulcers. 

 Curative  Action:-

 Caption :-  It was once  believed  that witches  flew  with belladonna. this  plant owes its  name  of belladonna { beautiful lady} to the  fact  that  Italians  used  it to dilate  their pupils  and  look like  this  more attractive .

 Relaxing :-  We present  the belladonna  to relax  the  contracted  organs  and  relieve  colic  intestinal  pain  .It helps  gastric  ulcers  by reducing  the production  of acidity  and  reduces   the spasms  of the unary system .
 Parkinson's  disease :-  As  part   of  Parkinson's  disease , that plant  reduces  tremors , rigidity  and  improves  speech and  mobility .

 Anesthetic:- Adopted  as  anesthetic  by  traditional medicine  because  of its  relaxing  action on muscles , it also serves  to reduce intestinal  or bronchial  secretions . 


 Tincture : made from the  leaves  or root , is  a  powerful  and  effective  relaxing  medicines  prescribe  it to  relieve colic and  treat Parkinson's disease.



History And Use:-

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Amazing 06 Medicinal Plants And Use

Amazing  06 Medicinal Plants  And  Use.

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 Acacia Nilotica 

  History And Use.

 The leaves  and barks  are  used  for  toothache , the  fruits  are very  rich  in  tannins  and are  used to tan  the skin  or  as an  antidiarrheal .

 Description  of the Plant :

 It is a tree  10 to 12  meters  high . The top  gives  a  rounded  appearance . The leaves  are composed  and  appear  in the rainy  season  . The flowers from  small yellow  balls  at the end  of the  axis  the fruits  are  gray  and  whitish  pods containing  the seeds.

  Curative  Action :

 Dysentery  is the major  indication  of this  species,  and it is  especially  the fruits  with the richness  of gallic tannin  exceeding  200% which are  used  in powder  from . The fruits  of Acacia  nilotica  and the  tannins  they contain  have the property  of destroying  the  algae  that invade  the  backwaters.

 Similarly , a  decoction  of the  sprayed  fruit thrown into the water kills the  crustacea  vectors  of a  terrible  African  disease , bilharziasis . The Gallic acid  phenolic  hydroxy  gallic tannins  seem  to be  responsible  for these  actions . The gallic tannins  seem more  harmless  to fish  than the saponosides of other  plants  used   for the  same  purpose .


 Diarrhea- Take  a pinch  of the fruit  powder  without  the  seeds,  5 grams  in case of  diarrhea. Rest every hour according  to  the  evolution of pain .
Bilharzia :- Make  a concentrated  solution  of  tannins  in  boiling  water from  the fruits, add this water to  the marigot  containing  the crustaceans that carry the disease .

 Achillea  Millefolium 

 The Millefolium  is a  plant  origin  from   Europe  whose  healing  properties  have  been known  for a long  time . The yarrow  was used to  stop  the  bleeding  caused  by war wounds . Active against  the  high fever  it also   treats  the common  cold  and  the flu , it is also used in  case of problems  related  to menstruation  and  circulatory  disorder .

 Description of The plant .

 Yarrow  is a  perennial pant  of the family  Asteraceae  growing in  temperate  zones  of  sevsral continents  { Europe , Asia , South America }. A plant  with a little  branched  stem , it is usually  60 to 80 cm. Some  specimens  can grow  up  to two meters, stems  are   covered  with woolly , whitish hairs ,  elongated  leaves  of yarrow  are dark green ,  petiolate  at base, flowering  occurs  between june and  September : flower heads yarrow  are  white, pink or purple  and have  white -yellow  to yellow florets  in their hearts .

 Curative action :

 Internal use :- Anti -spasmobic  and  decongestant : yarrow  helps  relieve  digestive  disorders , but also  menstrual  pain .
 Peptic : it helps  digestion  and  heals dyspepsia .
 Emmenagogue : the  plant  stimulates  blood  flow to the  pelvic region  and the  uterus .

 External Use :-

 Healing  and  coagulation : Applied  as a  compress  yarrow  helps  stop  bleeding  and  helps  to heal  wounds . Anti-inflammatory : the  plant  relieves  skin inflammation .
  Antispasmodic : used in sitz  bath it relieves  menstrual pain .
 Antiseptic : Yarrow  helps  to prevent infections.


 To treat loss of  appetite, digestive  disorders  and  menstrual  pain, yarrow  is  consumed  as an  infusion , at a rate  of one  to two  teaspoons  in 150 ml  of water , to be  taken  three times  per day , day between meals , liquid  extract [ 1 to 2 ml three times  a day ] or  mother  tincture [ 5ml in a  little  water or  fruit juice  three  times  a day] can also  be  used .
 In external  use, yarrow  is used in three different  ways : compresses from an  infusion  of one  to two  teaspoons  in 250 ml  of water, essential  oil diluted  in a  little  oil vegetable , in sitz  bath for menstrual  pain , with 100 g  of  dried  plants  infused  in a liter  of water  that is then diluted  in twenty liters  of hot  water .

 More  simply a  fresh   use , yarrow   leaf placed  in the  nostrils  will stop  nosebleeds , while chewed  poultice  leaves  are an  excellent anticoagulant .

 Acorus Calamus.

 Description  of the plant :

  Curative  Action:

 Traditional  And  Current  Uses : 


 Description  Of  The Plant :

 Curative  Action :

 Uses :

 History And  Use.

 Description  of the plant .

 Curative  Action . 


 History And  Use ;

  Description Of the Plant:

 Curative  ACTION : Internal Use :




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